I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 274: Heading Towards the Crystal City

[Luna POV]

After exploring the city without the distraction of chasing a thief, we turned in for the night.  The next day we prepared to set out for the crystal city.  We were now standing in front of the gate of the tunnel that would lead us in that direction according to the simple map that we acquired from the guild.

“Maybe I should just map the country as we go.  This map is a bit too simple.” (Luna)

“I’d recommend against that.  This country is a place where them more detailed a map, the harder to read it will be when complete.  There are an uncountable number of old, unused tunnels, abandoned mineshafts, ancient ruins from civilizations that got buried by what most think was some magic disaster from long ago, and more.” (Skadi)

“There are also branch tunnels made by worm monsters and wyrms.” (Velvet)

“Wyrms.  Are these a sub-species of dragons?” (Luna)

“No, drakes.  These ones live mostly underground and hardly ever attack people.  The dwarves even tame them to use them as beasts of burden, though that’s not to say they aren’t all nonaggressive.” (Skadi)

“And I’m guessing worms are like the ones that we sort of saw in that first dungeon I went to I first joined the party.  The ones we barely ran into since big sis made a path through that desert floor.” (Soleil)

“Yeah.” (Velvet)

“Anyway, mapping is a bad idea, got it.  Anything else I should know before we leave?” (Luna)

“Not that I can think of.” (Skadi)

“I do have a question.  Why are we leaving here when Mio is still busy?  Shouldn’t we wait for her?” (Ophidia)

“Since you don’t know, we discussed this before Mio left.  She said to start making our way to whatever place we decide to go after docking and pick her up when it’s time to.” (Luna)

“Oh.” (Ophidia)

“It’s not like she’s going to miss much.  The domain will close itself in two more days.” (Luna)

“Then let’s set off.” (Velvet)

We walked through the gate into the well-lit tunnel.  We walked for a long time before Soleil spoke up.

“I don’t mean any offense to the dwarves, but there isn’t much here to see.” (Soleil)

“From my past experience here, the tunnels nearest to the cities aren’t very interesting to walk through.  The true beauty of this country comes from the cities and the cave systems that are deeper into the mountains.  Going by the map we got and what I can remember, we should pass through a few natural caves before we get to where we’re going.” (Skadi)

“How big are these caves?” (Soleil)

“Extremely big.  I remember one was about as big as the area underneath Luna’s floating island.” (Skadi)

“Oh wow.” (Soleil)

“Now I can only imagine that as a cave where a lot of trees are growing and small rivers run through it.  Like a world beneath the ground.” (Luna)

“There is a cave like that, you know.” (Skadi)

“Where?” (Ophidia)

“It’s between the crystal city and the capital.  Though it’s different from what you are imagining.  Instead of greenery and rivers of water, it’s a lot of plants that can only grow underground with the right conditions, one of which are rivers of magma.” (Skadi)

“Ok, that makes no sense.  What kind of nutrients can plants get from liquified rock and minerals, or can they?  Ugh, I wish I paid more attention to geology classes back then.” (Luna)

“Mag-” (Skadi)

“No, I want an actual explanation.” (Luna)

“I don’t know.  I never questioned it and even then, I’ve only ever been there once.  It’s never bothered me.” (Skadi)

“Tamamo?” (Luna)

{I don’t have an answer to everything, Luna.}

“Why is this the thing that bothers you?” (Velvet)

“I don’t know.” (Luna)

“Hahaha.  It’s so funny how you get caught up on the most random things, master.” (Ophidia)

“I just wanted to change it up from my normal acceptance of everything with ‘magic.’” (Luna)

“It was still funny.” (Ophidia)

We continued on for the rest of the day with not much going on except for some fun conversation.  Skadi regaled us with some stories about her previous adventures and we overall enjoyed the otherwise boring walk through the unchanging scenery of the tunnel.  When we stopped for the night, we set up camp in a part of the tunnel specifically made for camping out.

“Everyone, it’s time to eat.” (Luna)

“The best time of the day.” (Ophidia)

“I wouldn’t go that far, but it is one of the better parts of the day.” (Velvet)

“I’ll agree to that.  I look forward to eating big sis’s cooking every day.” (Soleil)

“Good food and good friends, two of the best things in life.” (Skadi)

“Cheers to that.” (Luna)

We ate in silence for a few minutes when a thought occurred to me.

