I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 309: A Full Moon with a Needy Tamamo

[Luna POV]

We spent another two days in the merfolk city just roaming around doing whatever.  We decided that, in the morning we would slip away so that Skadi wouldn’t have to deal with whatever the merfolk would want to do to send her off.  At the moment I was sitting on the bed that I had been using for the duration of our stay here waiting for Tamamo to call me to the Divine Domain.  When I felt the familiar drowsiness, I gladly fell backwards onto the pillows.

When I woke, I felt fingers running through my hair.  Just as I was about to open my eyes, I heard something bounding towards us and then felt three tongues licking me.

“Fufufufufahahahahahahahaha.  Cerberus!  Ahahahahahahahahahaha!”


{Ufufufufufu.  She’s been waiting to see you again.}

Once Cerberus stopped licking me and I wiped the dog spit off my face, I looked at Tamamo and immediately kissed her.  When I broke away from her, I hugged her tightly.

{My, my.  I wonder what brought this on?}

“You know very well how much I love seeing you in person.  And with my eighth tail and the ninth and tenth in sight, I can’t help but feel even happier.  I might still hold some sadness in regards to leaving the mortal world, but I know that what comes next is going to be just as fun, if not more.” (Luna)

{Ufufufu.  Look at you, being all eloquent with your words.  It’s like you’re trying to make me fall for you even more.}

“Well, I wouldn’t mind if my words had that effect.”

Tamamo laughed again before she kissed me.  We would have stayed like that all night if Cerberus didn’t butt in and start licking the both of us.

“Fufufufu.  Don’t think I forgot you, Cerberus.”

I started giving Cerberus’s nearest head some ear scritches causing her tail to start wagging at tremendous speed.  I did this in equal amounts with the other two heads until she was satisfied.  After giving me one last lick of affection, she bounded away from the two of us.

{Such a courteous one.  She asks for attention, gets the amount she wants, and then leave us to do what we want.  I should make and give her some treats later.}

“I should do the same.  But that’s for later.”

{True.  Right now, all that matters is me and you.  Now, take that necklace off and show me them in all their Abyssal fluffy glory.}

“Fufufu.  Your wish is my command, my lovely wife.”

I took my necklace off and my tails and hair returned to their new, starry appearance.

{Honestly, I like the new look.  Especially the effect with your hair.  The back of it is the same, but the part that I can see from the front is all starry.  I also like how it looks like your tails are like windows looking out to a sky.  The outside of said window stays still, but you get a look at a different part when you move your tails.}

“I like it as well.  Thought the silver tips are still there, I do kind of miss the pure black.  It was the same as mom’s.”

{While I understand the sentiment, you know that she will always be your mother, so there’s no need to feel bad about that.}

“Yeah…So, aside from the obvious, what’s got you all excited?”


Tamamo then moved one of her hands and patted my newest tail.

{So very close, and we won’t have any sort of time limit, be it a night, or a week.  I look forward to it so much that you can’t possible imagine it.  Or maybe you can.}

“Oh, I very much can.  Especially since I look forward to it as well.  Though I must say, you actually showing this excitement is a refreshing sight.  You’re normally more reserved.}

{What can I say, my excitement is more than my usual reserved nature can handle, so it’s leaking out a bit.}

I scooted closer to Tamamo and leaned my head on her shoulder.

“Honestly, you should be more honest with your feelings.  Let them out, be selfish, or at least a little selfish.  I know you’re capable of letting yourself go in that regard, so do so more often.  I shouldn’t be the only one to always want and want and want.  Let me give to you more.  Ask me for more.”

{Then place your stars here for the night and let us gaze at them.  I want to see them all.  I want them all for myself a little longer.  I want you to show them to me in their full glory before the mortals and other gods get to look at them.  I want you.}

“Fufufu.  Much better.”

I snapped my fingers and the sky exploded with stars.  The two of us laid down on the field of soft grass as we gazed up, our hands and a few of our tails intertwined.  As we gazed up, I changed the patterns of the stars every so often, showing new and old constellations as well as just playing around with them and making Tamamo laugh.  It was then that I got an idea.  As I stared up at the sky, I made some of the illusory stars move into the shape of two foxes, both with ten tails, and poured mana into the image.

{What are you up to?}

“Giving you a gift.  Just watch.”

I continued to pour mana into the image util they glowed even brighter.  Once they finally had enough, the two foxes danced across the sky.

“My gift to you, Tamamo.  Constellations of me and you.  When the stars become a true part of the sky, we will dance around the sky, showing mortals just how much we love each other.  They’ll be so jealous.”

{Ufufufufufufufu.  Ahahahahahahahahahaha!}

As Tamamo laughed, she rolled around and pinned me beneath her.  Her silver hair cascading around our faces, cutting off the rest of the world.  Her glowing golden eyes stared into mine and she smiled with a mix of mischief and heartfelt love.

{I also said that I wanted you.  So, I think I’m going to take you now.  And I’ll start with your lips.}

Tamamo leaned forward and kissed me more passionately than when I first arrived.  When I felt her tongue invade my mouth, I knew that the rest of the night would not be for relaxing.

Chaos Realm:

Astraea: Boo!  What happens next!?

Something you're too young to know about yet.

Astraea: Meanie!

Order: Your father is right, Astraea.  You need to be at least as old as Luna to learn about it, and you can't actually do what she is doing until you are at least as old as Tamamo.

Astraea: Aww.

Hey Astraea, want to go on a family trip?

Astraea: Ooooh.  To where?

Not sure.  Anywhere you want to go?

Astraea: Ummmmmmm.  OH!  I want to see that place with the pretty upside-down silver trees.

Then that's where we'll go.

Order: *Gives a quick thumbs up for the change of subject and distraction.*

*Discretely nods*

Astraea: Papa is looking at Mama with the funny look again!

It's not a funny look!

Order: Hehehehehe.

Astraea: Hehehehehe. 

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