[Luna POV]

While traveling in the direction we were told, we started running into a lot of animals and monsters.  We left them alone for the most part unless they attacked us.  After three days of keeping a normal pace, we started to notice the signs of a large monster.  Some of the smaller trees were knocked down and broken.  Others were crushed.  In the air, the smell of alcohol lingered and it got stronger the further we went north.

“I’m feeling dizzy.” (Soleil)

“Use your wind magic.” (Luna)

“Alright.  I’ll do the same for anyone who needs it.” (Soleil)

“Please.” (Velvet)

“Me too nya.” (Mio)

“Big sis?” (Soleil)

“I’m fine.” (Luna)

“Alright.” (Soleil)

Soleil used some wind magic to cover the three of their noses, mouths, and eyes.  We continued on, following the smell and destruction.  When we got to the spot where the smell was making my nose and eyes burn, we saw an absolutely giant three headed serpent.  It had primarily black scales with a dark blue underbelly.  It was coiled around a large tree and two of the head were trying to tear apart what looked like a deer.  I crouched down into the underbrush and the other’s flowed suit.

“That’s a lot bigger than I was thinking.  It’s even bigger than Ophidia.” (Luna)

“Yeah.  By the way Luna, are you ok?  Your eyes are really red.” (Velvet)

“I’m fine.  It just burns a bit, but nothing that will get in the way.” (Luna)

“I can use some wind magic on you if you want, big sis.  It won’t impact me too much.” (Soleil)

“I’m fine.  And if I wasn’t, I would put up a space barrier…why didn’t I do that in the beginning?” (Luna)



“*Mental cough* Anyway, how do we want to proceed with the killing of a giant alcoholic snake?” (Luna)

“Well, you’re going to try that…what did you call it?” (Velvet)

“Blade dancing.” (Luna)

“That.  I’ll do what I usually do with my own sword.  Soleil and Mio, what about the two of you?” (Velvet)

“Big sis, can I borrow a bow?  I know it won’t be very effective, but it could be used as a distraction.” (Soleil)

I nodded my head and pulled a bow and a quiver of arrows from my inventory.  I handed them to Soleil and she attached the quiver to her hip.

“I’ll protect Soleil and aim for a head with my magic nya.” (Mio)

We all nodded when we finished our strategy meeting.  We then moved into the monster-made clearing.  The d’yavol tron’s three heads turned to look at us simultaneously.  They started to hiss and venom started to drip from the fangs in one of the mouths.

“Soleil, get the arrows ready.” (Luna)

“Alright.” (Soleil)

The d’yavol tron uncoiled from the tree while never looking away from us.  As it started to slither toward us, I signaled Soleil to shoot.  She did and the arrow hit it on one of its heads and bounced off its scales.  This made it focus all its attention on Soleil.  This is when I made my move.  I held my sword in a reverse grip and started to move towards the monster.  One of its heads noticed this and it started to hiss again.  It struck at me quickly.  It was faster than the hydra back then, but still too slow to actually do anything to me.  I dodged with flowing movements.  I swung my sword and hit its neck, but my sword started to slide off the scales.  I jumped back with more dance-like movements.

‘Tch.  I didn’t put enough power into that.’

I continued to dodge the head’s strikes while adjusting my movements.  I hit the neck several more times, but only chipped the scales.

‘Gah!  Annoying.  Fighting like this doesn’t let me put the needed amount of force to actually cut it.  This isn’t going to work without magic assistance.’

I jumped back again before covering my body and sword in lightning.  I moved again and made it close to the monster before it could react and swung my sword again.  This time, my sword cut through the neck like a hot knife through butter.  When the severed head hit the ground, the ground shook.  I returned my attention to the other two heads to see that one of them was in combat with Velvet.

It was striking at her like the head I was fighting was and she dodged it with minimal movements while slashing at it with her sword.  After it struck at her again, she stabbed her sword into its neck, backed up a little while extending her sword and jumped over it causing her sword to wrap around the top of its neck.  When she landed, she slid underneath its neck before jumping over it one more time.  She then pulled her sword-turned-bladed whip taught.  The blades cut into the neck.  Velvet continued to pull until the blades cut into the neck enough to completely cut the head off.

I then turned my attention to Soleil and Mio.  Soleil was firing arrows in an attempt to hit the monster’s eyes while Mio defended her by drawing the monster’s attention away.  When Soleil ran out of arrows, she slung the bow over her back.

“Mio, we move to magic now.” (Soleil)

“Alright nya.” (Mio)

Mio backed off and stood next to Soleil.