“Hey Ophidia, what’s your depth at?” (Luna)

“Ummm…65%.” (Ophidia)

“Tch.  Can’t go with that plan, then.” (Luna)

“What plan are you talking about?” (Velvet)

“Well, I was thinking that maybe we could travel in a different way than just walking or folding space, especially since I don’t know if folding space is a good idea in caves.” (Luna)

“And that different way is?” (Velvet)

“Riding on Ophidia’s back while she’s in her serpent form, or alternately, me in my fox form since I’m pretty sure it’s big enough to carry at least a few of us at the same time now.” (Luna)

“Then why not just split us up into two groups?  One group rides on Ophidia’s back and the group with people who won’t go mad from the Abyss rides on yours?” (Velvet)

“…” (Luna)

“Why even bring this option up?  I mean, why now and not earlier?  Or better yet why bring it up when we’re in a country where the main roads are tunnels with limited space?” (Soleil)

“Mostly just because I don’t use my fox form almost ever.  I mean, I do spar with dad in that form sometimes, but ever since I got my seventh tail, I haven’t transformed once.  Plus, I kind of want to see the reactions of any other travelers we run into when they see a big fox and a giant serpent traversing the tunnels.” (Luna)

“Now that you say that, I don’t use my fox form all that much either, and when I do, it’s mostly just to take naps in Velvet’s lap.” (Soleil)

“What about Mio, she doesn’t use her, what was it again, nekomata(?) form all that much either.” (Velvet)

“I mean, I can give a reason as to why I don’t use my fox form all that much, but for all I know the reason could be exclusive to me.  I don’t use it much since I’m not as nimble or flexible like that, even if I am faster when it comes to running.  Not that I need to be any faster.” (Luna)

“I just don’t like how small it makes me feel.” (Soleil)

“For my part, I stay in this form more for various reasons.  One being that this form feels more comfortable than my serpent form now.  Another being that it’s a fresh feeling since I didn’t have legs for hundreds of years.” (Ophidia)

{Since we’re sharing reasons we don’t use our animal forms, I don’t use mine much since I don’t really see a need to.  I can count the number of times I’ve used that form on both hands, and most of those times were because Atmos wanted to use my tails to take a nap and I wanted to do other things, so I carried her around while I was in that form.}

“That’s as good a reason as any.” (Skadi)

“Yeah.  Anyway, do you guys want to try that tomorrow and see how much ground we can cover?” (Luna)

“Sure.  Though we need to know how big your fox form is now to see if it’s even viable.” (Velvet)

“Well, lets see now.” (Luna)

I stood up and walked away from the campfire before transforming into my fox form.

‘Well, this is bigger than I was expecting.  Not as big as you are, Tamamo, but I’m at least as big as a somewhat small one-story house.’ (Luna)

{Even I’m surprised.  I didn’t expect your fox form would grow this big when you got more tails.  I thought it was an age thing.}

‘Maybe it’s both?  We don’t have a very big sample size to really know.’ (Luna)


“I think this will work.” (Velvet)

“Yeah.  It will definitely work.” (Soleil)

“Why does she look fluffier like this?” (Skadi)

“I don’t know, but it makes me want to pet her.” (Ophidia)

“Fufufufu.  I just got an idea.  Hey Ophidia, want to have a race tomorrow?  I’ll hold back enough to be equal to your speed.” (Luna)

“Sure, but how do we decide who wins?” (Ophidia)

“How about whoever is ahead when night falls wins?” (Luna)

“Let’s go with that, then.  Goddess Tamamo, will you be the one to tell us when night falls?” (Ophidia)


“Then we’re all set.  Let’s all get some sleep so we’re well rested for it.” (Luna)

I transformed back and we all went to our tents for the night.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Good times, napping in Tamamo's tails.  I should do it again some time soon.

Crisis: Now I want to try that as well.  Tonya getting to nap in Luna's is unfair.

Tonya: Nyahahaha.  It's bliss nya.  

Atmos: Well well well, these are faces I haven't seen in a while.  Where have you two been?

Crisis: I was with Mordred and actually doing my job for once.

Tonay: Sleeping nya, dreamwalking nya, and just watching people's dreams nya.  But mostly sleeping nya.

Atmos: Figures.  Any special reason you two came here?

Crisis: I wanted to see what Luna was up to as well as to mess with Order a bit.  I've fallen behind on that particular quota ever since I met Mordred.

Tonya: This is a good place to nyap nya.

Atmos: Well, I have no idea where the two of them went, so I can't help you there, Crisis.

Crisis: Oh, I know exactly where they are, I'm just biding my time.  Order's insanely cute embarrassed face will soon make its appearance.

Atmos: You realize that won't end well for you, right?

Crisis: Sure it will.  She'll forgive me eventually.  I mean, it's happened before.

Atmos: Eh!?

Crisis: Of course, those other times, Order was alone, so this time will be slightly different, but that just means I get to see if I can see the oh so mighty God of Chaos's embarrassed face as well.

Atmos: Tonya, what do you think about this?

Tonya: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Atmos: Of course she's asleep.  Oh well, I wish you luck and hope you survive.

Crisis: Hahahahahahahaha.  I always survive.

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