I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 188: Onward to the Elf Nation and a Reunion

[Luna POV]

When I woke up the next morning, I was a bit upset.

‘Tch.  Day just had to come, didn’t it.’

{Now now Luna, you know it was inevitable.}

‘Just because it’s inevitable doesn’t mean I have to like it.’

I got up from the bed and got to my morning routine.

‘Anyway, how did you enjoy the movie before we completely forgot about it?’

{It was interesting.  I would like to see it again without getting distracted next time.}

‘Then we’ll try to do that.’

I left the room and went to were I left everyone last night to find the others already awake.

“Oh, seems I’m the late one today.” (Luna)

“You did wake up a bit later than normal.  Not that any of us blame you.” (Velvet)

“So, do you want to pick up a quest or something before heading out?” (Skadi)

“We can if you want to, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.  I mean it’s not like we’re strapped for cash and we’re all S-rank, so I think it would be a bit much if we took a normal quest that brought us to the Elf Nation.” (Luna)

“Luna, something you have to understand is that even if we’re not in need of money, quests serve other purposes.  Take me for example, I do them to stay occupied.  If I didn’t, I’d always be bored.” (Skadi)

“I see.  Any kind you’d recommend we take then?” (Luna)

“Well, we could take a transport quest.  It’s like an escort quest, but we don’t have to deal with guarding merchants the whole way.” (Skadi)

“Why not.  What about the rest of you, want to do it?” (Luna)

“Let’s do it nya.” (Mio)

“Anything Skadi says is good, I will also agree with.” (Ophidia)

“We’re in as well.” (Velvet)

“Then that’s settled.  Let’s head to the guild and find something.” (Luna)

We left the villa and went to the guild.  When we got there and headed to the quest board, the adventurers in front of us parted like the Red Sea.  We looked over the board for a few minutes until Mio picked up a quest.

“Found one that ends close to our destination nya.” (Mio)

She showed it to the rest of us and we agreed to take it.  We went up to the reception counter and I accepted the quest for us.  We then left the guild to go and pick up what we were transporting.  On the way there, we were discussing the particulars of the quest.

“So, it requires two parties, even if ours is what it is.” (Luna)

“I have a feeling I know who we will be traveling with.” (Velvet)

“Funny, I thought the same thing.” (Luna)

“Even so, are we going to use your space magic and inventory, Luna?” (Skadi)

“I mean, we can I guess, but I feel like it would kind of ruin the whole, keep us occupied thing.” (Luna)

“True.  I don’t even know why I suggested it.” (Skadi)

Before we could continue, we arrived at our destination.  Waiting there was a familiar party.

“Well, well, well.  Seems like we meet for a third time.” (Luna)

“Hahahahaha!  Indeed.  And it seems yer party grows every time as well.” (Jarl)

“My rank does as well.” (Luna)

“Yeah.  You passed me up already lass.” (Jarl)

“Anyway, how’ve you been, Jarl?” (Velvet)

“Good more or less.” (Jarl)

At that moment, Apollo came from around the wagon we’d be using for this quest.

“Jarl, is the other party-” (Apollo)

He stopped talking when he saw both me and Skadi.  I started to grin mischievously.

“Hey Apollo.  Long time no see.” (Luna)

“It has been a while indeed, Apollo.” (Skadi)

“*Sigh* Never expected this.  To think the two of you would be in the same party.” (Apollo)

“Fufufu.  It’s all good.  Not like we’re up to any trouble.” (Luna)

“Something wrong with that, Apollo?” (Jarl)

“Nah.  Don’t worry about it.” (Apollo)

“If you say so.  Anyway, to those who don’t know, name’s Jarl.  I lead this party.  We mostly take quests like this as well as escorting.  That there is Apollo, our archer and scout.  The other two that are off getting last minute prep done are Zan and Gief, they’ll be back shortly.” (Jarl)

“Then I’ll start.  I’m Soleil, little sister of Luna and an S-rank adventurer.” (Soleil)

“Ophidia.  Contracted to master Luna, and S-rank adventurer.” (Ophidia)

“Mio nya.  S-rank adventurer and Luna’s eternal friend nya.” (Mio)

“Skadi, S-rank adventurer and Ophidia’s partner.” (Skadi)

“You know me already, but Velvet, S-rank adventurer.” (Velvet)

“Might as well.  Luna Reed, S-rank adventurer.” (Luna)

Jarl was speechless and Apollo looked amused.

“Lass, you and everyone else is S-rank?” (Jarl)

“Yep, though Soleil and Ophidia only ranked up yesterday.” (Luna)

Jarl leaned back on the wagon.

