I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 209: Meeting with the Princess

[Luna POV]

After a while of walking, we made it to the Academy entrance.  Outside it were some guards.  When we got to the entrance, one of them came forward to see what we wanted.  I showed him the princess’s letter as well as the letter Lia gave me and he immediately went to call someone more important.  Several minutes later, the guard came back with an old looking elf in long robes.

“Hello, honored guests, I am Leif.  Please come in and I will lead you to Headmaster Mimir.  From there, he can tell you where the princesses you’re meeting are.” (Leif)

“Alright.” (Luna)

When we crossed the threshold, I felt like we entered a barrier.  I would have written it off as normal if it didn’t feel off.  As I started to think on what the feeling was, Skadi spoke to me through telepathy.

“Don’t worry about it, Luna.  That’s a special barrier set up by Mimir.  It appraises people that pass through it the first time, but it won’t do anything to us.  Especially with your reincarnator title, it didn’t give any information.” (Skadi)

“Is this Mimir special too?” (Luna)

“You’ll see when we meet him.” (Skadi)

I nodded my head at her and we continued to follow Leif.  We ascended some stairs to one of those wind elevator things.  Then we walked through innumerable hallways and corridors before getting to a highly decorated wind elevator.

“This is where I leave you.  Once the lift stops, head down the hallway and knock on the door, Headmaster Mimir already know you’re here, so he will let you in.” (Leif)

He then left us and we stood in the center of the lift.  Once it stopped moving and we headed down the specified hallway, I was about to knock on the door when it opened by itself.  We walked in and behind the desk in the back of the room was a person that looked like a satyr.

“Welcome to my Academy, I am Mimir, the headmaster.  It’s good to meet all of you.  Also, long time no see, Skadi.” (Mimir)

“What’s it been, 300 years?” (Skadi)

“500.” (Mimir)

“Ah.” (Skadi)

When I first saw Mimir, I immediately knew what Skadi meant when she said I would know when I met him.

“So, you’re a spirit king.” (Luna)

“Indeed, young demigoddess.  I am Mimir, Spirit King of Knowledge.” (Mimir)

“Name’s Luna Reed, demigoddess of Space, Stars, and Fluff.” (Luna)

“I see.  No wonder the space spirits have been in such a good mood recently.  They’ll soon get to take a break.  Anyway, all of you sit, let’s chat for a bit before you go off to your other meeting.  Also, Skadi, I’ve made sure that your mother’s shrine is off limits for the day, so when you go there, feel free to take your time.” (Mimir)

“Thanks.” (Skadi)

“Think nothing of it, I did owe you after all.” (Mimir)

“Oh, I thought you forgot about that.” (Skadi)

“Bahahaha.  You know I can’t forget anything.” (Mimir)

“Anyway, let’s get the rest of the introductions out of the way.” (Luna)

“No need, I already know who everyone is with the exception of you.  But you’ve said who you are, so that is no longer the case.” (Mimir)

“So that’s why I felt something off with that barrier nya.” (Mio)

“Indeed, Miss Apostle of the Night.” (Mimir)

“Just Mio is fine nya.” (Mio)

“Fine then, now, let’s get to business.  Is there anything specific here you were wondering about, or just curious about the Academy in general?” (Mimir)

“I can’t speak for the others, but I’m just curious about the Academy in general.” (Luna)

“I was wondering if you had a place that has information on painting and increasing magic skills faster.” (Soleil)

“I’m the same as Luna.” (Velvet)

“I’d like to learn more about sleep magic nya.” (Mio)

“I’m here for Skadi.” (Ophidia)

“Hmmm.  Little kitsune, I’ll give you a pass to the main library where you can find what you’re looking for.  Miss Vampire, you can go with her since she’ll have a lot of things to look through, so your help will be necessary.  Miss Serpent, you can just follow Skadi.  I’ll give you a pass to the magic library, Miss Mio.  As for you, Lady Luna, you’ll find the people you’re meeting in the dorms assigned to royalty from other nations.  Take this and ask Leif to take you there.  Once you’re done with that, feel free to wander around as you like.  If anyone asks, just tell them that you have my full permission to go wherever.” (Mimir)

“Thank you.” (Luna)

“It’s no problem, though if you wouldn’t mind, could I have one of those letter boxes that you created?  I would like to study it.” (Mimir)

“Take two.” (Luna)

I put two boxes on his desk and his eyes started to gleam gold.

