I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 258: The First Apostle Confides in her Goddess

[Luna POV]

I woke up from my nap to find moonlight coming through the window.

“I wanted to nap, not sleep the rest of the day.  Ah, whatever.”

I was irritated.  Either because of what Atmos let slip earlier or because I just woke up, I had no idea.  I got up from my bed and looked out the window.  Looking at the moon reflecting off the water of the river lessened my irritation some.



“When gods and demigods dream, are the dreams prophetic?”

{The only god I know that has for sure had prophetic dreams is Atmos wit Gear being a possibility.  Why?  Did you have a weird dream?}

“Just one of me sitting on a gilded throne while all things are bowing to me and chanting ‘Hail fluff.’”

{Oh, then that might have been prophetic.}

“Please don’t joke about that.  I don’t want that to ever happen.  I don’t mind being the Abyss of Fluff, but I don’t want something like that to ever happen.”

{I was only trying to ease your mood.  Anyway, want to know what I got out of Atmos?}

“Just lay it on me.  I have to hear this at some point, might as well just get it over with.”

{For the most part, the members are Atmos, most of the goddesses of beauty, those two storm gods, apparently me, and several spirits.}

“Why are you included?”

{Apparently, I’m counted as a member and secondary figure or worship.  Atmos’s doing.}


{Anyway, it’s not really that bad.  The storm gods and spirits are one thing, but the others just joined because they were bored.  It’ll pass, just give it a few hundred years at the least.}

“That eases my mind a bit.  The others we can probably just ignore.”

{I agree.  Those two storm gods are particularly meatheaded, so they’ll probably forget soon.  As for the spirits, they won’t bother you.}

I nodded my head at her words.  I continued to stare out the window for a little longer before moving back over to my bed and sitting down.

“Did she say why she started it?”

{Want her answer, or mine?}


{My answer: She’s Atmos, she does things like this because she thinks they’re funny.  And sometimes, she forgets to take into account the other side’s feelings.  Her answer: Because it seemed like an interesting way to pass some time.}


I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to wash the irritation away.

“Well, no use dwelling on it any longer.  What’s done is done and since you said it’ll just be a temporary fad, then I’ll just ignore it and let is sort itself out.”

{Sounds like a good plan.}

As I tried to figure out if I wanted to try and sleep again or not, I took a quick look at my status to see that I had gained a level and was now level 71.

“Well, there were a lot of lizardmen, so that makes sense.”


“I went up a level.  One step closer to tail eight.”

{Yay for you.}

I smiled at Tamamo’s cheerful voice and was about to lay back down when someone knocked on the door.  I got up and let whoever it was in.  My late night visitor turned out to be Soleil.

“Hey big sis…*yawn*” (Soleil)

“Hey Soleil.  What are you doing up so late?” (Luna)

“I’ve been hard at work…and it paid off.” (Soleil)

Soleil was clearly exhausted and she could barely stand straight.  I led her over to the bed and sat her down.

“Hehe.  I’m…fine, big sis.  Not tired at all.  Any…way, I did it.  I got to level 10 stellar magic.  Hehehe.  All it took me was several sleepless nights.” (Soleil)

I sat next to Soleil and her head immediately fell onto my shoulder.

“That’s some good news, Soleil.  Why don’t you go to sleep now?” (Luna)

“No.  I can’t sleep yet.  Not when I can finally become your Apostle.” (Soleil)

I smiled at her and moved her head from my shoulder to my lap.  I then started running my hands through her hair.

“Fufufu.  Soleil, I’m proud of your hard work.  And like I promised, I will make you my Apostle, but for now, sleep.” (Luna)

I started to hum a song that Tamamo taught me and Soleil’s already sleepy eyes started to close.

“Hehehe.  Just like…old…times…zzzzzzzzzz.” (Soleil)

“Fufu.  Like old times indeed.” (Luna)

{I’ll concede that spot for the night, Soleil.}

I spent the rest of that night with Soleil’s head in my lap as I talked with Tamamo.  After the sun rose, I carefully moved Soleil’s head and stood up.  I immediately started to use healing magic to get rid of the gross feeling you get when your legs fall asleep and left the room.  Skadi was still at the helm and happily humming a song to herself.

“Morning.  Want to switch out?” (Luna)

“Sure.” (Skadi)

I took the wheel from Skadi when she moved over.  She then stretched and I could hear popping sounds coming from her arms, legs, and neck.

“I’ve been up most of the night, so you could have come and let me take over before now, you know.” (Luna)

Skadi shrugged her shoulders as she spoke.

“Eh.  It doesn’t really matter to me.  What about you and that thing that Atmos said yesterday?  Also, what did Soleil need?” (Skadi)

“I’m going to ignore the first thing.  As for Soleil, she had apparently been on a grind of making talismans to level her stellar magic and finally hit level 10.” (Luna)

“I though that those could only be completed with the help of a domain?” (Skadi)

“She’s been asking me to keep a small one around her so that she could make them.  But I didn’t realize she was sacrificing sleep for it.  Maybe she got more of those stamina potions I made.  How though, I’m not so sure.” (Luna)

“Maybe Ana gave her some of the ones you left for them on the island.” (Velvet)

“Oh, so she’ll scold me for not wanting to sleep, but when Soleil asks for things that make it unnecessary temporarily, it’s fine.” (Luna)

“Morning Velvet.” (Skadi)

Velvet waved at Skadi before speaking again.

