[Luna POV]

When I finished my discussion with Suzuka, I made my way over to meet Pneuma and the others.  I had just made it to the door and knocked on it.  After a few seconds, Louise opened the door and let me in.  Once inside, I noticed that everyone but Zeke was here.

“No Zeke today?” (Luna)

“No, he’s busy.  That thing that happened really got to him, so he’s busy trying to improve himself.” (Shana)

“Good for him.” (Luna)

“Indeed.” (Pneuma)

I sat down at the table with the rest of the group.

“Good day, Selene, Selena.” (Luna)

““Good day.””

“Um.” (Selene)

“Yes?” (Luna)

“Your new tail looks nice.” (Selene)

“Thank you.” (Luna)

“You got another one?” (Shana)

I took my necklace off and my tails appeared.

“Yep, seven now.” (Luna)

“You know, I think this every time I see them, but doesn’t that make it hard to sit in chairs and stuff?” (Pneuma)

“Not really once I got used to sitting straight all the time.” (Luna)

“But doesn’t that also get tiring?” (Selena)

“It can, but again, I just got used to it.  If anything, the most inconvenient thing about multiple tails like this is grooming.  Of course, it helps when Tamamo does that for me, but even when she doesn’t and I have to, it takes a considerable amount of time each day.” (Luna)


The four other beastkin in the room agreed immediately.

“Really?  It doesn’t seem like it would be that annoying to me.” (Pneuma)

“Pneuma, it is.  Especially after a bath.  Getting all of these dry in an acceptable manner is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do.  And don’t even get me started on what happens when it gets humid.  Just ugh.” (Luna)

“Not to mention that you have it worse than we do with the number and fluffiness.” (Selene)

“Even so, I would never hate them.  They make me feel closer to Tamamo.” (Luna)

I moved one of my tails in front of me and hugged it.

{Ufufufu.  Silly, I would love you even if you didn’t have more than one tail.  Heck, I’d love you if you didn’t have any.  As long as it’s you, I wouldn’t care what you looked like.}

‘Fufufu.  I feel the same.’

Louise then placed cups of tea in front of everyone.  We all picked them up and took a sip.

“Also, recently I’ve been wondering what my tails would be like with a winter coat.  I mean, Tamamo has been hanging around with Fenrir recently and her tails have been ultra fluffy due to that.” (Luna)

“I don’t think that would end well for people like us.” (Pneuma)

“That’s why I haven’t tried it yet.  I don’t want to accidentally add to that cult.” (Luna)

“That yet worries me.” (Shana)

“It shouldn’t, I wasn’t planning on trying it until I ascended.” (Luna)

“That’s a relief then.” (Shana)

“Just what do you take me for?  Just because I casually reduce common sense to nothing doesn’t mean I’m not reasonable.” (Luna)

Everyone started to laugh at this exchange.  Once we calmed down, we all took another sip of tea.

“Now that I think about it, is this what a noble tea party is like?” (Luna)

“Sort of.  There is less sucking up and rumor spreading.  I’d say this is more a chat between friends.” (Selena)

“I like that more.” (Luna)

“Honestly, I’d kind of like trying a day in your life, Luna.  It must be nice to not have to hold a dignified image all the time.” (Selene)

“Or to have to hear empty compliments.” (Shana)

“Or have people trying to get to know you in the hopes that they can get a better social position.” (Pneuma)

“And don’t even get me started on the number of proposals.  It’s such a pain to politely turn them down.” (Selena)

“While I won’t say it’s not easy to live like I do since I hardly run into major problems, it can be difficult in it’s own way.  For example, none of you have to deal with hearing the prayers of people all the time.” (Luna)

“Must be annoying.” (Shana)

“At first.  It’s more manageable now, but they get so ridiculous sometimes.  I mean, it’s not like I can just give someone five levels in space magic out of nowhere, or stop balding.  I mean, at one point someone even prayed to be able to make their hair into a weapon.  Who does that?” (Luna)

{That’s stupid.  Do they not get how tangled and messy that will make it?  Not to mention how long you’d have to grow it out to make it even feasible.}

“Exactly Tamamo, exactly.” (Luna)

“Weaponized hair, huh?  Sounds dumb.” (Shana)

“Exactly.  Honestly, those cultists’ minds must have been fried or something.” (Luna)

“Oh, Luna, how are the others in your party doing?” (Pneuma)

“Good.  Skadi and Ophidia are visiting Skadi’s mother, Mio is on a date with her girlfriend, and Soleil and Velvet are having some alone time for a bit.” (Luna)

“Sounds nice.” (Selene)

“Indeed.” (Selena)

“Makes me wonder who I’m going to marry one day.” (Pneuma)

“Got any crushes or anything?” (Shana)

“Not really.  No guys have really caught my eye here or back home.” (Pneuma)

“Sounds rough.  I wish I could help, but I don’t really know anyone that you’d be interested in.” (Luna)

“Eh, it’ll happen when it happens, I’m in no rush and my father knows that.” (Pneuma)

“What about you two?” (Shana)

“Nope.” (Selene)

“Hmmm.  Can’t really think of anyone.” (Selena)

“Well, that topic kind of fell flat.” (Luna)

“Indeed.  Oh, Luna, did you have any real reason to visit us today?” (Pneuma)

“No, I just felt like visiting you guys, so I did.  Though I can make a reason if you want me to.” (Luna)

“Oh, just what can you come up with?” (Selena)

“I can offer my services.  Anyone here want a teleport back home for the new year?” (Luna)

All of them raised their hands.

“Fufufufu.  Thought so.  Just tell me when and I’ll help out, free of charge since you’re all my friends.” (Luna)

“No, that’s too much of a discount for friends.” (Selene)

“At least let our countries pay you.  Treat it as a nominated quest or something.” (Pneuma)

“If you insist.” (Luna)

“We insist.  Teleportation like that is something extremely valuable.” (Selena)

“Yes.” (Shana)

“Fine, I get it.” (Luna)

Like that, I spent the rest of the day chatting about random stuff with some of the highest noble or royal daughters of two countries.  When I got back to Lia’s place that evening, I found Mio was already back and in a daze while blushing and Skadi and Ophidia having a nice discussion over some tea and small confections.  I joined them all for a bit before heading to my room to waste the night away talking and hopefully fluffing Tamamo’s tails.

Chaos Realm:

Fenrir: Heheheheheh.

Tamamo: Someone's in a good mood.

Fenrir: Of course.  I kissed the person I love today, why would I not be in a good mood?

Atmos: Very understandable.

Order: Indeed.

Tamamo: Makes sense.

Fenrir: By the way, is everyone that show up here going to show up at the new year get together?

Order: Me and Payto aren't since that is the rule of the world.  Well, I could show up, but I won't since I don't want Payto to be alone.

Atmos: I'm definitely coming.  I want to see Ana's reaction to all the top gods showing up.

Tamamo: That will be interesting to see.  It even makes my nature come to the surface when I think about it.

Fenrir: I've never seen that happen, sounds fun.

Atmos: It most certainly is NOT fun.

Tamamo: For you maybe, but for me and Luna, it's a blast.

Fenrir: Miss Order, call me here the next time that happens please.

Order: One: Just Order is fine.  Two: Of course.

Fenrir: Thanks.

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