“Thank you, and if you ever come up with any other interesting things, let me know about them.  I love learning about new ideas and inventions.” (Mimir)

“Alright.  I do have something in mind that will hopefully be started soon, I’m just waiting for a certain someone to be found and get to a certain place.” (Luna)

“I look forward to seeing what it is.” (Mimir)

With that, we left Mimir’s office and went back down the lift.  When we exited the lift, we found Leif waiting for us.  I explained what Mimir told us and Leif got some people to bring everyone to their destinations.  I followed Leif to the dorms.  When we got there, he told me where I would find the princesses and I made my way there.  I stopped in front of the fancy door and knocked.  The person that opened the door was Shana’s personal maid, Louise.

“Oh, hello, Lady Luna, it’s been quite a while.” (Louise)

“Indeed it has.” (Luna)

“Please come in, my lady and the others have been expecting you.” (Louise)

I entered as directed and was astonished at how large the room actually was.  It was about the same size as the living room in my mansion.

‘Guess this is what a royal suite is like.’

After getting over my shock, I looked for the inhabitants of the room and saw Pneuma, Shana, Zeke, and both beastkin princesses sitting around a table drinking tea.  I walked up to the table and said hello.

“I have come as requested, my princess.” (Luna)

“Pfft.” (Pneuma)

“Come on Pneuma, that’s gross.” (Zeke)

“My apologies.” (Pneuma)

“Was it really that funny?” (Luna)

“If it was anyone else, no, but you specifically, yes.” (Pneuma)

“Well, technically speaking, they are my princesses since they are children of the king of my home country.” (Luna)

“Still, it’s not like that matters to you.” (Pneuma)

“True, but I wanted to say that at least once in my life.” (Luna)

“Hahaha.” (Pneuma)

“Can you two please save this for later?” (Shana)

“Sorry about that, Shana.” (Luna)

“Yes, yes.  Now sit down, Princess Selene has a lot of things to ask you, and Pneuma won’t explain anything.” (Shana)

I turned to look at the princess that was staring in the direction of my tails.

“Princess Selene, if we’re going to talk secrets, then allow me to put up something that will give us true privacy.” (Luna)

“Go ahead, Lady Goddess.” (Selene)

I snapped my fingers and a domain appeared around the room.

“Now, ask away.” (Luna)

“So, you are a goddess, right?” (Selene)

“Not yet.  I’m getting there, but at the moment I’m a demigod.” (Luna)

“I see.  Can you show everyone else your tails?” (Selene)

I took my necklace off and my five hidden tails appeared.  Everyone in the room but Pneuma and Selene were surprised.

“*Sigh* Honestly, I feel like at this point, I should just go around and tell every important person I meet my secret since it always gets found at some point or another.” (Luna)

“I think you shouldn’t.  I know that everyone here will keep it a secret, right?” (Pneuma)

The others nodded their heads.

“Alright then.  Oh, your father already knows, Selene, Selena.  He found out at your brother’s wedding.” (Luna)

“Can I ask whose divine protection you have?” (Selene)

“Tamamo, Goddess of the Moon, Night, and Gravity, patron goddess of the Beast Kingdom, and whatever other titles she has that I don’t know.” (Luna)

The eyes of the four beastkin in the room lit up.

“Our Goddess gave her divine protection!?  That’s amazing!” (Selena)

“I know, sister!  We should get father to make the day that happened a national holiday!” (Selene)

Their words started to give me a headache.  Louise, being a perfect maid, noticed this and placed a cup of tea in front of me.  I thanked her and took a sip.

