I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 194: May the Fluff be with Us

[Luna POV]

Leaving Lia’s home, I started wandering around the streets of the elven capital of Ygg.  Even though it was still relatively early, there were already many people moving about.  If I wanted to make it as easy as possible to find the people of my cult, I need to go to a densely populated area.  Following the flow of people, I found myself in a market of some kind.  Most of the things being sold were fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients.  I decided to go around and buy some things while I waited for the people of interest to take notice.

‘I hope this works.  I really don’t want to have to ask around for individual names.’

I moved on from the stalls selling ingredients and found some selling breakfast.  I bought myself something and went to sit by a fountain.  When I sat down and started to eat, I finally started to feel intense gazes focused on me.  I used my space magic to see everything and pinpointed the person that was staring at me.  Once that was done, I finished eating my meal, then teleported behind them.

“Shhh.  It’s rude to stare at people like that, you know.” I whispered in their ear.


“Shhhhhhhhhh.  Are you one that understands the meaning of fluff?” (Luna)

The elf in front of me froze up for a second before nodding their head in an ecstatic manner.

“I am.  The fluff has opened my eyes to the truth of the world.”

“Fufufu.  Then can I ask you to lead me to the rest of you?  For I have a revelation for you all.  If all of you aren’t in one place, then gather them.” (Luna)

The elf nods their head again.

“I understand.  Follow me, I will bring you to our meeting place then I shall gather the rest if us.”

The elf then led me through the city to a place that was in one of the medium sized trees.  We climbed the stairs all the way to a building built near the top of the tree.  Standing guard on either side of the doors were two more elves.  They looked at my guide and me with some confusion before my guide whispered to them.

“I have brought the one that was discussed last night.  It seems she too knows the truth.”

Both guard’s eyes widened and they stepped aside while opening the doors.  I was then led inside and asked to sit on a chair that could be considered a throne.

“To have something like this prepared already.” (Luna)

“The great fluff spirit made sure that we had a seat for the one considered the supreme fluff.  Now, I shall go and gather the rest of our brothers and sisters in fluff.”

The elf then left the room and the doors shut behind them.  Two hours later, the doors opened again and a group of 20 or so elves entered the room.  Upon seeing me sitting on the throne, a few of them fell to their knees with tears running down their faces.



I expected to be a bit creeped out by this, and I was, but I also wanted to play along a little bit.  It seems like my kitsune nature was getting too close to fully taking over.  I leaned my head on my hand and crossed my legs.  The fingers of my other hand were tapping on the armrest of the throne.

“Calm yourselves.” (Luna)

All of the elves immediately quieted down.

“I am not your supreme fluff.” I paused my words for dramatic effect.

Several of the elves gasped in shock making me smile and my eyes to glow brighter.

“I am more than that.”

I stood up from the throne and removed my necklace, revealing all six of my tails.

“I am the Abyssal Fluff.  The pinnacle of all you strive for.  I will ascend to godhood and become the goddess that hold Authority over fluff.”

Even more gasps of shock sounded and I think a few elves even passed out from excitement.  I ignored those and turned my attention to the elf that led the chant earlier.



“Yes.  Approach.”

I sat back down on the throne and the elf came closer.  Once he was four steps away, he knelt.

“I have heard that, in your attempts to spread the joy of fluff, you are seen as public nuisances.  Is that correct?”

“Yes, Abyssal One.  It seems the people of this country do not want to listen to the truth of this world.  While we do respect their wills, we also wish that they would listen.  Many of us that are in high positions in the country wish to do more, but we are held back by tradition and laws that prevent us from spreading our influence.  We-”

“Shhh.  I understand.  I also have a solution.  You wish to spread the good word of fluff and open the eyes of the world’s people, correct?  Then it is simple, make things.  Create products that improve things you consider fluffy.  Hair, tails, fur, if it’s fluffy, then make it more so.  If you want people to understand the true value of fluff, then make it so that they find it for themselves.” (Luna)

“I understand, Abyssal One, but what do we aim for?  Fluff changes depending on the individual.  How will we know we succeeded in creating something that will captivate the world of fluff?”

“Fufufu.  I will teach you.  You and the ones that lead alongside you, come closer.”

The elf in front of me as well as three others came closer.  I moved four of my tails over and touched their foreheads with them.  Almost instantly, their eyes started to lose their light and I oved my tails back.  The three that approached from earlier fell down and seemed unconscious.  The one that I was speaking with knelt once again, this time with even more tears running down his face.

“T-to be graced with such an honor.”

“I have given you the briefest of glimpses into the Abyss of fluff.  With that, you should know what you need to dedicate your lives to, yes?” (Luna)

“Indeed.  Though we may never reach that point, we will strive to make things that will bring us even a step closer.”

“Good.  No longer will you go around and preach of the fluff, you must show the world with your creations.” (Luna)

“Yes.  But how will you see our results?”

“Fufufu.  Worry not, upon my ascension, I will see.  At that time, fluff spirits will become more common as well.  Now, go, show me what you are capable of creating with your own hands.  And before you all leave, keep my identity hidden until I ascend.  I decided to grace all of you with my presence as I deemed you worthy to show the world the importance of fluff.  Now, may the Abyss, Moon, and Stars guide you on your path to ever fluffier heights.” (Luna)

I then disappeared along with the throne I was sitting on.  I reappeared in the room I stayed in at Lia’s mansion, my face crimson and burning.


{Ufufufufufufufufu.  Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  You were very impressive, Luna.  I think you succeeded in redirecting them to a path that will benefit the world.}

“Waaaaaaaaaa!  Tamamo!!!!!  I didn’t want you to see me like that!!!!!!”

{Hehehehehehe.  Luna, you know of a way to get me to forget, don’t you?}

I stopped.

“Fu.  Fufu.  Fuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  I do indeed.”

I quickly scribbled a note to whoever found it and teleported to my island.  I then set up a domain around the mansion and Tamamo appeared.  I jumped into her arms immediately and stole her lips.

“Time to forget everything else in the world, Tamamo.”

{That’s my line, Luna.}

Chaos Realm:

Order:  What was that near the end there?

Atmos: The result of Luna and Tamamo's kitsune nature influencing the other.  Now do you see why I'm a bit worried about it?

Order: A little bit.  I mean, I am a bit surprised, but this is still nothing compared to what In-chan got up to before.

Atmos: What exactly have you experienced before?

Order: Please don't ask.

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