I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 304: List and the War has Begun

[Luna POV]

The day after we arrived in the merfolk city, Skadi left early in the morning to figure out how we could go around freely without being bothered.  While she was doing that, the rest of us did our own things.  Soleil asked me to set up a dry domain so she could paint stuff and Velvet and Mio went somewhere else in the manor to practice their darkness magic.  I sat down in the room I was staying in to look through and make a list of stuff in my inventory.  At some point during this, Skadi came back and eventually asked me to make a domain with no water in it for her.  I did that and then went back to finishing my list.  Once it was done, I went to the room where Skadi and Ophidia were to find Skadi sleeping while laying on Ophidia’s chest.

“Shh.  She just went back to sleep.” (Ophidia)

I nodded at her and then sat down in a free chair.  Not long after that, the others came into the room.  Ophidia said the same thing to them as she did to me so we all quietly sat around a small table.  There, I placed the list down and quietly told the others what it was.  They all looked down at it with great interest.  Here is what was on the list:

Ancient Dwarven Tower-1 Ancient Dwarven Wall (Fully Assembled)-1 Wyvern Corpse (Non-disassembled)-348 Wyvern Corpse (Partially disassembled)-16 Wyvern Scales-10,400,687,777 Wyvern Bones-600,849,721 Wyvern Hide-7 Wyvern Blood (Bottled)-8,946,214 Wyvern Meat-200 tons Orc Corpse-700,987,845 Orc Meat-1,879 tons Sea Drake Corpse-2 Assorted Fish-200,489 Fish Bones-Innumerable Bottle of Mercury-409 Poisonous Needles (Fish)-1,688 Clam things-800 Pearls-500 Deer (Fully Assembled)-75 Deer (Partially Disassembled)-80 Deer Antlers-A lot Deer Bones-Also a lot Assorted Meat from various other normal animals and monsters- 15 tons Glass Bottles-10,568,156 Potion of Greater Hurting-689 Healing Potion-1,657 Stamina Potion-5,777 Paralysis Poison-600 Sleeping Poison-600 Elixer-5 Poison-600 Mana Potion-6,000 Trap Mechanism-150 Lockpick-999+ Tripwire-200 Assorted Swords-2,000 Assorted Spears-1,642 Assorted Axes-80 Assorted Daggers-1,000 Arrows-10,689 Bows-50 Metal Bows-6 Gifted Shortsword-1 Damaged Armor (Full Set)-800,000 Armor (Individual Pieces)-1,000,000 Enchanted Throwing Knives-10 Trap Dismantling Equipment Sets-50 Hammers-50 Fully Equipped Kitchen-3 Fully Equipped Forge-2 Assorted Fruits and Vegetables-2,513,633 Assorted Books-11,004 Grimoires-32 Assorted Jewels-70,988 Gold (Coins)-400,896,475,013 Silver (Coins)- Too many to count Camping Gear (Assortment)-60 Kraken Tentacles-30 Kraken Ink- 50 Liters Kraken (Body)-1 Logs (Various Sizes)-7,848 Assorted Musical Instruments-209 Divinely Forged Chains-100 Undergarments (Pairs)- 800 Shirts-600 Pants-521 Skirts-200 Shoes and Boots (Pairs)-400 Fancy Dresses-3 Fancy Kimono-2 Easels-60 Assorted Paints-300 Sewing Needles-400 Assorted Yarns and other Sewing Things- 800 Tamamo Plush- 1 Normal Brush-50 Special Brush-15 Brush of Primordial Chaos-1 Box of Infinite Poky-1 Assorted Jewelry-600

When the others finished reading over the list, their faces showed some interesting expressions.  For the most part they were a mix of shock and…knowing.

“What’s with that face, Velvet?” (Luna)

“I think I just expected more.  I mean, the numbers are one thing, but this list is surprisingly short.” (Velvet)

“On my part nya, I knew we had a lot of money nya, but that’s just too much nya.  What are you going to do with it once you ascend nya?” (Mio)

“Some of it will go to my shrine, some to various other humanitarian efforts, and the rest I’m not too sure.  I’ll have to talk to Grey about what I need to do with it since he is the only other person that has been in my situation.” (Luna)

“That seems reasonable.  Also, what is this Brush of Primordial Chaos?” (Soleil)

“A brush that I was gifted at some point.  Don’t ask who gave it to me since I don’t remember.  As for the name, that’s what appraisal tells me, so I wrote it down.  And no, it’s not dangerous, unless you think something with the ability to make even my tails fluffier is dangerous.” (Luna)

“Isn’t that apocalyptic?” (Ophidia)

{I don’t think so.  In fact, I welcome it, but only once she ascends.}

“I’m of the same opinion.” (Atmos)

As soon as Atmos said that, a cake appeared above me and Soleil.  I instinctively opened portals above us and the cakes went through them and back at Atmos.  Unfortunately, Atmos accounted for that and another three cakes flew into me and Soleil’s faces before I could react.

