I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 235: A Day in the Divine Domain

[Tamamo POV]

After a long and lovely bath with Atmos, we dressed ourselves and left my home for the day.  I quickly told Luna that I would be with Atmos and she told me to have fun.  After walking through the portal Atmos made, we emerged on the streets of one of the most popular places in the divine domain.

{You know, I can’t wait to see Luna’s reaction to this place.}

“I agree.  So far, she’s only ever been to your place, right?” (Atmos)

{That and the small slice of Grey’s place.}

“Oh yeah, his office is counted as his place.  I keep forgetting that since we can’t really go there.” (Atmos)

{Yes, well let’s get going.}

“Yep yep.” (Atmos)

We started waking down the street.  This particular part of the divine domain was under the jurisdiction of the gods of commerce, economics, crafting, and other similar Authorities.  It was a bustling place with building along each side of an almost endless road.  Buildings were stacked on top of one another and at several different angles, some of them even floated.  As we walked, Atmos looked at one of the floating buildings and then asked me a question.

“Now that I think of it, it’s been a while since the gods of crafting and architecture have asked you for any gravity gems, hasn’t it?” (Atmos)

{When Luna showed up, I mass produced a few trillion of them so no one would bother me.}

“Ahh, makes sense, but I’m surprised that they haven’t run out yet, if I remember correctly, they use those up like water found by a thirsty human in the desert.” (Atmos)

{I told them to use them sparingly.}

We stopped walking as the ground shook a little as a whole section of the street in front of us moved and a new row of buildings replaced the last set.

“Oo, how about we go there?  Seems like some of the goddesses of beauty made some new products.” (Atmos)

{Let’s go then.  I’ve been meaning to get some more oils for my tails.  While I appreciate what Luna brings me, one small bottle is hardly enough for ten tails.}

The two of us walked into one of the newly appeared shops.  A small bell above the door chimed as we walked into the shop.

“Welcome, oh, Lady Tamamo, Lady Atmos, it’s been too long.”

{Indeed it has.}

“Mmm-hmmm.” (Atmos)

“Are you here for some oils for your tails, Lady Tamamo?”

{I am.  What my wife brings me from the mortal world isn’t enough for all 10 of them.}

“I see.  Wait, 10?  Didn’t you only have nine last time?”

{Yeah, seems like the maximum is 10, it grew at some point last year.}

“Well, it looks stunning.  It really completes your look as well.  I bet the other kitsune goddesses will be jealous.”

“Yeah, but then again, they have always been jealous of Tamamo.” (Atmos)

“True enough.  Every time they come here it’s always, this and that about how they want this many tails and has that silver one started to wrinkle up like the old bat she is.  Honestly, it gets really annoying.”

{I’m not old.  And also, please never say that in front of my wife, she’ll get mad at them if she hears that.}

“Yeah, I bet Luna would go on a scolding spree if she knew about this.” (Atmos)

“Your wife is the new demigod that’s been going around the mortal world, right?”

{That’d be her.}

“Honestly, she’d give us goddesses of beauty a run for out money.  It’s just a shame she hardly cares for her appearance.  I mean, with all due respect, she hardly needs to use any makeup or anything, but just think of what she’d look like if she used some.  The same goes for you, Lady Tamamo.  In fact, now that I get a closer look at you, your tails and hair are pristine.  I mean, they always were, but now it perfect or very close to it.”

“Thank Luna for that one too.  She got a unique skill that makes her the best of the best when it comes to taking care of stuff like Tamamo’s hair and tails.” (Atmos)

“I see.  You simply must let me meet her at some point in time.  I’d love to sit and chat with her.  And, if what Lady Atmos said is true, then I’d love to get some tips on hair care.”

{I’ll see what I can do when she ascends.}

“Thank you so much.”

I bought several bottles of oils for my tails and Atmos bought some skin products.  We then left the shop and started walking again.  As we went, buildings moved, the street changed several times, and some buildings shuffled back to make room for others.  We came up to another shop that we wanted to stop at.  As we entered, the smell of food hit us.  We walked up and sat down at the counter.  Shortly after, the God id Culinary Arts came out from the kitchen.

“Well, well, it’s been a while since I’ve seen your faces.”

{Indeed.  What’s it been, 18 years?}

“19.” (Atmos)


“Huh, it’s felt like longer.  Anyway, anything I can interest the two of you in?”

{Something simple would be nice.}

“I’ll have the same.” (Atmos)

“Alrighty then, it’ll be right out.”

She went back into the kitchen and several minutes later she came back carrying two plates in her hand.

“Here you go.”

We thanked her and started to eat.  It was as good as always, but after trying Luna’s cooking, this seemed to be missing something.

{Have you gotten over your slump?}

“Not yet.  For the life of me, I just can’t figure out what to do.”

“Hmmm.  I think you’ll figure it out soon.  Give it like…10 more years or something.” (Atmos)

“Oh, that’s a lot sooner than I was thinking you would say.”

{Well, I wish you luck.}


We finished up and left.  After going around for a little while longer and visiting some shops here and there, we decided to go somewhere else.  We walked through a portal and ended up in one of the scenic areas of the divine domain.  This one in particular was a vast plain with rolling hills and a nice gentle breeze.  Trees of all sizes were scattered around the place and in the distance you could hear the sounds of small brooks.

