I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 266: A Peaceful Day of Sailing

[Luna POV]

A few days after our impromptu wyvern fondue party we were still sailing the skies.  It’s been peaceful for the most part with the occasional curious or hostile large sky creature.

“I still wonder why no one has ever seen or heard of these sky creatures.  I mean, they don’t disappear when they die since they can be eaten, so where do they go?”

{Luna, that’s the second time you’ve asked that.  Though I am also curious.}

I looked around to see if anyone was on deck before taking a small piece of some sky monster and popping it in my mouth.

“And why is this stuff so good?  Aside from those damn shrimp things, everything else is great.”

{Luna, I feel like if the others see you eating that, they’ll try to hold an intervention or something.  I mean, I get it, it’s tasty, but it’s also poisonous.  Sure, it doesn’t affect you, but you’ll get strange looks from people if they find out you eat poisonous stuff just because you like how it tastes.}

“Why do you think I made sure no one else was up here before eating some?”

Tamamo was about to say something before she got cut off by a loud roar.  In front of the ship there was a thing that looked like a giant alligator with the only difference being it had fins instead of legs.

{How rude.}

“Perfect timing, I say.  Let’s see what happens when I don’t collect it when it dies.”

It flew near the ship, and I opened a Gate above its head and shot a spear out of it.  It hit the spot on its head where its scales were the weakest and the spear shot completely through it.

“Well, that was a waste of a perfectly good spear.  I hope it doesn’t hit anyone when it lands.”

{Why didn’t you use an illusory one?}

“Cause I didn’t feel like it.  I originally planned to grab it before watching whatever happens to this thing, but I accidentally put too much power behind it.  I was expecting its scales to resist it more.”

{Oh well.  You can always replace it.}

“True.  Now, to watch what happens.”

I stared at the sky alligator as its corpse just floated there.  Seeing as this was an experiment, I used a chain and tied it to the back of the ship.  Several minutes later, a groggy Soleil climbed up top and stood next to me.

“*Yawn*  What was that roar, big sis?” (Soleil)

“That thing that is being dragged behind the ship.  I’m watching to see what happens when these things die since we never corpses of these things on the ground.” (Luna)

“…That’s nice.” (Soleil)

“Were you taking a nap?” (Luna)

“Everyone is…it’s the perfect day for a nap…now if you excuse me, I have a Velvet to hug some more.” (Soleil)

Soleil slowly made her way back below deck.

“Y’know, she’s right about that.  The sun is making it the perfect temperature to take a nap.”

{I’d be happy to join you if you opt to take one.}

“While I like the idea, I’ll hold off for now.”


“Fufu.  Don’t sound so disappointed, I’ll take a nap with you next time Skadi decides to take over the steering.”


Over the next few hours of sailing, nothing really changed with the corpse other than it started to float a little higher than before.

“Do they float up instead of fall down?  How interesting.  Does it have something to do with gravity maybe?  Or is it some other kind of magic?  Actually, how do these things even fly?  GAH!  One question gets answered and more take its place.”

Since the question for why we never see corpses from sky creatures was somewhat answered, I put the body of the alligator in my inventory and looked ahead.  It was then that I saw something shimmering in the distance.

“I wonder what that is?”

As I continued to sail in that direction, the shimmering became more pronounced and I could make out what it really was.

“Tiny, sharp looking fish things?”

While individually small, they moved in an extremely large school.  The closer the ship got to them, I started to hear something coming from them.  It was like the sound of insect wings.  I squinted my eyes to try and her a better look at them when the school turned toward the ship and the noise grew even more intense.

“Oh no you don’t.”

The school shot toward the ship and I set up a lightning barrier just in time to get most of them.  A few managed to get in before the barrier was fully up and they started wreaking havoc on the sails.

“No, bad shiny fish things.”

I left the steering to an illusion and then leapt up to the rigging to try and get rid of the stragglers.  EX Agi is no joke and I managed to catch all of them in about 20 minutes.

“That was annoying.  Stupid things, I’m going to have to fix these now.”

I set up a space barrier around the ship and it slowed down before coming to a stop.  I looked at all the holes in the sails and sighed.

{What happened in the time I went to get a snack?}

“Ran into a school of shiny fish things, turns out they are sharp and aggressive, set up a lightning barrier but some got in before it was done, and they did this to the sails.  Now I have to fix them.”

{How unfortunate.}

“Meh.  I was getting bored just standing and steering, so it’s a change of pace.”

I looped a chain between two Gates and used it as a hanging chair as I got to work mending the holes in the sails.  The smaller ones didn’t take too long to finish, but the largest of the sails also had the most damage.  It was also filled with small holes that were spread out.

{Just how versatile are those chains of yours?}

“Extremely.  I could even use them as stairs if needed.  They wouldn’t be the most stable, granted, but still usable.”

{I see.  Now I really want to ask Grey where he got those in the first place.}

I continued my work and once I was done, the sun was starting to set.  When I got back on deck I decided to call it a day and went to the captain’s cabin where I slumped into a chair.

“Tamamo, may I make a request?”

{Anything for you.}

“I would love it if you could give me a shoulder massage.”

{Then you know what you need to do.}

“I’ll naturally pay the toll.  It was fifty bowls of kitsune udon, right?”

{That or an equivalent amount of kisses.}

“I’ll pay with both then.  The udon up front and the kisses after.”

{Then we have a deal.}

I went over and laid face down on the bed and then set up a domain.  What followed was another wonderful massage from Tamamo followed by a nice meal and some kissing to finish off the day completely.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Now I'm curious as well.  What exactly does happen with those sky creatures?

Not telling.

Fenrir: Why not?

Because it preserves the mystery.

Atmos: That's as good a reason as any.

Fenrir: Indeed.  What's a long life without a little mystery to spice it up.


Atmos: By the way, where did Order go?

She went to take a nap.  And speaking of naps, I think I'll go take one as well.

Fenrir: Rest well.

I'll try to.  Atmos, if anything interesting happens, you know what to do.

Atmos: Yeah yeah.

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