[Luna POV]

Night of the same day the mongrel showed up, Lia met up with us in the dining room.  The second she entered the room, she immediately noticed the terrible mood we all had.

“Do I even what to know what put all of you in such a bad mood?” (Lia)

“Have you ever had a person come up to you and blatantly say that they will make both you and your significant other their woman?” (Luna)

“…Isn’t that blasphemy of the highest order in your case?” (Lia)

“I think so.” (Luna)

“Who was it?” (Lia)

“What was that mongrel’s name again, Mio?” (Luna)

“Gilderoy the Collector nya.” (Mio)

“Wait, that thing is here?” (Lia)

“You’ve heard if it?” (Luna)

“Only stories.  Heard that some guy came here from the continent Daslandes Himmels some time ago and made it to S-rank status somehow.  And from what I heard, he isn’t the best kind of person.” (Lia)

Hearing this pissed me off even more.

“I can’t take it any more.  I’ll be back in just a second.” (Luna)

I got up and teleported to Grey’s office, grabbed him by the arm, and teleported back to Lia’s place.  I sat him down in a chair and we all started glaring at him.

“What did you do that for, Luna?  And why are all of you staring at me like that?” (Grey)

“Why?” (Luna)

“Why what?” (Grey)

“Why is a mongrel with the epithet of Collector an S-rank adventurer?” (Luna)

Grey deflated at my words.

“Damn it.  You met him?” (Grey)

“Clearly.” (Luna)

“*Sigh*  I didn’t want to make him one, but Atmos told me that it was necessary.  Honestly, that’s the only reason he hasn’t been smote.  You don’t understand how much that THING has pissed off many gods.  But he was necessary to make the fate of many places better.  And, while I absolutely hate to admit it, he’s a competent adventurer.” (Grey)

“Guess I need to drag Atmos here as well.” (Luna)

“Luna, that’s too much.” (Grey)

“Grey, he literally told me he would take me and MY Tamamo for himself.  I feel like I’m justified.” (Luna)

My expression must have been terrifying because everyone in the room backed away from me.

“Calm down, big sis.  We know that you’re angry, but still.” (Soleil)

I sat down and took a few shaky breaths before finally calming down a little.

“Grey, how bad of a crime does an S-rank need to commit before being stripped of S-rank status or adventurer status in general?” (Luna)

“Something that can lead to an international dispute, abundant lese majeste, murder, mass murder, or genocide, too much collateral damage.  These are a few of the worst offences.” (Grey)

“Out of all of those, the first two seem most likely to happen while it’s here.” (Luna)

“Indeed nya.  But I hope that when it happens nya, it won’t traumatize them nya.” (Mio)

“Yeah.” (Luna)

“Luna, when the time comes, come and get me.  I’ll revoke its status when judgment is made.” (Grey)

“You’ll do it personally?” (Luna)

“Yeah.  That thing has caused me problems as well.  You don’t get how many complaints I get from the guilds he visits.  I want get a little payback as well.” (Grey)

He got up from the chair and disappeared.

“Lia nya, you better be prepared nya.  Whenever that mongrel causes enough trouble nya, you’ll probably be called nya.” (Mio)

“*Sigh* I hear you loud and clear.” (Lia)

“Velvet, you’ve been really quiet, is something wrong?” (Luna)

“Huh?  Oh, no, it’s just, something seemed off about that thing.  It made me nauseous and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head.” (Velvet)

“Can you recall exactly what felt off?” (Soleil)

“He smelled like blood.  And a lot of it.  I know that sounds weird coming from a vampire, but even we have a limit.  Lia, you said he was from the other continent, right?” (Velvet)

“Yes.” (Lia)

“Has there been a war or something over there recently?” (Velvet)

“I think so.  I don’t know if it’s over or not though.” (Lia)

“Hmm.” (Velvet)

“Does anyone have more information on that continent?” (Luna)

We all looked at Mio.

“I don’t knyow much nya.  Me and my family came here when I was little nya, and they don’t talk about it much if at all nya.  My only real connection to that place is my accent nya.” (Mio)

“Well anyway, I think we all need to get some sleep to calm down.” (Luna)

All of us got up and went to our rooms.  Over the next few days, we stayed mostly inside so we could avoid the possibility of running into the mongrel.