{Oh, it’s been a while since I’ve been here.  It’s as calming as usual.}

“Yeah.  I thought it’d be better than the hovering mountains or inverted sea.” (Atmos)

{Indeed, though the sea does kind of sound nice.}

“Save it for when Luna is here.  I bet she’ll enjoy seeing you in a swimsuit.” (Atmos)

{Indeed.  Just remembering Luna in one makes me feel things.}

“Of course, you could also change your place into a small beach and the both of you could do that.” (Atmos)

{Some other time.}

We started walking toward one of the trees that had the perfect amount of shade underneath it.  It rested beside one of the brooks and was a perfect spot for an afternoon nap.  We sat down and looked up at the sky through the leaves.

“Tamamo, how are you feeling now?” (Atmos)

{Better.  It’s just all the things I saw yesterday that I couldn’t interfere with got to me.}

“Heh.  It’s been a while since that happened.  I think the first time was when you had only one tail.” (Atmos)

{Ufufu.  How long ago was that?  Like, 300000 years?}

“No, it was…310000 years.” (Atmos)

{Oh yeah, it was the first time I witnesses a Fiend season.}

“Yep.  By the way, how are you going to handle Luna when she actually sees her first Fiend season?  She’s like you are, so she’ll want to step in most likely.” (Atmos)

{Hopefully I can distract her from it for the duration for the first few times.  After she gets completely used to just what living for eternity means, then I’ll ease her into it.}

“So, you’re going to use the same method I did with Grey.” (Atmos)

{It worked for you, and Luna and Grey have similar personalities, so it’ll probably work for her.}

“True enough.” (Atmos)

{Speaking of you and Grey, how are things?}

“Great.  Since he met Luna, he’s been happier and more affectionate as well.  I think it’s because he now has a close friend that actually understands some of the things he says and does.” (Atmos)

{Well, you are getting there with how many things you watch at THEIR place.}

“That’s also true.  Guess being who they are has its perks.” (Atmos)

{Yeah.  As for me and Luna, we’re also doing good.  I’ve found that Luna is somehow getting even better at pampering me.}

“Haha.  That’s nice.  I kind of can’t wait for her to ascend either.  I mean, she’s kind of a kindred spirit when it comes to messing with people, so I look forward to seeing what we can get up to when we put our heads together.” (Atmos)

{Ufufu.  Just make sure she doesn’t become as infamous as you do.  I want her to be able to walk around here without people hiding from her.}

“Honestly, they need to get over it already.  It’s not like I mess with them THAT much anymore.”  (Atmos)

{You forgot the for now part.}

“…I did, didn’t I.  Oh well, I’ll give it a little while longer before turning my antic back to the divine domain.  Gotta make my quota and all that.” (Atmos)

I leaned my head on Atmos’s shoulder and she moved her hand to pet my head.

“This reminds me of the old times when we would come here all the time.” (Atmos)

{Indeed, big sis Atmos.}

“Hahahaha.  How long has it been since you’ve called me that?  Too long.” (Atmos)

{Haha.  Maybe if you actually acted like a big sister, then I’d call you that more.}

“Hey!  I try sometimes.” (Atmos)

{That sometimes is the problem.  If you acted a little more seriously, then maybe Luna would respect you more than she does already.}

“She respects me at all?  That’s a surprise.” (Atmos)

{Why?  She knows you try in your own way.  I mean, the world hasn’t fallen into complete chaos, so you must be doing SOMETHING right.  So what if you act the way you do.  I prefer you this way after all and so does Luna.  She’s said so many nice things about you to me you know.}

“Like what?” (Atmos)

{Ufufufu.  I’ll keep that to myself.  Spend some time with Luna and maybe she’ll tell you herself.}

“No fair, you can’t say something like that and then not tell me at least one thing.” (Atmos)

{Well, I just did.}

“Hmph!  Oh, by the way, this was brought up earlier, but what should we do about the other kitsune goddesses?  I know for a fact that Luna will want to smack them around a bit the second they meet.” (Atmos)

{I’ll deal with them later.  They need to realize that there is no reason to get jealous over the number of tails we have.}

“How many are any of them up to now anyway?” (Atmos)

{I don’t know about currently, but the last time any of us saw each other, one of them had I think four.}

“Pffft.  Then they will definitely dislike Luna.  I mean, she’s already at seven and has made significant progress on getting her tenth.” (Atmos)

{Well, they can get over it.  And if they call me old again, I’ll show them what an angry kitsune is actually like.}

“I shall pray for them.” (Atmos)

{Who would even answer that?}

“Umm.  Some…one?” (Atmos)

{Ufufufu.  Want to head back now?  I’ll prepare us some tea and we can see what kind of troubles Luna has caused Deacon.}

“Sounds fun.  Let’s go.” (Atmos)

We stood up and left the ever-expanding plains through a shining door.

Chaos Realm:

Fenrir: Order, can I ask for some advice?

Order: Any time.

Fenrir:  What do you think Mio would like to see more?  The Diamond Mountains, or the Sanctuary of Clouds?

Order: Well, going by the names alone, she'd probably just instantly fall asleep in the Sanctuary of Clouds, so I'd go for the Diamond Mountains.  But are you sure you want to bring her there so soon?

Fenrir: Oh, I wasn't asking about this for any time soon, this was for when we finally start seeing each other all the time.  I already know where I want to show her when we have our next date.

Order: Ah.  Then like I said, go for the Diamond Mountains.

Fenrir: Got it.

Order: Just out of curiosity, how far have you planned?

Fenrir: Hmmm.  I've got all the way up to about 400 years into the future planned.  Just between you and me, I feel like once we get married, we'll be busy for a few years.

Order: Understandable.

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