“I’ll grab its attention, you find an opportunity and finish it.” (Soleil)

Mio nodded and they got to work.


Soleil used a shout and sprinted toward the monster.


She then used an incomplete unrelenting force shout on the ground which pushed her into the air above the monster.  While above the monster’s head, Soleil took in a deep breath.


A pillar of flames shot from Soleil’s mouth and started burning the monster.  It must secrete the alcohol from its body since it caught instantly.  Soleil then landed near Velvet.

“Mio, now!” (Soleil)

“Nyaha!” (Mio)

Mio was standing underneath the monster’s neck in the shadow it cast.  She raised her hands to the sky and a large blade of darkness rose from the ground and cut through the monster’s remaining neck like a reverse guillotine.  Mio then sunk into the shadows before appearing next to me and the head fell to the ground.

“Well, that went well.” (Luna)

“Indeed nya.  Though it looked like you had to resort to magic as well nya.” (Mio)

“Yeah.  Fighting like that doesn’t really allow you to put full force into your sword, so it managed to take a few unassisted hits.  Plus, its defense was surprisingly tough.” (Luna)

“Well, it WAS and S-rank monster.” (Velvet)

“That’s true.  Oh, Soleil, that was a great use of magic.  But you could improve when it comes to archery.” (Luna)

“I know, but I did actually get the archery skill this time, so I will only improve.” (Soleil)

“Good, since we’re in the Elf Nation, you can get all the pointers you could want from me, Lia, or any other elven friend you make that uses a bow.” (Luna)

“Hehe.  Indeed.” (Soleil)

Finishing our post-battle banter, we turned to look at the monster.  I pulled out several bottles from my inventory and held it under one of the neck stumps.  The bottles quickly filled with a clear liquid.

“Why?” (Velvet)

“This could be used in cooking.  I’m going to collect as much as I can.” (Luna)

“At least you’re not going for the venom.” (Soleil)

“Yeah no.  Not going to happen.  In fact, why don’t you go and cut out the venom sacks and burn them?” (Luna)

“Velvet, will you help me with that?” (Soleil)

“Sure.” (Velvet)

“Mio, please help me out with this.  If you run out of bottles, tell me and I’ll give you more.” (Luna)

“Got it nya.” (Mio)

We spent a few hours collecting as much of the alcohol as we could from the body before we started to dismantle it.  By the time we were done, it was close to midnight.  We all sat down with our backs against a fallen tree.

“That was tiring.  Why did this thing have to be so big?” (Velvet)

“…” (Luna)

“What’s up, big sis?” (Soleil)

“Just trying to figure out what I’m going to use the rest of it for.  The meat I can cook, but I don’t know what to do with the bones and other stuff.  I mean, I can give them to Blake so he could make stuff out of them, but I feel like I could put them to use as well, I just don’t know for what.” (Luna)

“I would say sell them nya, but we already have more money than we could ever use nya.” (Mio)

“*Sigh* I’ll leave it to future Luna to figure out.  Let’s rest for the rest of the night and then I’ll teleport us back in the morning.” (Luna)

“Sleep time nya.” (Mio)

Mio transformed into her nekomata form and jumped onto my tail.

“…” (Luna)

{Oi, Mio, that’s mine!}

“I’m…just keeping it…warm for you…Goddess Tamamo…nya.” (Mio)


“Did that really convince you Tamamo?” (Luna)

{What can I say?  I really enjoy your tails when they are warm.  It makes them more comfortable and fluffy.}

“…I…I don’t know how to respond to that.” (Luna)

I looked over to Velvet and Soleil to see them asleep leaning on each other.  I smiled and made a blanket appear over them from my inventory.

Chaos Realm:

Well, blade dancing looked nice, but it's not practical.

Order: Indeed.

Fenrir: I'm more impressed by the attack that actually worked.  Most people that have lightning magic just use it to smite or paralyze an opponent.  Hardly anyone can stand using it for movement.

Tamamo: That's right.  Isn't my Luna just the greatest?

Fenrir:...While I'm happy for you Tamamo, you're so different from how you used to be.

Tamamo: How so?

Fenrir: You seem...freer?  No, that's not it.  Um?

Atmos: Don't think about it too much, Fenrir.  This is how Tamamo has always been when around family.

Fenrir: Oh...Wait, when was I considered family?

Tamamo: Well, you like my Apostle and if she gets with you and marries you, you'll become my family, so why would I not treat you as such?

Fenrir: But we don't even know if Mio will like me or not.

Fenrir, at moments like this, it's best to just roll with it.

Fenrir: Oh, ok.

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