“*Sigh*  You…*Sigh*” (Jarl)

“Hehe.  Calm down Jarl.  And you owe me money now.” (Apollo)

“Damn it I know that Apollo.  How much was it again?” (Jarl)

“100 gold.” (Apollo)

“Tch.  Guess I owe Zan and Gief as well.” (Jarl)

“Making bets are we?” (Luna)

“Geh.” (Jarl)

“Don’t feel bad, me and Velvet did the same.” (Luna)

“Hoh?  And what was yours?” (Apollo)

“If Jarl here was dwarven royalty.” (Luna)

“…” (Jarl)

“Pfft.  They got you Jarl.” (Apollo)

“Tch.” (Jarl)

“Here Velvet.” I said as I handed over some gold.

“Thinking back, we should have increased the amount.” (Velvet)

“Nah, this was enough.” (Luna)

“…” (Skadi)

“?” (Apollo)

“You’ve changed, Apollo.” (Skadi)

“I could say the same to you, Skadi.” (Apollo)

“Eh, being around Luna will do that.” (Skadi)

“Seems like it.” (Apollo)

“Oi, it’s not like I intentionally change people.” (Luna)

“!!!” (Zan)

“!!!!?!” (Gief)

“Oh, hello Zan, Gief.” (Luna)


“Seems like everyone’s here.  Let’s set off.” (Jarl)

We started on our way and once we were out of the city, I asked Jarl a question.

“So Jarl, you a prince?” (Luna)

“*Sigh* Yeah.  3rd prince to be exact.  Not in line for succession.” (Jarl)

“Makes sense.  Otherwise you probably wouldn’t be an adventurer.” (Luna)

“Nah, even then I would probably be.  Not like there isn’t a precedent for rulers or future rulers to be adventurers at some point in their lives.” (Jarl)

“*Sigh* Everyone is so free.” (Luna)

{Not like you have any right to criticize them, Luna.}

‘Never said I was.’

“By the way, do you know what’s up with Apollo and Skadi there?  Seems to me like there is or was something.” (Jarl)

“It’s not what you’re thinking.  They do know each other, but never were in that kind of relationship.  I just think they don’t know what to talk about with each other.  I mean, from what Skadi has told me, they haven’t seen each other in a long time.” (Luna)

“Huh.  Interesting.  Also, you seem different.  And I don’t mean that in the sense that you’re S-rank now.  I don’t know exactly what, but I can tell.” (Jarl)

“Eh, things happen, but exactly what, I won’t say.  Girl’s gotta have her secrets and all that.” (Luna)

“Haha.  Fair enough.” (Jarl)

I then left Jarl to go and stand next to Skadi and Apollo.

“And you two need something to talk about.  It’s no good to stay like this the entire time, you know.” (Luna)

“So then you know about me?” (Apollo)

“Yep.” (Luna)

“Did you tell her, Skadi?” (Apollo)

“Yep.  She’s one of us, so why wouldn’t I?” (Skadi)

“So I was right.  You became a demigod.” (Apollo)

“Indeed.  Four tails to go and I ascend.  And if you absolutely need to know, my wife will be Tamamo.” (Luna)

“I knew that much.  I could hear your conversations every time after all.” (Apollo)

My visible tail twitched at that.

“And why didn’t you tell me that, Tamamo?” (Luna)

{I was too engrossed in our conversations to notice.}

“Fair enough.  I was as well.” (Luna)

“And there they go again.” (Apollo)

“Eh, you get used to it.” (Skadi)

“Hey, don’t think you’re different, Skadi.  You and Ophidia do this a lot as well.” (Luna)

“Do we?  I didn’t think we did that much.” (Skadi)

“You do.  You just don’t notice it when you get lost in your own little world.  It’s a feeling I know well.” (Luna)

“So, you really did find someone before I did.” (Apollo)

“Heh.  That means I beat you once again, Apollo.” (Skadi)

“Tch.  I’ll one up you one of these days.” (Apollo)

I backed away as the two began to playfully argue.


{Got what you wanted, Luna?}

‘Yep.  Now I know how I can mess with Apollo.’

{Remember to keep it in moderation.}

‘I know, I won’t become a second Atmos.’

Like that, our group continued onward to the Elf Nation.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: I'm starting to think all of you think the only thing I've ever done is prank people.

Tamamo: So, you've finally figured it out?

Atmos: I'll accept a lot of things, Tamamo, but that is going too far.  I know I was bad in the past, but I haven't really gone on a pranking spree in a long time.  I mean sure, I spread a lot of stuff throughout dungeon chests, but that doesn't count.


Atmos: Don't stare at me like that.


Atmos: Look, Luna won't get affected by any of them again.  That chest and that sword were just coincidences.

Tamamo: If you promise that, then I'll let you off.

Atmos: I'll manipulate fate if I have to.

Tamamo: Fine then.

Atmos: *inner monologue* Luna, whatever you did with Tamamo, thank you for getting her in such a good mood.

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