I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 191: Arrival at the Elven Capital

[Luna POV]

A few days later, we came to the entrance to a forest with trees that would make redwoods look like saplings.  I could also feel the mana in the air become a bit more dense.  Not as dense as in a dungeon, but still noticeable.

‘To think the elven capital would be in a forest of world trees.’

{Ufufu.  Luna, these are still relatively small compared to where you’re going.}

‘Eh!?  But if that’s the case, how come-oh, magic.’


We crossed the treeline while having this conversation and it felt like entering a barrier.

“Anyone know how far into this place the capital is?” (Soleil)

“From what Tamamo said, we go until we see trees that are even bigger than these.” (Luna)

“They get even bigger!?” (Soleil)

“Apparently.” (Luna)

“Hehe.  Even though I haven’t been here in a really long time, I remember my first time coming here, I had the same reaction.” (Skadi)

“Are there any other places out there that are like this?” (Ophidia)

“Off the top of my head, a few of the older dwarven cities are just as impressive.  The difference is that they are underground.  But they have their own charm, especially the one that is built in giant crystals.” (Skadi)

“Ooh.  I’ve heard of that city nya.  Think we can go there one day nya?” (Mio)

“Sure.  I feel like all of us would love to see that.” (Luna)

We walked for a long time before the I noticed the trees start to get wider and taller.  Some of them even went above the clouds.  Seeing this made me excited to see what the city looked like.  Will it be like the usual fantasy setting for elves, or will it be something I wasn’t expecting?  My tails started to sway as I got more excited.

{Ufufu.  Luna, you seem really excited.}

‘Of course I am.  I’m visiting a new place.  I also have high expectations when it comes to places like this.’

{Then I can’t wait to see what you think when you finally see the city.}

A few more hours of walking later and I could no longer see the top of any trees.  I also started to notice signs of civilization aside from the road we were walking on.  Then a large wooden wall appeared in the distance.  Once we got closer, I started to notice more details.  It was a normal wall but the large doors on it looked like a work of art.  Seeing it made me want to make something just as impressive.  When we got to the foot of the wall, two guards were standing on wither side of the doors.  When they saw us walking up, one of them came up to us.  He was going to ask us something but when he saw Skadi, he clamed up a bit.

“S-Skadi the Abyssal Hunter?  To what does our city owe the pleasure of your visit?”

“There isn’t really any special reason.  I’m just here with my friends.  Luna, however does have some business to take care of.” (Skadi)

The guard turned to me.

“Yes, General Lia sent me a request to come here.” (Luna)

“Wait, Luna and in Luna Reed?  The daughter of General Deacon Reed and the person that was able to nearly beat the General in an archery contest!?”

“Yes that’s me and can you please not yell so loudly?” (Luna)

“My apologies, it’s just you’re kind of a hero to us that work under General Lia.  Anyway, I’ll show you the way to her, so if you follow me.”

“Thank you very much.” (Luna)

We started to follow the excited guard.  Once we were inside the city, I was immediately awestruck at the sight.  The buildings were a majority wood with some stone or brick here and there.  More buildings were built on low branches of trees and some even looked like they were built upside down.  Also, in tune with many fantasy settings, I could hear music coming from somewhere in the city.  My tails started to sway even faster the further we went into the city.

{Ufufufufu.  Should I change my place again to look like this a bit?}

‘No, I like the way it is now.’

{Alright.  Maybe some other time then.}

While we were walking, I started to feel gazes especially focused on my visible tail.  This was a metaphorical bucket of cold water being thrown on me.  My party members immediately noticed my change in mood.

“Luna, what happened?” (Velvet)

“I remembered what we were here for.  Plus, I feel them watching me.” (Luna)

“I think I get what you mean, big sis.  I can feel it too.” (Soleil)

“Same nya.  Is this what you feel all the time Lunya nya?” (Mio)

“More or less.  It’s just I can normally ignore it.” (Luna)

I was about to say more when we started to pass by a very large building that took up almost an entire tree.

“What is that place?” (Luna)

“Ah, that is the pride of the capital, the Academy, or Odin Academy to people from other countries.”

“I see.  What exactly is taught here?” (Luna)

“Anything really.  Name it and it’s probably taught here.”

“That’s kinda surprising.” (Soleil)

“If you plan on staying in the city for a while, I’m sure the General can give you a letter of introduction to check it out.”

“Then I’ll ask about that later.  Thanks.” (Luna)

“Think nothing of it, I’m just doing my job.”

We soon moved on again and I started to see fancier buildings built on taller, more robust trees.  After a bit, I saw the place the guard was leading us to.  It was a large mansion built around the trunk of one of the larger trees.  It was like a ring that surrounded the trunk.

“That’s an interesting design.” (Ophidia)

“Yeah, that is what a lot of older building looked like.  Over time things were either built over them or replaced altogether.  Only the General’s home, some of the Academy, and parts of the castle are still like that.”

“Interesting nya.” (Mio)

We walked up to the trunk of the tree and stepped inside a doorway that was at the base.  We started up a spiral staircase until what I assumed halfway up to the building.  The guard that was leading us then stopped and knocked on a part of the wall.  It opened up and an androgenous looking person that looked to be in their early twenties came out.  The guard explained what was going on and the other person turned their attention to us.