“Is Soleil finally asleep?” (Velvet)

“In the captain’s cabin.  She’s been out like a rock since a little past midnight.  I don’t think she’s going to wake up for a few more hours still.” (Luna)

“Then I’ll leave her be.  Are we going to try flying today?” (Velvet)

“Not sure yet.  The storms are over, but it still seems a bit too windy.” (Luna)

“Ok.  Might as well figure out something to do then.” (Velvet)

“You do that, I’m going to take a nap.” (Skadi)

Skadi went below deck, leaving me and Velvet alone.  We stood in silence and listened to the sounds the ship and river made while enjoying the breeze.  Velvet leaned her back on the railing next to the helm and stared off into the distance.

“What’s on your mind?” (Luna)

“A lot of things.” (Velvet)

“Want to talk about some of them?” (Luna)

“Are you sure, at least one of them is kind of heavy?” (Velvet)

“You are my best friend and first Apostle.  If I can’t help carrying your worries, then what good am I?  Not to mention Soleil.  She’d say the same thing I did.” (Luna)

“It’s about my dad.” (Velvet)

“Ah.  I’m going to ask something insensitive.  Is he dead, or deadbeat?” (Luna)

“Deadbeat.  Drunkard.  Absent for most of my life.  Need I go on?” (Velvet)

“Nah.  Though I do want to beat him if I ever meet him now.” (Luna)

“Get in line.  Anyway, last I heard, he was in the Dwarven Country.  Where exactly, I have no idea, but he’s there.  And knowing our luck, we’re guaranteed to run into him while we’re there.” (Velvet)

“If he’s been absent from your life, then would you even recognize him?” (Luna)

“I said absent for most of my life.  He shows up once every five or so years and then disappears again.” (Velvet)

“Oh.” (Luna)

“And the worst part is, I can’t hate him.  Every time he shows up, he’s always nice, brings me interesting things and masks, and tells stories of things that happened a long time ago when this continent was less peaceful.” (Velvet)

“That last part doesn’t sound very nice.” (Luna)

“The thing is, it’s interesting.  Makes me think about what it was like to live back then.  What was the culture like, the people, the everything.” (Velvet)

“Hmmmm.  The accused, a deadbeat, drunk, somewhat absentee father that also has some good points that nearly balance the scales in his daughter’s heart.  Verdict: A slap from said daughter, a slap from said daughter’s best friend, and whatever torment said daughter’s fiancée decides to heap upon him.  Verdict to be carried out upon first sighting the accused.  We will now go to judge Tamamo to see if said verdict is rational and legal.” (Luna)

{As presiding judge, I, Tamamo, Goddess of the Moon, Night, and Gravity, declare this verdict acceptable on all accounts.  Court adjourned.}

‘Thanks for playing along.’

{Any time.}

“Pffft.  Ahahahahahahaha.” (Velvet)

“Miss Velvet Belmont, do you see any problems with the ruling of the court?” (Luna)

“No.  I do not.” (Velvet)

“Aww.  This is where you yell objection and point at me before demanding you get two slaps, one for each cheek.  Preferable open palmed ones as well so you get a good sound to pain ratio.” (Luna)

“Oh.  Sorry for ruining the bit.” (Velvet)

“I’m just messing with you about that last part.  But at least your mood is better now.” (Luna)

“Hehe.  Thanks for that.” (Velvet)

“Any time.  But why not confide this stuff with Soleil?  She is your fiancée after all.” (Luna)

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Soleil with all my heart and soul and I will confide even my most darkest secrets with her.  But she also has a habit of getting a bit heated when it comes to things that she thinks hurt me in any way.  Don’t get me wrong, I love that part of her, and I’d do the same, but it just feels like she’d latch onto the negative parts of what I said and completely ignore the good parts.” (Velvet)

“Yeah, she takes after Ana a lot in that way.  Plus, all of that is just a beastkin thing in general.” (Luna)

“Now that I think about it, aside from skills, Soleil takes more after Ana than she does Blake.” (Velvet)

“Not completely.  Sure, she takes after Ana a lot more on the surface, but Blake also had some influence.  Her caring attitude, thoughtfulness, drive, and playful side are all heavily Blake’s doing.  Not that Ana doesn’t have all of that as well, but Blake is the one that refined them.  Gah!  I don’t even know if that makes sense.” (Luna)

“I got what you’re trying to say.” (Velvet)

“Well good.  Now, I should leave this to an illusion.  I have a new Apostle waiting to be anointed.  Please go get Ophidia.  I want all of my Apostles to witness this.” (Luna)

“Got it.  Want Mio and Skadi to join as well?” (Velvet)

“If they are awake, sure, but don’t wake them up if they are still or already asleep.  When you get her, meet me in the captain’s cabin.” (Luna)

“Alright.” (Velvet)

Velvet went below deck to get Ophidia while I made an illusion to steer the ship and went back to the captain’s cabin.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Hmmm.  Alright.

Don't go and do something you'll regret so soon after your last scolding.

Atmos: I'm not.  I want to help Velvet resolve this, so I'm going to do some small things to make absolutely sure they will meet.

You just want to see how far he flies when Luna slaps him, don't you.

Atmos: That'll be a bonus, but I truly am doing this to help Velvet.

Fine then, but don't go too overboard.

Atmos: Wasn't planning on it.  By the way, are you going to stop Order and Crisis from chasing each other yet?  They've been at it for a while now.

Nah.  Order is enjoying herself too much for me to stop her.

Atmos: I forgot she and Crisis were something like sisters like me and Tamamo.  This just reminds me of the past now.  Like that one time when Tamamo was young and we played, what was it mortals call it?  Tag, that's it.

Let me guess, Tamamo always won?

Atmos: Yep.  She always pinned me with gravity magic.  Now that I think about it, I should have made a rule banning that.

Save the young Tamamo stories for Luna.

Atmos: Yeah.  I really need to spend a day with just the two of us again.  Anyway, back to what I was doing.

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