I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 200: Confrontation with Tonya

[Luna POV]

We walked into the room and everyone looked over at me with confused looks.

“Um, big sis, who is that clinging to your tail like I used to when you were asleep?” (Soleil)

“Oh nya.  Tonya nya.” (Mio)

“Nya?  Nyapping friend Mio nya.” (Tonya)

Tonya reluctantly got off of my tail and went over to Mio.  She hopped up and sat in her lap and smiled before closing her eyes again.

“This is also good nya.” (Tonya)

Mio started patting her head and we all heard the sound of purring.

“Again, how and why are you here, Tonya?” (Luna)

“I came with my eternal friend and Mordred nya.  They’re on their honeymoon nya.  I felt the call of your tails and found you nya.” (Tonya)

“I see.  By the way, why are you different than what I remember?  You seem less…energetic maybe?” (Luna)

“Long story nya.  I’ll tell you later nya.  Just knyow that I am Tonya, Goddess of Sleep nya.” (Tonya)

“Ok.  But that still doesn’t answer how you are here.  Aren’t there rules that say you can’t?” (Luna)

“Special nya.  It’s easier to see into dreams of I’m nearer nya.” (Tonya)

“So you’re like Grey then.” (Luna)

“Mm…Lunya, we made a bet, remember nya?” (Tonya)

“I don’t remember all the details, but yeah.” (Luna)

“Want to get your part done nya?” (Tonya)

“Well, we did have other plans for the day, but I feel like this should take precedence.  If we don’t, I don’t know when we’ll get another chance.” (Luna)

“Mm.  I’ll make it quick then nya.” (Tonya)

“Oh?  You think you’ll win?” (Luna)

“Guaranteed nya.  Lunya is still only a demigod nya.  Don’t worry nya, I won’t hurt you nya.” (Tonya)

“Hehe.  Fine then, let’s see if you’re right about that.” (Luna)

“Skadi, do you have any idea what is going on or what just happened?” (Ophidia)

“Well, before we walked in here, Tonya appeared hugging onto Luna’s tail, then she moved to Mio’s lap, at some point in the past Luna and Tonya made some kind of bet and it seems Luna won, maybe, and now she’s going to fight Tonya since I assume that is what she wanted from that bet.” (Skadi)

“One thing wrong nya.  We tied in the bet nya.  Nyow, let’s go, I have a nyap in your tails to take nya.” (Tonya)

“Sure, where do you want to do this, I don’t know of any places to fight in this city.” (Luna)

“Why not go to the island?” (Velvet)

“Might as well.” (Luna)

“Let’s go nya.” (Tonya)

Tonya hopped off of Mio’s lap and back onto my tail.

“…” (Luna)

We then all teleported away to my island in front of the pyramid.  I set up a large domain just in case there was collateral damage.

“Ready?” (Luna)

Tonya let my tail go again and walked a bit away from me.  The others moved away as well so that they wouldn’t get in the way.  When Tonya stopped moving, she nodded to me.  Skadi then yelled out the start signal.  As I was about to move, Tonya let out a wave of magic that nearly put me to sleep.  When my status effect immunity kicked in, Tonya was gone and then I felt something hit me in several places and my vision went dark.

[Skadi POV]

The fight ended almost as soon as I gave the signal.  I could tell that Tonya used some magic since it discombobulated Luna enough for her to not notice Tonya get near her.  Tonya then struck Luna in several places with her fingers and tails and Luna fell forward, unconscious.


Before anyone said anything, Tamamo appeared and caught Luna before she hit the ground and went inside the mansion.


Tonya came up to us and started talking to Mio.

“Mio nya.  Let’s take a nap in Lunya’s tails nya.” (Tonya)

“I’d love to nya, but won’t it make me go mad nya?” (Mio)

“I’ll keep you sane nya.” (Tonya)

“Alright nya.  Let’s go nya.” (Mio)

“Now hold on just a second, how did you beat Luna so fast?” (Skadi)

Tonya tilted her head as she looked at me.

“That was slow nya.  I had to get close nya.  That magic was supposed to be my only move nya.  Had to hit her pressure points and put her to sleep nya.”  She then let out a yawn. “Sleepy nya.  Come on Mio nya.”

“Ok nya.” (Mio)

They both went inside.

“Velvet, am I dreaming, or did big sis actually lose a fight?” (Soleil)

“I’m not sure, Soleil, but if this is a dream, then we’re sharing it.” (Velvet)

“…” (Ophidia)

“*Sigh*” (Skadi)

Once the rest of us fully accepted what happened, we went inside as well.  We went to Luna’s room to find Tamamo sitting beside Luna on the bed and Tonya and a cat form Mio sleeping in Luna’s six tails.

