I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 306: Labor Quest Received

[Luna POV]

Over the course of another few days, Skadi recovered mentally from the festival.  After that, we all went around the city to explore.  I wanted to go back to the colosseum to see if there was anything going on.  As we made our way there, Skadi was called out a few times, but every time it wasn’t overly fervent.

“They really calmed down, huh.” (Soleil)

“Yeah.  It’s kind of creepy in a way.” (Luna)

“I’m not going to complain.  Though I get the feeling that once we leave and I don’t show up here for some time, they will be back to how they were previously.” (Skadi)

“Isn’t that how things normally happen in instances like this?  Take Luna for example, if she shows up in the Elf Nation again, who knows what that cult of hers will do.” (Velvet)

“Not like I have any plans of going back there.  I’m just going to ignore them like I’ve been doing.” (Luna)

“I’m honestly surprised nya.  With how crazy everyone here was nya, I expected them to try and make some statues or something nya.” (Mio)

“SHHHHH!  People might be listening, Mio.  Don’t give them ideas.” (Skadi)

The rest of us chuckled at Skadi’s frantic reaction.  Soon after that, we entered one of the plazas in front of the colosseum.  The huge structure was just as impressive as it was the first time I saw it.

“Master, you’re looking at this place like you want to take it.” (Ophidia)

“It’s tempting, though I’d never have an actual use for it aside from looks.” (Luna)

“When has that ever stopped you, big sis?” (Soleil)

“…” (Luna)

I deliberately ignored that statement and headed inside.

{Luna, what is the real reason you wanted to come here?  It’s not just because you wanted to know if something was going on here today.}

‘I wanted to see if I could learn more about those hippocampi.’

{Thinking about getting even more pets?  I mean, I know you said that they might have something to do with those labor things, but what are you going to do once you find and capture some?}

‘No idea.  If anything, I’ll give them to that guy that I ran into here last time.  I’m not really the kind of person that likes having more than one pet at a time.’

I heard Cerberus bark in the background.

‘How is Cerberus, by the way?’

{Good.  She likes exploring all the nooks and crannies of my place.  She’s even started digging herself a big hole that she likes to play around in.}

‘Fufufu.  Dogs will be dogs, regardless of world.’

The others then caught up just as I turned a corner.

“Big sis, why’d you run away?” (Soleil)

“Because I didn’t know what kind of response to give.” (Luna)

We turned another corner and I put my arm up and stopped Soleil from moving forward.  As soon as we stopped, a cake landed right where we were about to step.  I then pulled Soleil down into a ducking posture as four more cakes flew over our heads.  I then opened up some Gates as a final two caked came flying at us.  The cakes went into the Gates and then I closed them.

“Nice try, Atmos.” (Luna)

“Tch.” (Atmos)

“Shall we do THAT?” (Soleil)

“Not yet.  We save IT for later.  For now I’ll do this.” (Luna)

I snapped my fingers and some black fox fire appeared floating around me before I flung them through another Gate I had opened.

“OI!  What kind of petty curse did you use!?” (Atmos)

“That’s for me to know, and you to discover on your own.” (Luna)

“Tell me rawr.” (Atmos)

“Fufufu.” (Luna)

“Seriously rawr?” (Atmos)

“Yep.” (Luna)

“How long is this going to last rawr.” (Atmos)

“Yes.” (Luna)


“Pffft.” (Soleil)

“Hehehe.” (Skadi)


While we had a good laugh at Atmos’s expense, we found ourselves in front of the stables that I found last time.  When we went inside, the others were immediately taken with the beautiful hippocampi.

“Oh wow.  I didn’t know the merfolk managed to tame hippocampi.” (Skadi)

“Are they hard to tame?” (Luna)

“Not necessarily hard, it’s just that they are very temperamental animals.  It takes a lot of time and care for them to get attached to a person.” (Skadi)

“The way the ones here seem, you wouldn’t think they were temperamental.  They seem so docile.” (Velvet)

As everyone was admiring the hippocampi, I walked over to the stall from the last time I was here.  Naturally, it was empty.

“…” (Luna)

{What’s the matter, Luna?}

‘I just pity that Percy guy.  He seemed so close to that hippocampus.  I kind of want to do something, but he isn’t here and I don’t know where to find him.’

{Are you sure it’s pity, or are you just looking for an excuse to complete another labor?}

‘I won’t deny that this being a potential labor is a part of it, but I am capable of at least a little empathy and pity for other people.’

{I know that I was just asking.}

Once that small conversation was over, I started on my way back to the others when the person Tamamo and I were just talking about swam into the stables.