[Pneuma POV]

Me, Zeke, Shana, and Selene, the first princess of the beast kingdom, were heading to the Elf Nation castle since Selene’s twin sister, Selena came to visit.  We had the windows of the carriage open and were listening to the crowds outside.  Most of it sounded jumbled together to us, but Shana and Selene could pick out the different conversations.

“So, any interesting things being said?” (Pneuma)

“Some.  Seems like Luna is here since a few people are talking about a stunning kitsune with black hair and tail.” (Shana)

“Oooh.  I hope we get to see her.” (Pneuma)

“There are also some people talking about some monster that was killed by a party of S-rank adventurers.” (Selene)

“Hmm.  I bet Miss Luna was involved in that.” (Zeke)

“Probably.” (Shana)

We continued the ride with Shana and Selene picking out pieces of conversation outside and relaying them to us when we all started to hear some angry yelling.  Both Shana and Selene’s ears turned toward that direction.  After a few minutes, we passed by whoever was yelling.

“Well, that happened.” (Shana)

“Indeed.” (Selene)

“Don’t leave us in suspense.” (Zeke)

“Hmm.  How to put it in a decent way?” (Selene)

“The person that was yelling just caught his wife in the throes of passion with another man and was then thrown out of his own home by said other man.  By the sounds of it, he went and got drink and was yelling out his complaints for all to hear.” (Shana)


“Shana, that wasn’t a very ladylike way to say that.” (Selene)

“It was a better way to put it than how it was actually said.” (Shana)

“…True.” (Selene)

Our carriage was passing through the center of the city.  As we passed by the adventurer’s guild, someone came out of the doors in flashy golden armor that was so polished, it was like it was never used.  The second I noticed the person, he looked in this direction and smiled a creepy smile before replacing it with one that I’ve seen on some of the more…ambitious…nobles.  I opened the small window separating us from the carriage driver and told him to speed the carriage up.

“Is something wrong, Pneuma?” (Zeke)

“I just saw a person that we shouldn’t le-” (Pneuma)

“Kehehehehe.  A carriage full of beauties, I see.  Mind coming with me?  I’ll show all of you the wonders of a man of passion.”  (Mongrel)

The carriage door was wrenched off of its hinges and thrown into the street as the golden armored person forcefully placed himself in the carriage.  He looked at all of us before his gaze landed on Zeke.  He frowned a little at that and then picked him up and practically threw him out of the carriage.  We were all shocked at that display.

“Now, with that bug out of the way, how about you three tell me about yourselves?  Oh, where are my manners, my name is Gilderoy, S-rank adventurer with the epithet of Collector.  I look forward to seeing all of your faces in ecstasy.” (Mongrel)

“Do you realize what you have just done!?” (Pneuma)

It tilted its head in confusion.

“Threw out a nasty distraction that was getting in the way of you falling head over heels for me?” (Mongrel)

“You just attacked a royal carriage, assaulted the prince of a foreign country, and are harassing two princesses and the daughter of a duke!” (Selene)

“Oh, so all of you are either royalty or high nobility?  Very nice, maybe I can finally become the king of a country or two.  As expected of me.” (Mongrel)

At this moment, the guards of our carriage as well as elven guards came to the door and attempted to drag the thing out of the carriage.  Noticing this, it swung its arm knocking them out of the carriage.

“Annoying pests, can’t you see I’m busy.  Go play around in the mud where you belong.” (Mongrel)

When it turned to face us again, it had that unnatural smile on its face that showed all of its unnaturally white teeth.

“Now, where were we?” (Mongrel)

As we were desperate about what to do, an opening in space appeared behind the things and a chain shot out of it.  It wrapped around the thing’s torso and retracted, pulling it out of the carriage.  The things tried to struggle, but it was in vain.  Behind the opening, I saw Luna standing there with a very angry look on her face.  Beside her were Velvet and two others.  She was also joined by General Lia.  The thing managed to turn and get a look at who pulled it out of the carriage and its face practically lit up.

“Kehehahahahaha.  It seems like you’ve finally come around, Milady Luna.  And you even brought me more beauties to play with.  Is one of them that wife of yours?” (Mongrel)

When I heard its words, it felt like even my soul froze.  As one of the people that knew who Luna’s wife was, I thought that she would execute it right on the spot.  To my surprise, however, that didn’t happen.  Luna stood there quietly with a scary look on her face and her ears and tail twitching, but other than that, nothing.  General Lia, however, did step forward.  She had an angry face as well.

