[Luna POV]

When I woke up again, I was still held in Tamamo’s embrace.  When she noticed I was awake, she smiled at me.

{Had a good nap?}

“Yeah.  You are better than any bed an blanket in any world.”

{I’m happy these uselessly big things are good for something then.}

“Don’t say that, they are nice, soft, and full of dreams.  They aren’t useless in the least.”

{Anyway.  We still have a little time, is there anything you want to do?}

“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind just staying like this.  Though I could also act as your bed for a bit as well.”

{I’ll take that offer up later.  For now, we will stay like this, my insanely huggable Luna.}

“Alright, me equally insanely huggable Tamamo.”

As we somehow snuggled even closer together, a portal opened up and Atmos timidly popped out of it.

“I won’t stay long, but there are some things that I need to do.” (Atmos)

Atmos walked over to us and knelt down to eye level with me.

“Luna, I am so, so sorry for what happened earlier.  I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, especially on your birthday.”  She then turned her gaze to Tamamo.  “And Tamamo, I’m sorry for ruining your plans for the night, especially after all the preparations you made for them.  Please allow me to make it up to the two of you.”

“Atmos, I understand that you didn’t do that on purpose, so I have no hard feelings about the matter.  If anything, I feel I should be a little grateful to you for that.” (Luna)

{I feel the same.  Sure, the night didn’t go as planned, but I still got to enjoy being close to Luna, so it all worked out.  And besides, I can always save what I had planned for the next full moon.  It’s not like a month wait is anything to any of us.}

Atmos teared up a little and hugged us.

“*Sniff*  Thank you for not holding this against me.  Again, I’m sorry for messing up, but thank you all the same.  I don’t deserve either of you.” (Atmos)

I glanced up at Tamamo and our eyes met.  We both gave a small nod and we moved a few of our tails and wrapped them around Atmos.  I even made one of them pat her head.

“There, there, Atmos.  And don’t say you don’t deserve us, we both love having you around.  Sure, we may scold or make jokes at your expense, but we still care for you.  That’s what family is, after all.” (Luna)

{It’s exactly what Luna said, there is not a day in my life that I wish you weren’t who you are to me.  Sure, I might get a little annoyed at you showing up yelling, but even then, it’s all in good fun in the end.}

“*Sniff* I love you guys so much.” (Atmos)

She tightened her hug and we all sat that way for a few minutes before Atmos attempted to let go.  When we let her, she wiped her eyes and looked at me.

“Luna, I do have a few things for you.” (Atmos)

She waved her hand and a table appeared out of nowhere.  On the table were a few different cakes.

“These are some things I just finished baking.  They are both my gift for your birthday and an apology gift.  Also, some mutual friends gave me something for you as well.” (Atmos)

She placed a small box on the table next to one of the cakes.

“I don’t really know what that box is, but they said you would.” (Atmos)

“I do.  Tamamo, Atmos, share some cake with me while I’m still here.” (Luna)

They both nodded at my suggestion and Tamamo and I sat up.  I looked over the assortment of cakes and chose to start with the cheesecake.  With Atmos’s permission, I stored the other ones and pulled out a knife to cut us some.  When we all took a bite, we all melted into blissful puddles.

“Atmos, you make cakes better that I cook.” (Luna)

“Well, I am the Goddess of Baking after all.” (Atmos)

{Ufufufu.  I’m still amazed you got that Authority.}

“Well, all the cakes I sling around have to come from somewhere.  Sure, I can manifest them from nothing, but those taste horrible, so I figured that I should at least give my prank victims something to look forward to while they clean cake off their faces.” (Atmos)

“Fufu.  How considerate.” (Luna)

“I know, right.” (Atmos)

{Luna, what is that little box?  You said you knew what was in it, but never explained.}

“Oh right.” (Luna)

I picked up the box and opened it.  I then pulled out a thin, chocolate covered stick.  I handed it over to Tamamo.

“Eat it.” (Luna)

She did as I said and when she finished it, she nodded in understanding.

{So, it’s a snack.}

“Yep.  But the snack part isn’t important.  It’s the game you play with them that’s important.” (Luna)

“Game?” (Atmos)

“Yep.  Tamamo, if you will sit in front of me.” (Luna)

She moved over and sat facing me.

“Put the non-chocolate covered end in your mouth, but don’t start eating it yet.” (Luna)

Again, she did as instructed.

“Now, I will do the same to the other end.  Then, we both start eating at the same time.  The goal of the game is to kiss the opponent.  The winner kisses, the loser gets kissed.  Simple.” (Luna)

“I see.  May I ask for a demonstration?” (Atmos)

“There was going to be one anyway.  Tamamo, I will count down from three then we start, ok.” (Luna)

Tamamo nodded her head and I bit onto the other end of the stick.  I raised my hand and counted down.  When I hit zero, me and Tamamo rapidly crunched through the stick until my lips met hers, signaling my win.  Of course, I maximized on the opportunity and stayed locked together with Tamamo for a few seconds before backing off.

“Fufufu.  I won.” (Luna)

{Are you sure?  I feel like I was the one that won in that situation.}

“Technically you lost, but this is a more everyone wins type of game.” (Luna)

“Luna, how many times can you play this game?” (Atmos)

I looked into the box to see how many were left to discover that the ones that we ate were replaced by new ones.

“I guess infinitely.” (Luna)

“Mind if I take some to play this with Grey?” (Atmos)

“Go for it.” (Luna)

I took out several sticks and handed them to Atmos who hid them away somewhere.  I then started to shine.

“Guess my times up.” (Luna)

{Sure does.  I guess I’ll see you tonight then?}

“Yep.” (Luna)

“Um, Luna, one quick thing before you go.” (Atmos)

“Hmm?” (Luna)

“Mind if the two of us spend some time together after you ascend?  Sure, it’s still a ways off, but still, would you like to?” (Atmos)

“Of course.” (Luna)

“Thanks.” (Atmos)

I then fully disappeared from Tamamo’s place.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: I was forgiven.

We told you you would be.

Order: We don't lie to you, so why didn't you believe us?

Atmos: Because I thought you were just saying that to make me feel better.

That was a part of it, but we wouldn't give you false hope either.

Atoms: I'll keep that in mind for the future.  Also, are you sure giving that to Luna is fine?

Yep.  It's just an infinite supply of snacks.

Atmos: Yeah, but what if she uses it for other stuff?

Like what?

Atmos: I don't know, temporarily stop a famine or fill a ravine with it or something.

Order: Atmos, I doubt she'll do something like that.

...It'll only refill after she eats everything first now.

Order: You really think she would do something like that?

Payto and Atmos: She's Luna, so it's a possibility.

Order:...That's true.

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