I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 264: Labor Six: Complete

[Luna POV]

Even if the whole incident happened not too long ago, the bull had left a lot of destruction in its wake.  It also managed to get a considerable amount of distance from the town.

“At least it’s going in a straight line nya.” (Mio)

“Yeah, it’s making it real easy for us.” (Luna)

“Big sis, is this another one of those labors?” (Soleil)

“Yeah.  How’d you guess?” (Luna)

“The way you’ve been acting since you first saw that bull is the same way you acted when we went after that boar.” (Soleil)

“Oh.  I didn’t realize I was acting any different.” (Luna)

“It’s not a big difference, you’ve just been a bit more…excited, I guess.” (Velvet)

“Hmm.  I didn’t even notice.” (Luna)

We finally reached a large forest that had a path of trees crushed, broken, or bent at odd angles.  We could also feel the ground shaking and I heard the sound of more trees being damaged and destroyed.

“Everyone ready?” (Luna)

They all nodded, and we entered the trail of destruction.  Since it was a straight path that was cleared, it didn’t take long for the bull to come into view.  It was thrashing around with trees lodged on its horns.  It was kicking and bucking around like it was in a rodeo.  It slammed its head on the ground and one of the trees that was stuck on its horns broke and it must have seen us since it huffed loudly and turned in our direction.  Its eyes glowed red and it pawed the ground.

“U-um.  This doesn’t seem good.” (Soleil)

“There’s no need to be scared, Soleil.  I won’t allow any of you to get hurt.” (Luna)

“I realize that, but it’s still intimidating being looked at like that by something that is 10 times bigger than you.” (Soleil)

I was about to reply with a snarky comment when the bull huffed again and started its charge.  It lowered its head so that the points of its horns were aimed at us.

“Luna, move over to the right a step and brace yourself.  Grab its left horn and I’ll do the same for its right.  After that, dig your heels in.” (Skadi)

“Hahahaha.  I like that plan.  Ophidia, Mio, brace Skadi.  Velvet, Soleil, do the same for me.” (Luna)

Everyone moved into position and a few seconds later the bull was upon us.  Skadi and I grabbed our respective horn and dug our heels into the ground.  The others also supported us.  We all slid back leaving tracks in the ground.

“Luna, shift your weight to the right and get it off balance.” (Skadi)

I followed her lead and shifted a little.  The bull started to lean right and out of the corner of my eye I saw Skadi pushing up.  I started to pull down and the bull leaned even more before it’s weight and momentum led it to topple over and slide.  While it was dazed, I opened up some Gates and had some of my chains restrain the bull.

“What are you doing?” (Ophidia)

“Healing and calming it down.” (Luna)

I walked up to the bull and looked it over for where those idiots branded it.  When I got close to its hind legs it tried kicking me, but I stopped its foot with a hand.

“Tch.  Skadi, come and hold its leg still for me.  I can’t heal it if it’s moving around this much.” (Luna)

“Got it.” (Skadi)

Skadi took over restraining the leg that I stopped and I tied the other one down with another chain.  Ignoring the thing in front of my face, I knelt down and inspected the inner side of the bull’s hind leg.  There was a raw mark burnt into the leg.  It was sloppy and been made even worse while the bull rampaged.

“This can’t even be considered a failed prank; this is just cruelty.” (Luna)

I started to use healing magic on the bull’s wound and it visibly started to calm down.  When I was done, I backed away and motioned to Skadi to let its leg go.  I walked up to its face and saw its eyes had also stopped glowing red.  It looked at me and twisted its neck a bit and licked me.  With a cramped smile, I made my chains release it.  It lumbered up and licked me again.

“I think it likes you nya.” (Mio)

“How lovely.” (Luna)

I was not amused.  We started to walk when the bull huffed at us.  I turned and looked at it again and it knelt down.

“I think he wants us to ride him back.” (Velvet)

“Looks like it.” (Skadi)

We all climbed on the bull’s back, and it started to saunter back to the town.  It took a little while since even with the path it had made the first time, its horns would still get snagged on trees.  When we could see the town again, the sun had already started to rise.  I could see a group of minotaurs gathered around the bull sized hole.  Some of them turned around when they felt the ground shake when the bull stepped, and their faces morphed into ones of shock.  When we got close enough, the bull knelt down again, and we all hopped off.  Mayor Asterius separated from the group and started speaking.