“Gilderoy the Collector, you are under arrest for the crimes of lese majeste against royalty of a foreign nation, causing public disturbances, public indecency, and various other miscellaneous crimes.  You will come to the castle quietly to face judgement.” (Lia)

General Lia then looked over to Luna who got a cold smile on her face.  She started walking in the direction of the castle while dragging the thing on the ground.

“Kehehe.  Yes, this gives me a nice view of your beautiful legs, Milady Luna.  I look forward to seeing more of them later.” (Mongrel)

Everything stopped like it was frozen.  The air around Luna was slowly turning to a cold mist.  She turned her head to look at the thing over her shoulder.

“Shut up, you disgusting mongrel, before you commit even more blasphemy against me.” (Luna)

The absolute authority in her voice forced all who heard it to stiffen up.  Three four more openings in space opened up and four chains came out of them and wrapped around the things arms and legs, lifted it up spread eagle style with its face facing the ground.  The chain around its torso unraveled and went back into its opening.  Luna then started to walk again.  Everyone else was still completely frozen when the next person to break the silence was a silver haired cat beastkin.  She was helping Zeke back to the carriage with one of his arms on her shoulder.  She then helped him into the carriage.

“Once Lunya delivers that mongrel to the castle nya, she’ll come and heal you nya.” (Mio)

“T-thank you.” (Zeke)

“Nyame’s Mio.  We can talk more later once the situation is resolved and Lunya is calmer nya.” (Mio)

She then left the carriage and sprinted beside Luna and the others with her.  General Lia then came up to the carriage.

“I apologize on behalf of the Elf Nation for what has happened.  We will punish that thing for the problems it has caused all of you.  For now, continue on to the castle.  There, you all and the queen can discuss what to do.” (Lia)

We all nodded and once General Lia got off the carriage, we started toward the castle again.  We sat in silence for a few minutes before Selene turned to us.

“Was that a goddess?” (Selene)

I started to freak out internally at Selene’s question.

“What are you talking about, Selene?” (Shana)

“That black haired kitsune, Luna, I think, had six tails, didn’t she?” (Selene)

“No, she only had one.” (Zeke)

“Huh?  But I clearly saw she had six.” (Selene)

“…” (Pneuma)

“Do you know something, Pneuma?” (Selene)

“I can’t say.” (Pneuma)

I realized that that was basically a confirmation as soon as I said that.

“*Sigh*” (Pneuma)

“Selene, do you have a unique skill or something?” (Shana)

“Yes.  My eyes can see through any and all illusions, no matter how powerful.  By the way, have any of you ever heard of a cat beastkin with two tails before?” (Selene)

“No.  I would think you would know about that more than we would.” (Zeke)

“Zeke, there are more beastkin races than I can count, even as one myself.  I don’t know every one of them, that’s why I asked.” (Selene)

Selene looked at me again.

“I don’t know anything about that.” (Pneuma)

We were silent for a few more minutes before the carriage hit a small bump and Zeke groaned.

“Zeke, how bad are you hurt?” (Shana)

“I can’t really move my arm that well, but other than that, I’m unharmed.” (Zeke)

Shana moved closer to Zeke with worry on her face.  After checking out his arm for a few seconds, that worry turned to rage.

“Zeke, your arm is dislocated.  That THING dares to do this.” (Shana)

“Shana, calm down.” (Zeke)

“Zeke.” (Shana)

“I know.  But we’re not the only ones that are angry at that.  Plus, it’s a part of the adventurer’s guild, unless it gets punished by them, we can only issue a complaint.  And I feel that our complaint will be heard since this can start an international incident.” (Zeke)

“Fine.” (Shana)

Soon, the carriage stopped and we got out.  General Lia came up to us as a guard was helping Zeke out of the carriage.  She looked at him with concern.

“I’ll call a healer for you immediately, Prince Zeke.” (Lia)

“No need.  We’ll be meeting up with Miss Luna, correct?  She can heal me when we get there.” (Zeke)

“…Alright, please follow me.” (Lia)

We followed General Lia to a magic circle and we stood in the middle of it.  It then started to glow and a strong wind started to push the floor up.  When it stopped, we were led to a large room with several couches placed in a circular shape.  Sitting on one of the couches was Luna and the members of her party.  She had calmed down but her face showed she was still annoyed.  The same went with the rest of her party.  On another couch was the queen of the elves, Titania.  General Lia went and stood behind her.  And on the third couch was a beastkin with identical features to Selene.  We nodded our heads in greeting and sat down on the third couch.