“Please hold off on creating any holidays about me until after I ascend.  The same goes for you, Pneuma.” (Luna)

“Don’t worry Luna, I was only planning on making two festivals about you.” (Pneuma)

“That’s two more than I need.” (Luna)

Tamamo would usually have some input at this moment, but she was unfortunately asleep, so I had to bear with it until the excitement calmed down.

“Luna, how many tails did you have when we first met?” (Shana)

“The first time I only had one, then the second time I believe it was three.  The first time I met Pneuma and Zeke I had two.” (Luna)

“I see.” (Shana)

“Landy Luna, what are you going to do when you fully become a goddess?” (Selene)

“Do you mean what my Authorities are?” (Luna)

“Yes.” (Selene)

“Space, Fluff, and Stars.  The first two you know, the last one will be kept a secret until it’s time.  I look forward to seeing your reactions then.” (Luna)

“So we will become fluffier?” (Selena)

“I don’t actually know.  I know what that does with me, but I don’t know what will happen once I ascend.  Though there is the whole reason I’m in this country that will eventually make their rounds to the world at large.” (Luna)

“What do you mean?” (Zeke)

“Don’t worry about it.  It’s taken care of and I really don’t want to think about it.” (Luna)

“Um, can I ask why you left after the execution of that thing the other day?” (Selene)

“But she was there the whole time afterwards, sister.” (Selena)

“No, she left right after and then came back when we were all talking in the reception room.” (Selene)

“Before I answer, can I ask how it is you see through my illusions?  I know it has to be a unique skill, but is there any more to it?” (Luna)

“It’s my eyes.  I have a unique skill called the Mystic Eyes of Truth that allow me to see through any and every kind of illusion.” (Selene)

“Can you also see through lies?” (Luna)

“I probably can if I train my eyes more, but I don’t really feel like I should do that or I’ll probably never trust people if I do.” (Selene)

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best.  Anyway, I teleported that mongrel to an island where me and Tamamo punished it for blasphemy.  No one says they will sleep with my wife but me.” (Luna)

“So it’s true that having a divine protection means that you will marry a god?” (Shana)

“Yeah.  I thought that was common knowledge?” (Luna)

“It’s more a rumor.  As far as we currently know, a god or goddess giving their divine protection has only happened once with you being the second case.” (Zeke)

“Oh, well I don’t think I’ll get in trouble if I talk about it.  Yes, receiving a divine protection is the same as a proposal for marriage.  I don’t know if being granted a divine protection also means one is the Fated One of that god or goddess, but it is in my case.  I would ask Tamamo, but she’s asleep from managing the eclipse earlier.” (Luna)

“You can talk with the Goddess?” (Selena)

“Whenever and wherever I want to.  Though it’s only been since I was five.” (Luna)

“When did you find out you had the Goddess’s divine protection?” (Shana)

“I knew it from the beginning since she told me she was giving it to me.  See, I’m a reincarnator, so I met Tamamo when I was only a soul right after I died.  After that, we talked, I chose to reincarnate, and she gave me her divine protection.  Now I’m Luna Reed, future goddess and wife of Tamamo.” (Luna)

“Then, can you tell us more about your past life and your adventures in this one?” (Selene)

“I don’t mind.  I mean, I’ve shared this much about myself, so why not?” (Luna)

Like that, I spent the rest of the day telling my story to this point.  By the time I left, it was evening.  I decided that instead of going everywhere to look for the others, I would just meet them back at Lia’s place, so that’s what I did and teleported away.

Chaos Realm:

Fenrir: Thank you for the advice, Lady Order.

Order: Just Order is fine.

Fenrir: Alright.  Now, I just need to wait for the full moon to arrive.

Order: Yep.  But you don't have to wait for too long, it should be here in a few days.

Fenrir: I really hope Mio takes a liking to me.

Order: I bet she will.  With what I've seen of you, the two of you will be a perfect match.  Honestly, I'm surprised she isn't a Fated One.

Fenrir: Well, we can't all be as lucky as Tamamo, but even still, I like her a lot and want to get to know her more.

Order: Then when the two of you meet, tell her that and I'm sure the rest will work out.

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