“…” (Luna)

“…” (Soleil)

“…” (The others minus Skadi)

“Heh.” (Atmos)


“Atmos, you better be happy that these taste good and that we are in an agreed prank war right now.” (Luna)

“Oh, believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  I have to get as far ahead as I can while you two can’t fully retaliate.  Though I have to say, you almost got me on that rebound the first time.” (Atmos)

“All’s fair in pranks and war, huh?” (Luna)

“Yep.  Plus, we never agreed to a set start of the war when we negotiated rules, so that’s on the two of you.” (Atmos)

“We messed up there, big sis.” (Soleil)

“True, but don’t worry, I set something up as well.” (Luna)

“Eh?” (Atmos)

“Fufufu.” (Luna)


“Who said I haven’t?” (Luna)

“TAMAMO!” (Atmos)


“Big sis, is there anything I can do?” (Soleil)

“Not at the moment, so keep making plans for the next time you see her.” (Luna)

“Alright.” (Soleil)

“Wait.  Ha!” (Atmos)

“Tch.” (Luna)

{What did she do?}

“She used her Authority of Fate on the magic so it wouldn’t hit her.” (Luna)


“Hey, that was also never stated in the rules.” (Atmos)

“Yeah, but it should have been an obvious unspoken rule.  Otherwise this whole thing would be completely one sided since you have two Authorities over us who can only prank normally.  And anyway, all you had to do was wait for the talismans to run out of mana.  I didn’t charge them with that much.” (Luna)

“Fine, I won’t use my Authority of Fate again.  But still, that was scary, Luna.  That magic singed my hair several times.  You of all people know how annoying that’s gonna be to fix.” (Atmos)

“Not that annoying.  I’ll fix it next time we see you in person.  I’ll even declare a cease-fire.” (Luna)

“Alright.” (Atmos)

I glanced at Soleil to see her smirk.

“See you then, Atmos.” (Luna)

“See you then, Luna.” (Atmos)

Soleil and I then stood up.

“Soleil, let’s go get all this cake off of us.” (Luna)

“Coming, big sis.” (Soleil)

As we left the room, the others, minus Skadi, just looked confused and a bit flabbergasted at what had just happened.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Atmos, sit down in front of me.

Atmos: Ok, now what?

Luna: Let me do my thing.  And be happy, you are the first person aside from Tamamo that I'm actually doing this for.

Atmos: Wha...ooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Luna: Stop it or I'll stop.

Atmos: Fine.  But this is what the Abyss of Fluff is like, huh?  It's...I don't know how to describe it.

Luna: Fluffy, absurdly fluffy, an all-consuming fluffiness that will never let you go once you experience it?

Atmos: The last one is apt, though I can still escape it if I wanted to.

Luna: Sure you can, but do you WANT to?

Atmos: This and that are different.  By the way, what exactly are you doing?

Luna: Channeling mana through my tails and placing them on your head which in turn is fixing and improving your hair.

Atmos: I see.  Wait, is this why Tamamo's tails have been like they are recently?

Luna: Sort of.  That's a mix of several things all at once, but this is one part of it.  Anyway, I'm done.  How are you feeling about your hair now?

Atmos: Better.  Actually, I think it's even better than it was before.

Luna: Good.  Soleil, you're up.

Soleil: Hehehehehehe.

Atmos: Eh?

*Sounds of wind and fire magic are heard*

Atmos:...Really.  You made artificial humidity as a prank to mess with me?  Also, I thought there was a cease-fire?

Luna: I made one, Soleil never did.

Atmos: I ran into that one, but still, you need to step up your game, Soleil.  I'll give you this one, but I expect better next time.

Soleil: I'm just doing what I can.  It's not like I know when I'm gonna show up here, after all.

Atmos: True.  This prank war is kinda going to be once sided until you can actually come to the divine domain, so I think I'll hold off on pranking you until then.  Though the war will continue.

Luna: Sure, do that and see what happens when me and Soleil work together.  Fufufufu.

Soleil: Hehehehehe.

*Luna and Soleil disappear in a dramatic way*


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