“*Huff* I guess S-ranks are even more impressive than I thought.” (Asterius)

“I know we said we’d wait for, well, now, but we figured it would be better to go after it and calm it down as early as possible.” (Luna)

“And I thank you for that.  And from the looks of it, you did a good job.  Not only did he allow you all to ride on his back, but also licked you.  He only ever does that to me and a few of the other more experienced handlers.” (Asterius)

“Yes, anyway, have those three woken up yet?” (Luna)

“No.” (Asterius)

His joyful tone made an immediate shift to one of simmering fury.

“By your tone, I assume you figured out what happened anyway.” (Luna)

“For the most part.  But that’s a problem for us to handle, come with me and we can discuss your rewards.” (Asterius)

With that, he turned on his heels and started walking back to the group.  He spoke to two of the other minotaurs and they started making their way to the bull.  We all followed Mayor Asterius to what I assumed was his home.  It was just as large as the others if not a little bigger.  When we went inside, I saw a woman that was only about an inch shorter than Asterius standing with a domineering pose and holding what looked like a sandal in her hand.  Kneeling in front of her were the three youths that were injured earlier.  They were all even paler than when they were injured as the female minotaur loomed over them.

The second the door opened, one of them tried to bolt but the woman threw the sandal, and I watched as it smacked the youth in the head like it was attracted to it with a high-powered magnet.  Both Soleil and I shuddered at this scene as we remembered something similar happening with mom and Ana.

“I’m back and with guests.” (Asterius)

“Fine.  I’ll take their scolding elsewhere.”

She dropped the sandal that had somehow ended up back in her hand on the ground and put it on then grabbed the two youths in front of her by the ears and left the room.  She came back shortly after and dragged the third one off by the leg.  After a few moments of silence, I turned to look at Asterius.

“First off, let me thank you again for healing those boys as well as bringing our Cretan bull back.” (Asterius)

He bowed his head to us and let out a huff.  He then raised his head once more and his look turned serious.

“While I and by extension the rest of the town are thankful, we can’t pay for all of your help.  We simply don’t have the money to spare.  Is there anything we can give you that is of equal value?” (Asterius)

“Then let me ask, what is your towns specialty?” (Luna)

“Aside from our woodworks, we also make a special type of cheese.  It’s not special in the magic or stat raising sense, but from what we’ve been told by travelling merchants, it’s something that would be perfect for eating with wine.  Not that I really believe that; it’s just cheese after all.” (Asterius)

“Then how about we ask for some of your best woodworks and cheese as payment?” (Luna)

I looked at my party and they all nodded.

“Are you sure, that doesn’t seem like enough for the services of an S-rank adventurer?” (Asterius)

“It’s fine, really.  I find things like this way better than money.” (Luna)

“You truly are benevolent.” (Asterius)

He stood up and grabbed my hand in his and shook them.

“This town and I will never forget your kindness.  From this day forth, you are all friends of the minotaurs.  May your journey through the labyrinth of life be a safe and meaningful one.” (Asterius)

After that and a little more polite chat, we all left the mayor’s house.  Asterius went to get some people to gather our rewards while we went back to the ship.

“When they come to deliver the rewards, tell them to put them down over there.  I’m going to my floating island to take a bath and get the smell of bull saliva off of me before I go insane.” (Luna)

I teleported away and spent the next four hours repeatedly scrubbing myself before I finally felt and smelled clean.

Chaos Realm:

Tamamo: Why won't she make a domain?

Fenrir: I doubt she wants you to smell her.

Atmos: Yeah, Cretan bull saliva stinks almost as bad as goblins.

Order: Do I even want to know how you know that?

Atmos: Probably not.

Um, Order, can you please move your hands from my eyes?

Order: No.

You realize that the only person here that can see anything is Tamamo, right?  To the rest of us, the screen is either off, or covered in steam, or blinding light from a mysterious place.

Order: Doesn't matter.

Fine.  Though could you at least try not to put so much pressure?  It feels like you're trying to scoop my eyes out.

Order: Sorry, that wasn't intentional.

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