I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 311: Random Talk While on the Sea

[Luna POV]

Just before leaving the shrine, I asked Tamamo where we should go to start on our way to the dragon island.  She told me that the best place to start would be the port city, so that’s where we went.  Since it took a while for the others to gather what was needed, it was late afternoon, nearly evening.  The docks where we arrived were pretty empty with the exception of some workers or boatmen here and there.  I placed my ship in the water and we boarded it.  I got to work preparing to set sail and once everything was ready, we left the city just as fast almost as soon as we got there.

“So, where to now?” (Luna)

{You’re going to have to go in a straight line in this direction for about two weeks.  At that point, you’ll have to work your magic since the island is blocked by a space barrier of huge proportions.  After that you’ll have to sail another week before you hit the storm wall.  When you get through that, you’ll be at the island.}

“Got it.  Skadi, I’m counting on you to help me maintain the heading.” (Luna)

“You can count on me.” (Skadi)

“Are we not flying there nya?” (Mio)

“We are, but once we get passed the space barrier, we’ll probably have to sail on the water.  It’ll be choppy either way, but it’ll probably be safer to sail on the water than in the air when we’re near any kind of storm.” (Luna)

“Makes sense nya.” (Mio)

“Should we get ready to start flying then?” (Velvet)

“Let’s get a little farther away from the city first.” (Luna)

“Alright.” (Velvet)

With all of that decided, we all split up to do our own thing.  I left an illusion to steer the ship and climbed up to the crow’s nest so I could look out over the water with the best view.  The breeze caused my hair to wave around and I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the sensation.  When I opened them again, I stared out over the water watching the sun set behind the horizon.  The scene was beautiful.

{Quetz would be happy to hear that.}

“How has she been?  Neither you nor Atmos ever talk about her much.  And the only thing I ever hear Fenrir say when she talks with Mio is plans for their next dates.”

{Not too sure myself.  Last I saw her was during the meeting I called.  She seemed good then, but I have no idea what she’s been up to since then.}

“That’s a shame.  She seems like a fun person, or at least that’s the vibe I got when I’ve actually interacted with her.”

{If you want me to, I can invite her over for a visit.}

“That’s not necessary for now.  I’ll be seeing her more soon enough.”


For the next few minutes neither of us said anything.  I just enjoyed the breeze and the sound of the sea.

{Hey Luna, have you heard anything from Lia and Dia?}

“Not really.  Only thing that I ever get regarding information from the Elf Nation is that the cult is somehow doing extremely well and that the numbers are almost constantly growing.  And I feel like Cres isn’t involved this time.”

{Ufufu.  How fun.}

“Is it?”

{Fun to watch at least.  I wonder if this’ll have some major impact down the line.  It’d be kind of funny if, eventually, the Elf Nation decided to become a vassal state of the Beast Kingdom.}


{Don’t make that face, Luna.  Even if that did happen, it’d last for a few centuries or more before that civilization gets replaced by another one.}

“I don’t like that thought.  I know it’s most likely inevitable, but I still don’t like it.”

{This may sound bad coming from me, but it’s something you get used to.  Though in your case it may be a bit harder since you actually have friends in this era…Ok wow, that is actually depressing.  Please forget I even brought up this topic.}

“I’ll try.”

While trying to avoid a small existential crisis about my immortal life ahead of me, I heard someone climbing up behind me.  When I glanced back, I saw Ophidia.  She moved over next to me and leaned on the railing.

“Am I interrupting anything, master, Goddess Tamamo?” (Ophidia)

“Not really.  All we’re doing is chatting to pass the time.” (Luna)

{If anything, we needed a change in subject.}

“Then I’m glad to have been of service.” (Ophidia)

“So, is there something you needed?” (Luna)

“Not really.  Just felt like coming to talk to you, master.  We don’t get a lot of opportunities to do so, after all.” (Ophidia)

“Come to think of it, you’re right.” (Luna)

When I thought about it, me and Ophidia haven’t really spoken one on one very much since she joined us.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened, but more often than not, the others where there as well.  We stood quietly next to each other for several minutes before Ophidia spoke.

