[Luna POV]

Me and Tamamo sat there hugging each other for what felt like hours.  I didn’t want to leave her embrace; it was so comfortable.  She even wrapped me in some of her tails.  Their softness was only rivaled by mine.

I freed my arms and pulled out a brush.  I started brushing one of her free tails making sure to focus on any spot that was tangled.  While doing this I felt a sensation on my own tail.  It seems that Tamamo had the same idea that I did.

{As much as I am annoyed at Atmos telling you about how I feel about my tails when you leave, it’s true.  I wish I could get my tails to be as fluffy and soft as yours.}

“You don’t have to worry about that, Tamamo, it’s my job to make sure your fluff is up to standard.  I wasn’t lying earlier when I talked about that skill.  It’ll probably max itself out by the end of our time together tonight.”

<Brushing Technique has reached max level>

<Conditions met acquired unique skill: Divine Brushing Technique>


“Speak of the devil.”

{Did it level up already?}

“Yep.  It even gave me a unique skill.”

{What does the unique skill do?}

I appraised the new unique skill and was surprised.

Divine Brushing Technique: Unique skill given to one who has achieved mastery in the art of brushing.  Anyone who is brushed by the holder of this unique skill will have nearly unparalleled levels of softness and fluffiness.  This unique skill can only be gained by someone who has reached the maximum level of the brushing technique skill and has come into contact with a god or goddess that has allowed the holder to brush them.

{How interesting, I guess I really am going to be pulled into the abyss of fluff, huh.}

“Of course, I’ll make sure that we will stand atop the world of fluff as it’s supreme overlords.” I said with a strange sense of pride.

{Don’t tempt people like that, Luna.  You have to remember you are the abyss of fluff, you’re already at the top, or bottom?  What do you classify the abyss as?  Is it the summit or something that someone falls into?}

“I’m not really sure myself.  I tried thinking about that a long time ago but gave up.”

{Anyway, since you are the pinnacle, I need to catch up.}

“Fufufufu.  That’s the whole point of this unique skill, Tamamo.  With it I choose who can stand beside me at the pinnacle of fluff.”

As we conversed about this and that, I continued to brush Tamamo’s tails.  We continued on for hours when Tamamo said;

{Now that I think about it, you’re going to get more tails in the future.  I wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped up in multiple tails of abyss fluff.  I think even I would go crazy.}

“Then you’ll understand how nice it feels when you do it to me.  When you wrap me in your tails, it feels like being wrapped in the most comfortable bed and blanket that you never want to leave.  I probably wouldn’t if there wasn’t a time limit of me being here.” I said as I moved on to the last of her tails.

{A tail bed and blanket sounds really nice, you’ll have to let me try that when you get more.}

“Of course, I will, as long as you return the favor.”

{It’s only natural.  I’ll have to pamper you as much as you pamper me.}

We started to stare into each other’s eyes and inched our faces closer to each other when a light started to shine.

“Sorry for interrupting the two of you at a tender moment but if I don’t send Luna back right now, her little friend would start to worry.” Atmos’s voice echoed through the entire space.

{Damn it, Atmos!  Did you really have to wait for this moment in particular!?}

“Seriously!  I’ll get you for this next time as well!  I’ll give you a feel of fluff then have Tamamo permanently take away your sense of touch!”

“Oh, how scary.  I really wish I could let you two flirt longer but since I’m the one who brought you here, I have to send you back and you’ve already been here a week.”

“Wait what!?  A week!”

“Yep, a week, your friend is watching over your body right now, but she is getting worried.”

“Fine, send me back, but remember, don’t interrupt next time or I’ll carry through with my threat.”

“Yes, yes, till next time Luna.”

“I’ll talk to you later Tamamo.  Next full moon we can continue.”

{Yes, I’ll talk to you again soon, Luna.  Now go and calm down Velvet.}

The light grew brighter and brighter until it felt like I was going blind.  When it died down, I found myself laying in my bed at the inn.  I looked around and saw Velvet with tear in her eyes.  She jumped up from where she was sitting, grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me.

“Luna!  Are you alright?  Why did you fall asleep for a whole week?  Was this also a part of the backlash from the curse nullification?”  She kept bombarding me with questions and shaking me back and forth.

“Velvet calm down, I can’t explain anything if you keep shaking me like this.”

“Right, sorry.” She said as she realized what she was doing. “Sorry, please explain what is going on.  Why were you asleep for a whole week?”

“The Goddess of Fate called me up into the divine domain to meet me and after a while it turned into me and Tamamo spending some time together.  It honestly felt like only a night passed up there.  I didn’t know how long I was asleep until the Goddess of Fate said something.”

“I see, if it was the Goddess of Fate then it’s fine.”

“Has anything happened while I was out?”

“Not much, there have been more reports of undead popping up in the other forests besides the one with orcs.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“It probably isn’t my mother is even having her subordinates look into things, but they haven’t got any news yet.”

“Then all we can do is wait.  By the way, sorry about everything I did last week.”

“It’s OK.  Anyway, what are you going to do for this week since you still can’t take any quests from the guild?”

“I’m not sure, I don’t want to just laze around but I don’t know what to do.  I’m not really good at sitting still and doing nothing.”

“Here’s an idea for tomorrow at least.  Why don’t I show you around the capital some?  You’ve only been here for a short time, and I don’t think you’ve explored much, right?”

“Now that I think about it, you’re right.  Let’s do that tomorrow then.  As for the rest of the week, we can leave that to future us.”

Author's Note:

The title says it all.  Thanks for reading.

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