I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 278: A Discussion of Parent, Child, and Fiancée

[Luna POV]

The next morning we all took our time getting ready and eating breakfast.  Once we were all ready, we went back to where we left Velvet’s father.  I had the foresight to set up some illusion and space magic so that nobody would bother him.  When we got there, he was still falling and he had an unamused expression on his face.

“About…time…you…showed…up…again…Can…you…stop…this…already…please…” (Rayon)

I looked to Velvet and she just shrugged.  I then glanced at Soleil and saw she was chuckling a little before she nodded her head.

“I’m satisfied for now.” (Soleil)

I nodded my head before moving the portal in the air onto the ground.  Velvet’s father fell through it and up high into the air, where I blinked next to him, caught him, and teleported back to the ground where I unceremoniously dropped him.

“Ah, sweet, sweet ground.  I will never leave you again.” (Rayon)

“Get up, you’re making a fool of yourself.” (Velvet)

“Hey!  I spent the whole night in freefall, so let me have this much.” (Rayon)

“And when did you earn the privilege of making requests of me?” (Velvet)

“…” (Rayon)

“Shall we take this somewhere else?” (Ophidia)

“That’s sounds best.  You, do you have anything that let’s you walk under the sun?” (Luna)

“Yeah.  I’m always wearing it.” (Rayon)

“Perfect.  Ophidia, to the floating island.” (Luna)

“Yes, master.” (Ophidia)

We all teleported to my floating island under my tree.

“Holy…I’ve never seen a Lunar Sakura look like this or grow to this size.  And what’s with the leaves?” (Rayon)

“Don’t get too comfortable, after we’re done with our discussion, I’m having Luna send you over to mom.” (Velvet)

“Ah.” (Rayon)

“Velvet, do you want all of us here, or just you, Soleil, and him?” (Luna)

“Hmmm.  Just me and Soleil this time.” (Velvet)

“Alright.  Just use telepathy when you’re ready for me to pick you up.” (Luna)

Velvet nodded at me and all of us but those three teleported back to the crystal city.

[Velvet POV]

When the others left, I looked back at dad who was staring up at the tree again.

“Dad, we need to talk.  And no, you are not getting out of it either.” (Velvet)

“*Sigh*  Guess I should have expected this to happen one day.  Come on, sit on my knee and I’ll listen to what you have to say.” (Rayon)

“How about no.  I’m 25 already.” (Velvet)

“Eh?  Really?  Oh, the years, how they fly.” (Rayon)

“Velvet, let me smack him.  He’s not taking this seriously at all.” (Soleil)

“On the contrary, Soleil, this IS him taking this seriously.” (Velvet)

“I refuse to believe that.” (Soleil)

“Believe it, little kitsune.  This is just what I’m like.  Now, if we’re going to have a discussion, I deserve to know what’s happened in these last, what was it again, seven, years with you, Velvet.  And you best start off with the you having a fiancée.  I never gave my blessing for that.” (Rayon)

“And I don’t care for it.  The only reason I call you dad in the first place is because mom still loves you, despite you only being home for at most a day or two every few years.  Sure, I also care for you a bit since you’ve always been good to me when you were home, but you’re more like a family friend in my eyes than my actual father.  Plus, mom already gave her blessing.” (Velvet)

“You wound me, Velvet.  My own daughter, showing such disinterest in me.  I still remember a few years ago when you’d run up and grab onto my leg and ask me to buy you masks and tell you stories.” (Rayon)

“That was before I actually knew the world was more than just the city I lived in.” (Velvet)

“…” (Soleil)

“And Soleil, don’t ask him anything, he’s unreliable when it comes to things like that.” (Velvet)

“Guess I’ll just ask your mother next time I see her.” (Soleil)

“While I’d prefer you didn’t do that, I also know you’ll do it anyway.” (Velvet)

“I’m still here you know.” (Rayon)

I rolled my eyes at him and then sat down on one of the roots of the tree.  Soleil sat next to me and dad sat on the ground in front of us.

“So, you want me to go first, I’m assuming.” (Velvet)

“If you don’t mind.  By the way, do you have any blood on you?  I haven’t had any in…I don’t remember how long.” (Rayon)

I rolled my eyes again and pulled out two blood potions from my bag and tossed them over to him.

“Thanks.” (Rayon)

He uncorked one of the bottles and drank the contents like he was draining a mug of alcohol.