[Luna POV]

Once Pneuma and her group sat down, the room went silent again.  The elf queen was listening to the report of what happened by Lia who was whispering in her ear.  I looked over to Zeke and saw he was holding his left arm with his right.  I got up and went over to him.

“How bad is it?” (Luna)

“Shana said it was dislocated.” (Zeke)

“Hmm.” (Luna)

I took out a thick leather belt and handed to Zeke.

“Bite into this and brace yourself, this will hurt.” (Luna)

He nodded his head and put the belt in his mouth.

“Mio, Velvet, come and hold him in place.” (Luna)

They did as I said and held Zeke so he couldn’t move.

“I’ll go on 3.” (Luna)

He nodded his head and shut his eyes tightly.

“3.” I set his dislocated arm back into place as soon as I spoke.


I then started casting healing magic on his arm to sooth the pain and heal any other damage that was there.  When I was done, I went back to my seat.

“Sorry, I had to do it that way so you wouldn’t back out of it.  Everything should be fine now.” (Luna)

“Thanks.” (Zeke)

I turned my attention back to the others in the room and noticed that the other beastkin that came in with Shana, Pneuma, and Zeke was staring at me.  When she noticed my gaze, she quickly looked away.

“Thank you for the report, Lia.” (Titania)

The elf queen then looked at everyone present before facing Pneuma’s group.  She then bowed her head to them.

“First off, I sincerely apologize for what happened today.  I hope the actions of that despicable pest haven’t ruined your image of my nation.” (Titania)

“Please raise your head, Queen Titania.  None of us blame you or anyone in your country about the actions of an adventurer like that.” (Zeke)

“Thank you, Prince Zeke.” (Titania)

She then looked over to me and my party.

“And Lady Luna Reed, thank you for being the one to restrain…THAT.” (Titania)

“Think nothing of it.  I have a grudge with that mongrel as well.” (Luna)

Everyone aside from my party and Lia looked a little shocked at my words.

“Luna, you have that much of a grudge?” (Pneuma)

“You heard what he said when he saw me.” (Luna)

“…” (Pneuma)

“*Cough*  Anyway, I will list the crimes that THAT has committed in the few days that it was in the city.” (Lia)

She stepped forward and started reading off of a piece of paper.

“Adding the ones committed before coming here there is: Almost causing an international incident, highest order lese majeste, five counts of causing a public disturbance, ten cases of public indecency, five counts of theft, seven cases of discrimination due to race-” (Lia)

Lia continued to list offence after offence.  When she finally finished, I was stupefied.

“It’s been less than a week since that mongrel has been here, how is it even possible to do that much and not be arrested on the spot?” (Luna)

“Those smaller crimes were found earlier today.  When you were dragging it to the castle dungeons, the people that had encounters like that came forward to report them.  We believe that it was using its status as an S-rank adventurer to threaten them into silence.” (Titania)

“I see.  Will that status be a problem in terms of execution?” (Luna)

“Unfortunately.  Unless its status as an S-rank adventurer is revoked, it has to be sent to the guild’s main office to be dealt with.” (Titania)

“I don’t think we have to worry then.” (Luna)

I stood up again and teleported to Grey’s office, told him the situation, and teleported back.  Most of the people were surprised when I came back with Grey in tow.

“I really didn’t expect this to happen so fast.  I though this would happen after at least another week.” (Grey)

“With Grey here, we can finally get this taken care of.” (Luna)

“R-right.” (Titania)

“Actually Luna, we need to figure out who is going to execute it.  While the incident happened here on Elven soil, the involved parties are from three different nations.” (Lia)

“Tch.  Just let me do it.  Grey, what would the mongrel’s punishment be when it was brought before you?” (Luna)

“Stripped of adventurer status and executed.  Just because it’s an adventurer doesn’t mean it’s immune to laws of the country it’s in.  Considering what it did this time, it would result in execution in any country.” (Grey)

“As for letting you do it, if you use your right as an S-rank adventurer to claim yourself as a neutral third party then it’s allowable, right my queen?” (Lia)

“Yes, but the other parties involved need to agree as well.” (Titania)

Everyone looked over to Pneuma’s group.