“Master, are you having fun?” (Ophidia)

“Yes.  Why, does it seem like I’m not?” (Luna)

“No, you look like you’re always having fun, but sometimes, it feels like you’re just acting like it.” (Ophidia)

“Hmm.  I didn’t notice.  I mean, it makes sense, I think, but also not?” (Luna)

“Hehehe.  That’s such a you answer.” (Ophidia)

“When did you start noticing this?” (Luna)

“When we were in the Dwarf Country.  A few times when we were on the way to the crystal city, you seemed a bit down.  It’s improved a lot since then, but you still sometimes make a hollow look, like you’re just going through the motions.” (Ophidia)

“Ah.  I know what you mean now.  All of that is just because I’m overthinking things.  It’s an old habit from way back.” (Luna)

“I see.  Well, with that out of the way, let’s talk about something else.” (Ophidia)

“Alright.  Where do you and Skadi plan on getting married?” (Luna)

“What do you mean?” (Ophidia)

“I mean it literally.  In the mortal world or the Divine Domain?” (Luna)

“Ah.  We haven’t really discussed it, but I think it’d be interesting if it was in the Divine Domain.  Maybe at the top of your floating island’s pyramid.  I’ll ask Skadi later.” (Ophidia)

“You do that.  And if that is the place that you both agree on, then feel free to use it as long as you want.” (Luna)

“Have you and Goddess Tamamo talked about your own wedding?” (Ophidia)

{Not much.  We should probably do that at some point soon.}

“I agree…How do we even plan a wedding?” (Luna)

{Not a clue.  All I know is that we need matching dresses and that it has to be spectacular.}

“Hmm.  What did Atmos do for hers?” (Luna)

{Not much.  Though that has more to do with Atmos herself than anything else.  Only me and few others were invited.}

“I didn’t take Goddess Atmos to be the reserved kind of person in that scenario.” (Ophidia)

{It’s not that surprising.  She may be very boisterous, but she’s only ever truly herself when around her closest friends and family.  Yes, she’ll prank anything that moves, but even then, she doesn’t put her whole heart and soul into it.  Well, that’s not fully true, but it’s the best phrase I can think of to describe it.}

“Back on topic, who all do you want to invite, Tamamo?” (Luna)

“Hmmmm.  Well, aside from Crate, Gear, Atmos, Grey, Quetz, Stadia, Tonya, Crisis, Norn, Java, and Fenrir, not many more.  I want to invite a few of the Goddesses of Beauty that I’m friends with, maybe the God of Summoning.  Oh, Skadi’s mother and the Goddess of Death, but only if she has the time to come.}

“Well, we know everyone that I can invite…Wait, can’t I invite all the people I want to…!  Tamamo, I might be an idiot.” (Luna)

{How so?}

“I’m curious as well.” (Ophidia)

“So, my domains are a loophole in the rules, right.  Doesn’t that mean that I’d be able to do something like invite my non-Apostle friends to the wedding?  Also, what would stop me if I set one up in the mortal world and descended to visit whenever I feel like?” (Luna)

“…” (Ophidia)

{…I thought you were always going to do that?}

“Nope.  Never thought about it until now.  I mean, you’d think I’d know that seeing as I use my domains in this kind of way all the time, but no, never crossed my mind to do that after ascension.” (Luna)

“Master, this may be rude of me, but are you sure your INT is EX?” (Ophidia)

“You know that has nothing to do with actual intelligence.” (Luna)

“Hehehehehehehe.” (Ophidia)


“Fufufufufu.” (Luna)

The three of us continued to chat while watching over the sea for a while after that.  We finally climbed down when we got hungry, so I quickly made something for all of us before we went to bed.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Tch.  This is hard.

Fenrir: What is?

Atmos: Trying to figure out if this is acceptable or not within the rules of the prank war.  They are technically on a labor quest, but also not really.

Fenrir: Where is your mediator?

Atmos: She went to spend some family time.

Fenrir: Then I guess you need to hold off until they get back and she can give you the go ahead.

Atmos: *Sigh*


Atmos:...So, what about you and Mio?

Fenrir: In the Divine Domain.  Same as with you and Tamamo, not many people I want to invite.

Atmos: I feel like that's a common thing between gods.

Fenrir: I get the same feeling.

Atmos: Since that's decided, the only ones that need to make a decision are Skadi and Ophidia, though it'll most likely be in the Divine Domain, leaving only Soleil and Velvet to be wed in the mortal world.

Fenrir: It'll still be an event to watch.  It's not very often you see two Apostles getting married.  Especially if it'll be the first event held in the shrine of a new goddess.

Atmos: True.  I'll even declare a ceasefire of the prank war if it's still going by then.

Fenrir: I hope for your sake you do so.  When Luna gets here, you won't be able to run away anymore.

Atmos:......Heh.  That'll make it even more fun, thinking of ways to get away from Luna.


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