I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 282: Did Anyone Order Some Fluff?

[Luna POV]

After several minutes of silence, I flipped around and looked up.  Since my head was resting on Tamamo’s chest, I had the perfect view of both her face and the sky above me.

“The best view in all the worlds, and it’s all for me.”

{You know flattery won’t get you anything.}

“And why would it?  I have a lot of what I need right here.”

{Isn’t the saying all of what you need?}

“It is, but I need more than just you, you know.  I need my family as well.  Sure, you take 95% of it, but the last 5% is for everything else.”

{Oh.  But I’m a selfish goddess you know. What if I wanted four percent more?}

“Tamamo, I love you, but please don’t joke about that.  You know just how much family means to me, so even then, I’d have to stay firm about this.”

{Yeah, that was in bad taste.  Sorry about that.}

Tamamo tightened her hug around me, causing my head to sink further into her chest.  I smiled and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the softness underneath my head and the warmth of the water seeping into my body.

{You seem to be enjoying this a lot.}

“Of course I am.  Ignoring my mental state from being underground for so long, I will always enjoy moments like this.  We’re a far cry from the start where we could only meet on nights of the full moon.  I’m making up for all the years that that was the only way we could meet.  That doesn’t mean I won’t let you enjoy the same thing in a bit, all I did was take the initiative.”

Tamamo hummed in acknowledgement and then we lapsed into a comfortable silence.  For a while I laid there with my eyes closed while listening to Tamamo’s heartbeat and breathing as well as the sounds of nature that surrounded the hot spring.  After enjoying it for several more minutes, I let out a small sigh and sat up.

“Guess I should start cleaning my hair and tails now.  And, Tamamo, sorry for getting any blood and other stuff on you if I did.”

{It’s fine.  It’ll all clean off so it doesn’t really bother me.  If anything, I’m looking forward to helping you clean your tails and hair.}

“You just love touching my stuff, don’t you.”

{What kind of question is that?  Of course I do.  I enjoy touching all of you.}

I chuckled hearing her response and then pulled out my tail-tending kit and placing it on the side of the spring.

“Mind starting on my tails while I get my hair done?”

{Now the hard part, choosing which tail to start with.  I think I’ll go with……this one.}

Tamamo grabbed some of my cleaning supplies and then started scrubbing away at what I believe was my original tail.  I felt a pleasant tingle go up my spine before I refocused on what I needed to do.  I wet my hair and started applying what needed to be applied before rinsing and repeating several times.

“Do I need to do this some more, or did I get all of it out?”

{Mmmmm.  A few more times.  It’s pretty much all gone, but the smell still lingers.}

I nodded and went back to cleaning my hair.  Several washes later, I got Tamamo’s stamp of approval before doing it one more time, this time with some of Tamamo’s favorite vanilla scented oil.

{Mmmmm.  Perfect.}


I smiled and then got to work on another one of my tails.  About two hours later, the two of us finished completely cleaning all of my tails.

“*Sigh*  That was a lot of work, worth the effort, but a lot nonetheless.”

{True, but it’s what you get for fighting in a messy way without the barrier you keep up to prevent this from happening.}

“True.  Now, get over here.”


Tamamo sidled over to me and positioned herself in the exact same way I was sitting earlier.  After shifting around for a few seconds to get comfortable, she smiled and let out a long, relaxed sigh.

{Ufufufu.  So warm and soft.  Combine that with your heartbeat and I could take a nap right here and now.}

“Tempting.  Very tempting, but we’ll have to nap together later, it’s not good to sleep while bathing.”

{Since when did either of us care about stuff like that?}

“Never, but in this situation, I want to spend time with you while awake.  We can sleep when we’re bored or something.”

{The saying is we can sleep when we’re dead.}

“I know.  I also know that neither of us can die.  Well, technically, I still can, but it’s extremely unlikely.”

{Ufufufu.  True.  And even then, I’d never let anyone or anything ever get close to killing you.  Even if I had to break every divine rule to do so.  But enough of that kind of talk.}

I hummed a reply before wrapping my arms around Tamamo and leaning back a little bit more.  I closed my eyes as a cool breeze blew past making this entire situation absolutely perfect.  It was then that Tamamo stirred.  She sat up and turned around.  Sitting down in my lap, she wrapped her arms around my neck and stared into my eyes.

{Luna, I’ve been thinking about what you talked about last time we were together like this and on how I can try to assist you.  And, while I still think you should get together with all of your family to talk abut it, I’ll provide as much support as I can.  And my support will come in the form of making you forget all your troubles for a short time.}

She then leaned in and kissed me.  I felt her also wrap her legs and tails around me, locking me in place completely.  My own mind went mostly blank but left enough working for me to reciprocate.  I wrapped my arms around her again and started kissing her back with an equal amount of passion.  We continued this little battle of affection for hours, only coming up to breathe every so often, until the sun started to peek over the horizon.

Chaos Realm:


Order: Payto, I get what you're feeling, but you need to accept it.


Crisis: You know the rules, you made them after all, no one is allowed to get between two Fated Ones when they meet.

Tch.  Fine.  But they need to wait until they grow up first.  I won't allow anything more than kissing until they are at LEAST a million years old.

Crisis: Heh.  I respect the attempt, but you realize that you have no actual way of enforcing that.

Order: Let him have this much and don't point out the obvious.

Crisis: Fine.  Anyway, they even have an Authority that balances the other one out.  Sure, Astraea has Balance as an Authority already, but Positivity as well.  It will keep my daughter's Authority of Negativity in check.

I'm still surprised she got that Authority.  You aren't connected to negativity in any way, so it kind of came out of nowhere.  Though taking into consideration them being Fated Ones, it also kind of makes a bit of sense.

Order: Yeah.  I'm still confused about Astraea's third Authority, but I guess all it'll take is some time to figure it out.


Crisis: Make sure to tell me what it is when you figure it out.  This seems like something I need to know.

Order: Again with stating the obvious.  You've been doing that quite a bit lately.

Crisis: Mordred does that a lot when she gets flustered, so I guess it kind of rubbed off on me a bit.  Though with the-

And that's enough out of you.  We don't want our daughter to learn about all of that just yet.

Crisis: Order, he's just getting annoying with the overprotective parenting now.

Order: Really?  I think it's cute.

Crisis: Ugh.  You two are hopeless.

Payto and Order: Like you're one to talk.

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