“Oh, we meet again, miss.  And I see you’ve brought friends this time.” (Percy)

“Hello again, Percy.  Sorry for not introducing myself before, my name is Luna.” (Luna)

“Well met.  And your……H-Hero Skadi!?” (Percy)

“Someone you know, Luna?” (Skadi)

“Met him when I was wandering around here during the festival, so not really.” (Luna)

“M-miss Luna, you know Hero Skadi?” (Percy)

“Naturally.  She’s one of my friends and we traveled here together.  Not to mention we will be something akin to family in the future, so yes, I know Skadi.” (Luna)

“A-amazing!  If you speak the truth, then you and the rest of your friends must all be powerful, right!?” (Percy)

“You can say that.  Why?” (Luna)

“It’s nothing.  I can’t possibly ask a favor of people of your status.  In several meanings.” (Percy)

“I wouldn’t particularly mind since I do kind of feel bad for you due to the events that took place the last time we met.” (Luna)

“And I’m curious.  Plus, we’re all starved for something to do that’s more than just walking around the city.” (Skadi)

“But even if I asked, there wouldn’t be much in it for any of you that I can think of.” (Percy)

“A word of advice, you’re better off just telling us.  Otherwise, Luna is just going to pester you until you tell her.” (Velvet)

“She’s right you know.  And like I said a second ago, treat it like me trying to help out a person who just lost someone important to them.” (Luna)

“*Sigh*  Fine.  I wanted to ask if it was possible for you to find and bring back some hippocampi.  They are vital for my work and it’s become too dangerous for someone like me to go and get some by myself.” (Percy)

“Tell us where to find some and we can bring them back in an instant.  Also, what is it that you do for work that needs hippocampi, and what is making it so dangerous that you can’t do this on your own or with the help of whatever is the equivalent of adventurers here?” (Luna)

“To answer your first question, I’m a chariot racer.  As for your second question, the area that hippocampi can be found has undergone changes.  Vents that produce enough heat to make the water around there boil or, in some places, go beyond that, enough that it cooks a person almost instantly, have appeared.” (Percy)

“Is there no other place where hippocampi can be found?” (Ophidia)

“There are, but those places are the domains of other merfolk cities.  If I or anyone from this city goes there to tame some, then it could lead to war between cities.  Not to mention that it would also be bad for the animals themselves.” (Percy)

“Yeah.  I didn’t know about the whole reason for a war thing, but bringing hippocampi from one part of the sea to another one that they weren’t born and raised in will normally end in that hippocamups’ death.  I don’t know exactly why that is though, but I think it has to do with mana or something.” (Skadi)

“Then why nyot breed and raise some in the city nya?” (Mio)

“That has more to do with various traditions among chariot racers as well as some laws made by the leaders of the city.  For a quick reason, most chariot racers come from old families and the hippocampi that we race with are of the same bloodline as the founders.  Once we come of age, we would go out and bring back a single hippocampus to add to add to the bloodline.  Thing is, the hippocampi that have been raised by my family have been having problems having offspring for the last few generations.  And unfortunately, the last two hippocampi raised by my family have died recently.” (Percy)

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be bad if we went out and brought back two new hippocampi?  It would be going against your own traditions as well as probably going against some law or another.” (Luna)

“Traditions aside, we wouldn’t have to worry about any law since the leaders have repeatedly told me that I’m allowed to do whatever here and in the land, er, sea, they control.  If I said I was doing this, then they’d wave it off.” (Skadi)

“Well, that takes care of that.  But Percy, you’re sure you’re ok with us doing this?” (Luna)

“It’s honestly my only choice.  This or give up on chariot racing.” (Percy)

“Just so we cover all possible routes, why not marry into another racer family?” (Soleil)

“I’m already engaged to someone else, and I plan on keeping it that way.” (Percy)

“Well, with that, you just need to tell us the location and we can be there and back in however long it takes for a one way trip there.” (Luna)

“Are you sure?  There isn’t really anything I can offer you in return for this.” (Percy)

“When’s the next chariot race?” (Luna)

“Three weeks from now.  But even then, it’ll take years for me to fully tame a pair of hippocampi, so I wouldn’t be able to get you any good seats to watch.  And even if that wasn’t the case, as friends of Hero Skadi, you’d already have access to the best seats available in the arena.” (Percy)

“Hmm.  Doesn’t matter.  I really don’t mind doing this for no reward, but if you feel like you have to give us one for your own peace of mind, then let us see you race once you’ve fully tamed the hippocampi.  And besides, the task itself is a reward for me.” (Luna)

Percy still seemed conflicted, but in the end gave in and asked us to follow him.  He led us out of the colosseum and to a building nearby.  Inside this building was a large map carved into the floor.  Percy swam up to a catwalk and we followed.

“This is a map of the city and a rough outline of the seas around the city.  See that large area to the north of the city, that is where the hippocampi of our part of the sea live.” (Percy)

“That’s a large area.” (Velvet)

“Yes, and most of it is inaccessible to us now.” (Percy)

“Come to think of it, how can hippocampi live there?” (Soleil)

“It’s just the way their bodies are.  As long as they aren’t moved from the part of the sea that they were born in, they can pretty much adapt to whatever.” (Skadi)

“So basically, for the ability to adapt to any environment, hippocampi can only live in the defined region they are born in.  Such a weird thing.” (Luna)

“Weird yes, but also interesting.  Anyway, I will forever be in your debt if you can do this.  Far be it from just seats to see a chariot race, I will do anything that is in my power to aid you all if needed.” (Percy)

“We’ll be off then.  See you again soon, Percy.  Next time, we’ll have two hippocampi in tow.” (Luna)

We left the map building and made our way out of the city.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Ugh rawr. How long is this going to last rawr?

I can check if you want me to.

Atmos: Please rawr.

Hmmm.  Heh.

Atmos: Well rawr?

Order: Hehehehe.

Atmos: What rawr!?

Atmos, the curse is gone.  Pfft.  You've just been saying that on your own the entire time.


Order: Hehehehehahahahahaha.


Atmos: You win this time Luna...rawr.

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