“I see.  Madam Lia has been expecting you, please follow me and I’ll bring you to her.”

We parted ways with the guard who started making his way back to the city gate.  We followed the person inside and along a hallway.  After several turns, we came to a large set of wooden double-doors.  The person knocked on one then started to open it.  They ushered us inside and then closed the door behind us.  Waiting inside was Lia.  She was sitting behind a desk with her head in her hands and a tired look on her face.

“Before anything else, I’m so sorry for this.” (Luna)

“Heh.  Don’t worry Luna, I don’t blame you for anything, it’s all on Cres.” (Lia)

Lia motioned for us to sit down, so we did.  She then moved over to sit in front of us.

“Seems like you’ve expanded your party a lot since we last met.” (Lia)

“Yeah, things happened.  I’ll tell you later if you want, but I need to know, where is Cres right now?” (Luna)

“I have him in a room close to this one where spirits like to stay in.  It’s the place that I’ve had to keep him in for the most part since if I don’t, he goes around and indoctrinates more people.” (Lia)

The both of us sighed.

“I’m sorry about that.  I truly am.  I’ll do what I can to either stop it completely and if I can’t do that, I’ll figure out how to give the ones that are too far gone a purpose so that they don’t get too out of hand.  Oh, and on a different note, I have another new spirit that you can contract with.  This one should be less trouble than Cres.” (Luna)

“What kind is it?” Lia asked as she perked up.

“A stellar spirit.  I’ll call it over now if you want.” (Luna)

“If you would.” (Lia)

I snapped my fingers and a small spirit summoning magic circle appeared.  I channeled some mana into it and a few seconds later, the stellar spirit appeared.

[You have called me, my goddess?]

“I’m fulfilling my promise to you.  The person sitting across from me is the contractor you wanted.” (Luna)

The stellar spirit turned around and looked at Lia.

[Ufufu.  Thank you, my goddess, the one you chose for me is very impressive.  The amount of contracts she has is large and she has high potential.]

I looked up at Lia to see her with a somewhat surprised face.

“Luna, this is one of the calmest spirits I have ever met.  The others that I’m contracted with are always high-energy and in a way, troublesome to deal with sometimes, Cres being the leading offender.” (Lia)

[I see.  You must have contracted with some interesting people then.  If you would like, I can act as a mediator for you.  And this Cres, who is he?]

“He is currently the only fluff spirit on this world and he’s been making a cult.” (Luna)

[I see. So he is another follower of my goddess.  It seems like he needs to be taught what it means to be a respectable spirit.  Please contract with me so that I may educate him.]

“Gladly.” (Lia)

Lia drew a contract magic circle and the stellar spirit walked into it.  It started to shine and the two of them went through the contract ritual.  The spirit was named Dia.

[Thank you, contractor, goddess.  If you excuse me, I will go and teach Cres now.]

Dia disappeared in a puff of stardust.  Shortly after that, I heard a deep voice yelling from another room before going quiet again.

“You wouldn’t think that was basically a newborn spirit, huh.” (Luna)

“I agree.  Honestly, even I haven’t seen a spirit that calm and collected before.” (Skadi)

“Luna, I feel like every time I meet with you, world altering things happen.  First, it’s a fluff spirit and now this.  Of course, I’m extremely thankful that you allowed me to do this.” (Lia)

“Haha.  That’s Luna for you.” (Velvet)

“Now, it’s getting late, so we can have a longer discussion tomorrow.  The one that led you here should have already prepared some rooms for you all.  Please rest for the night.” (Lia)

“Thank you very much.  See you tomorrow.” (Luna)

We got up and left the room and were led to the rooms that were prepared for us.

[3rd person POV]

At the same time within a somewhat dark room in the city.

“Brothers and sisters in fluff, I have called this meeting to discuss an important matter.  Today, a group of people arrived in the city and three of them have amazing fluff.”

Murmurs started to be heard from ever part of the room.

“Please quiet down.  I understand your excitement, but that was least important of the news.”

The noise immediately stopped.

“One member of that group in particular is one that we should bring in to lead us.  While I have no proof to base these assumptions on, I got the feeling that she is the pinnacle of fluff.  Upon seeing her fluffy tail and ears, I felt an instinctive draw to immerse myself.”

Another voice spoke up.

“How will we confirm this?  Do we wait for the great fluff spirit to come and inform us, or do we take matters into our own hands?”

Yet another voice spoke up.

“We should wait.  If we do something foolish and bring this supreme fluff here against her will, it could lead to bad things.”

“I agree with you, my sister in fluff, we shall wait for word from the great fluff spirit and move after that.  For now, stay at a distance and observe.”

“Then the decision is made, we wait and watch.  Of course, if you find an opportunity to assist the supreme fluff, do not hesitate, but do not be over eager.  I now declare this meeting adjourned.”

Chaos Realm:

Order: Payto, what's wrong?

Sorry, just remembering something I didn't want to.

Atmos: No, no more fluff spirits.

Order: Atmos as well?

Atmos: Payto, you are completely sure that Cres isn't affected by a small amount of chaos, right?

He isn't.

Atmos: Good.  We can calm down some then.  This'll be simple for Luna to deal with then.

*Sigh*  Good.  That's good.

Order: Payto, calm down.  I don't know what happened, but you're fine.

Thanks Order.

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