“As the one in this group with the most authority, I agree to this as well.” (Pneuma)

“Then it’s settled.  Now, let us proceed to the execution and be done with this.” (Titania)

Most of the group went to a terrace at the castle while me and Lia went down to get the mongrel from the dungeon.  Once we retrieved it, we made our wat to the same terrace.  I placed it in the center and pulled my chains back so that it was in a kneeling position.  When it looked up at all the people gathered here, it smirked.

“Kehahahahaha.  A ravishing sight.” (Mongrel)

“*Sigh* Are you really stupid enough not to understand your current position?” (Grey)

“Ah, Grand Guild Master, it’s good to see you.  Please tell these lovely ladies to release me so I can show them a good time.” (Mongrel)

While its words seemed loose and calm, we all could hear the venom dripping from them.

“Unfortunately for you, I’m not here to save you.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I, Grand Master of the Adventurer’s Guild herby strip Gilderoy the Collector of its adventurer status.  It is no longer allowed to use the name of the guild and all crimes committed shall be punished according to the laws of the country.” (Grey)


The mongrel turned its eyes to me.


I got closer to it with a cold smile, crouched down in front of it, and spoke in a quiet tone so only it could hear me.

“Don’t worry, just play along.  You said you wanted to meet my wife as well, right?” (Luna)

The mongrel’s eyes widened and it nodded it’s head.  I stepped back beside my party and things proceeded.

“For numerous crimes, large and small, that you have committed, you shall now be executed.  As the victims are numerous and are of import to numerous foreign countries, S-rank adventurer Luna of the Spectral Mists shall be the one to end your life as a neutral party in this matter.” (Lia)

I stepped forward and raised my hand to the sky.  Dark clouds began to swirl around and silver lightning started to crackle.  I brought my arm down and a bolt of lighting followed the motion.  It looked like it crashed into the mongrel’s body.  When it was over, not even ashes remained.  I then gave Lia and grey a sideways glance, created an illusion of myself, and teleported to the island the pirates were on.  I was standing behind the mansion with the mongrel still strung up with my chains.  I snapped my fingers and a domain appeared.

“Thank you, Milady Luna.  Now, where is your wife.  I will enjoy the two of you before planning my revenge on those mongrels that made a fool of me.” (Mongrel)

“Silence, mongrel.  This isn’t over yet.  You will be executed shortly for your blasphemy.” (Luna)

“WHAT!?” (Mongrel)

I got closer and punched the mongrel in the throat.

“And shut up, your voice is a pain in the ears.” (Luna)

Soon, Tamamo in all of her glory appeared.

{Hello Luna.  I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet, Atmos has been keeping me away for a bit while you dealt with all of this.}

“It’s not a problem.  Let’s just get this over with before my eyes rot from looking at this thing.” (Luna)


We both turned to look at the mongrel and my rage immediately flared up again.  The way it was looking at the two of us made me sick.

{Blasphemous mongrel, you shall now be judged by the Goddess of the Moon.  May your soul be purified.}

Tamamo raised a hand to the sky and then brought it down.  For a few seconds nothing happened and then the mongrel’s body burst into silver flames.

“What kind of fire is that?” (Luna)

{Moonfire.  Unlike solar fire, it burns cold.  It will completely burn the mongrel to its soul in order to cleanse it before it’s sent to the god of death.  Though in this case, there might be too much to cleanse.  But the god of death can deal with that.  Now, your turn Luna.}

I faced the mongrel again.  I could tell it was in pain by the look in its eyes, but I ignored it.  I raised my hand to the sky and one of the bow constellations started to glow.

“Blasphemous mongrel, you shall now be judged by the Demigod of Stars.  May this arrow bestow upon you the death you deserve.” (Luna)

Above us, the constellation glowed brighter before a beam in the shape of an arrow pierced through the mongrel’s chest, killing it.  Tamamo’s moon fire started to burn even faster until even the ashes were gone.  I recalled my chains and sat down.  Tamamo did the same and we sat in silence for a while.

“Whatever that mongrel needed to do better have been worth it.” (Luna)

{I agree.  Now you should head back.}

“I will.  See you again soon, Tamamo.” (Luna)

{See you soon, Luna.}

Chaos Realm:

Order: Atmos, what was that thing needed for?

Atmos: Its interaction with that prince.  In the far future, he will be a key figure in many things and he needed this experience to show him the path he should take.

Order: Are you going to explain the exact details?

Atmos: No, if either me or Payto say anything more, alternate fates can appear.  Just know that this was the best outcome.

Order: Alright, I'll drop the topic then.

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