“Is big sis hurt at all?” (Soleil)

{No, but she won’t wake up for a while.}

“You were watching as well, right?” (Skadi)

{I wouldn’t have been able to catch Luna otherwise.}

“Then do you know why that magic kinda worked on Luna?” (Skadi)

{Luna’s status effect immunity isn’t perfect.  She can be affected by statuses at the divine level.  The thing is, that’ll only work once then the skill will make it impossible for it to happen again.  That’s the same reason why she didn’t get drunk from that alcohol that made most of you drunk off the smell.  She got drunk from it one time and now it won’t work again.}

“I see.  So basically, if Luna had a rematch and Tonya tried the same tactics, Luna would last longer?” (Skadi)

{Tonya would have to use a different method to distract Luna, but it would end the same way, just not as fast.  That’s the difference between a god and a demigod.}

“Hmm.” (Skadi)

“I wonder if big sis will be upset when she wakes up.” (Soleil)

{Probably not.  We talked about a lot of stuff over the past two weeks, and one of them was Luna’s slight battle maniac tendencies.  The fight with the Demon Emperor and her little breakdown afterward has been on her mind this whole time and she noticed that it’s not a very good thing for her to be that way.  Thing is, she’s so strong that nothing could really give her that last push to drop that part of her.  Now that she lost a fight, she’ll probably give up fighting people unless absolutely necessary.  That doesn’t mean she won’t fight you, Skadi, but normal people are out.}

“If I’m completely honest, I don’t get why she needed to lose a fight to give up fighting people.” (Velvet)

{That’s just the way she is.}

Tamamo looked at Luna with a smile and brushed some hair out of her face.

{Luna is stubborn in strange places.  She doesn’t like changing how she is.  She knows that it’s not a good idea to fight people weaker than her since, in her mind, it counts as picking on the weak, but with the way she was raised, she liked the thrill of a fight.  She knew she needed to get rid of that mindset, but that’s where her stubbornness comes in.  Now that she’s lost a fight, she can justify getting rid of that part.}

“I never knew master was still struggling with that.” (Ophidia)

{She hid it well.}

“Why didn’t she share that with us though?” (Velvet)

{Because none of you could have helped with this problem.  While I don’t mean to offend, with the exception of Skadi, none of you would be able to win against Luna.  And even Skadi has a hard time if her previous fights with Luna are anything to go by.  And now that she has six tails, it would be even harder for Skadi to win.  In my opinion, it might have even had the opposite effect of Skadi was the one to fight Luna.}

“So, when do you think Luna will wake up?” (Skadi)

{Tomorrow at the latest.}

“Alright.  One final question.” (Skadi)


“Are you fine with that?” (Skadi)

Tamamo looked at Tonya and Mio and while her facial expression remained the same gentle one as always, one of her ears twitched in agitation.

{…Yes.  It’s something Luna agreed to in the past after all, so even if I wasn’t alright with it, I would respect Luna’s decision…Even if it makes me jealous.}

She said that last part quietly, but we all heard it.

{Anyway, I’ll stay here until she wakes up, so feel free to leave Luna to me.}

All of us nodded and started to leave the room.  I was the last one out and as I was closing the door, I saw Tamamo lay down next to Luna and hug her head to her chest and start stroking her head.  This made me want to try that with Ophidia and then my thoughts went to what happened a few days ago.  My face started to burn and I shut the door in a hurry.  I ran to the room that Luna let me have in this mansion and shut the door and my thoughts and heart raced.

Chaos Realm:

Fenrir: Atmos, is that really Skadi?

Atmos: Yes.

Fenrir: Also, who was that tall cat beastkin that was next to the vampire and red haired kitsune?

Atmos: That's Mio, Tamamo's third Apostle and Luna's eternal friend.

Fenrir: I see.

Atmos: *Grinning mischievously* Did she catch your eye?

Fenrir: Yes.

Atmos: Tch.  I forgot that you're no fun to mess with.

Fenrir: And where are the owners of this place?  I still haven't greeted them properly.

Atmos: They're taking care of the Goddess of Insanity's daughter while she is on her honeymoon.  They took her onto the ship they built to sail in the chaos outside.

Fenrir: That sounds like a bad idea.

Atmos: Eh, it'll be fine.

*Cut to the ship*

Order, is it normal for someone to be this addicted to sleep and headpats?

Order: I don't know, but I feel like I need to speak with In-chan about this.

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