“That’s some good stuff.” (Rayon)

“Just start asking your questions.  We have stuff we’d rather be doing.” (Velvet)

“I’ve already asked what I wanted to know, though I will add what your mother has been up to as well.” (Rayon)

“Let’s see.  I was appointed as head of the organization in the Beast Kingdom for about three years and mom retired, I met Luna, the black haired kitsune from earlier and joined her as an adventurer two years ago while giving mom back her position as head, went on some adventures, met Soleil, started dating her and eventually got engaged to her, went on more adventures, became and S-rank adventurer, more adventures all the way up until now.” (Velvet)

“Are you not going to explain the finer details in between?” (Soleil)

“Later.” (Velvet)

“…I missed a lot…damn it…I missed too much.” (Rayon)

“Well, that happens when you just up and disappear for several years at a time.  I mean, you don’t even know me really, aside from my like of masks and old stories.” (Velvet)

“Why even do that?  While I don’t act like it, even I’d hate it if my dad wasn’t around all the time, so I just can’t understand why you are like that with Velvet.” (Soleil)

“Honestly, it’s all on me.  See, I’m kind of messed up in the head a little bit.  I don’t really feel the years go by, and by the time I do realize it, it’s been several years since I left home again.  But that’s what you get when you live as long as I have.  I mean really, 5000 years is a long time to live.  The last thousand or so have felt like a few months to me.  But that is nothing more than an excuse, but it’s the best reason I can offer.  And to tell the truth, I feel horrible about it.” He uncorked the other bottle and drank some of its contents.  “I really wanted to be there for Velvet’s entire life, but when I leave to do something, I always, ALWAYS, end up losing track of time.” (Rayon)

“…” (Soleil)

“What’s with that confused look?  I’m spilling my honest, heart-wrenching feelings here.” (Rayon)

“I still don’t get it.  If it’s only been 5000 years, shouldn’t you be fine?” (Soleil)

“Now that you say that, you’re right, Soleil.” (Velvet)

“…Velvet, are you broken?  I could have sworn you had more sense that this.” (Rayon)

“I’m completely half-sane.  But still, why are you having problems with you head after only 5000 years?  Lady Tamamo is far older than that and completely sane.” (Velvet)

“And from what we’ve heard, Lady Atmos is as well.  And probably Fenrir too.” (Soleil)

“From what Mio says, yeah.” (Velvet)

“Um, I know Velvet is an oracle, but when were you allowed to speak the names of gods like you speak to them regularly?” (Rayon)

“Since a while now.  Not that they ever really said we couldn’t in the first place.  Oh, maybe that’s why, Soleil, they are gods, not, technically, mortals, and my guess is that this also extends to Apostles, or at least, I hope so.” (Velvet)

“Yeah, that makes sense.” (Soleil)

“Ok, I am clearly missing something here.  Please explain what’s going on.” (Rayon)

“Me and Soleil became Apostles of Luna, who is, currently, a demigod and will ascend to a goddess in the future.  She is married to Goddess Tamamo.  She is also the daughter of the General of our home country, Marquis Deacon Reed, and a reincarnated hero from the last ones that were summoned.  Ophidia, one of the other people from earlier is also her Apostle and is engaged to Skadi the Abyssal Hunter, who is also a demigod.  The last person in our party is Mio the Shadow Nya, who became an Apostle of Lady Tamamo and is also dating the Goddess of Winter, Fenrir.  As for Lady Atmos, she is Lady Tamamo’s sister.  By the way, Luna will be a in a very high position in the divine domain alongside the Gods of Time, Creation, and Gravity.  I am the Apostle of Fluff, and Soleil is the Apostle of Stars.  Ophidia is the Apostle of Space.” (Velvet)

“……I’m gonna need some more to drink, I’m not drunk enough for this.” (Rayon)

“I expected a better reaction.” (Soleil)

“I think Luna is rubbing off on you.” (Velvet)

“Well, I did grow up with her, so it’s not that surprising.” (Soleil)

“True.  Anyway, let’s get Luna back here so she can send him to mom and we can get back to exploring the crystal city.” (Velvet)

“Let’s.” (Soleil)

“Luna.  Can you hear me?” (Velvet)

“On my way.” (Luna)

Luna then appeared right behind dad and grabbed him.  She smiled her usual mischievous smile and disappeared once more before reappearing almost immediately.

“Alright, let’s go.” (Luna)

Soleil and I both nodded and grabbed onto Luna’s hands and we teleported away.

Chaos Realm:


Atmos: Payto.


Atmos: Payto!


Atmos: PAYTO!!!


Atmos: Calm down.  Believe it or not, Tamamo has experience in helping with these things, so just calm down.


Atmos: *Sigh*  Why do I even try?

*Door opens*

Tamamo: Payto, you can go in now, but be quiet.  Order is exhausted and needs rest.


Tamamo: Oh, and congratulations, you two have a beautiful daughter.

*I walk into the room and shut the door*

Tamamo: Now, what did I miss on Luna's side?

Atmos: Not much, all she did was walk around the city for a bit while Velvet and Soleil conversed with Velvet's father.

Tamamo: I see.

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