I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 316: Calm Conversation on a Misty Morning

[Luna POV]

I woke up early the next morning.  After stretching, I walked outside of the pavilion for some fresh air.  The bamboo forest that surrounded us was covered in a light mist which gave the area a mystical feeling.  While I looked around at the scenery, I noticed Ling was awake as well.  She was over by a small stream sitting cross legged while her tail was curled under her acting like a chair.  In front of her was a table with some treated bamboo planks tied together with some twine-like thing.  She had a small bottle of ink and held a brush in her hand.  I quietly walked up to her.  She seemed to notice my approach as she started to speak while still looking ahead of her.

“A cool mist that shrouds the forest as the sun takes its place in the high heavens.  A fox and dragon meet under such splendor for merry conversation and tidings of a good day to come.” (Ling)

“Good morning to you as well.” (Luna)

I stopped when I got next to Ling and I looked out over the scenery that she was.  In front of us the clearing continued a little before dropping off a somewhat steep slope.  Down the slope was a larger bamboo forest than the one we were in now.  From this height I could also see where rivers flowed and signs of civilization.  Small footbridges spanned some of the rivers while others had small boats.  In the distance, the golden tree rose up from the center of the bamboo forest and I could just barely make out something that looked like a town near the foot of the tree.

“Such a beautiful place, and completely not what I expected from an island that’s full of dragons.” (Luna)

“Haha.  And what was the expectation you held within your mind of our island?” (Ling)

“I expected rockier areas, maybe a volcano or two.  Giant dragons of multitudes of colors flying around and lakes made of any and every kind of alcohol imaginable.  As well as caves piled high with gold, jewels, and other riches.” (Luna)

“An astute observation that would be, in the times of my ancestors.  We have largely moved on from the greed of the past, with exceptions, in pursuit of more abstract paths to walk.  As for the vistas you described, they were once preferred to our kind, but once the golden tree was planted, its power gave form to what you see today.  As for the lakes of alcohol, such a magnificent thing would be welcomed wholeheartedly, but alas, they do not exist.” (Ling)

“You have such an eloquent way of speaking.  Is this how you’ve always been, or is it something that you only do to impress guests when they appear?” (Luna)

“My speech is just another way for me to walk my chosen path.  While not poetry itself, if I speak in such poetic ways, then inspiration can form.  Though it also comes at a price.  I’ve spoken this way for many a long year now, that it would be difficult to stop.  Also, it makes conveying things in simple ways a feat that is not easily managed.  This is why I keep such close acquaintance with my sisters.  They assist when my own explanations take more time than needed with more straightforward words.” (Ling)

“Makes sense.  If you really enjoy something to the extent that you make it the goal of your life to pursue it.  Then it doesn’t matter what quirks arise as long as they don’t ruin it for you.” (Luna)

“Wise words, from one so young.  Perhaps the Goddess of the Moon has said something similar before?” (Ling)

“A few times, yes, but this is something that I’ve always thought as well.  As long as it doesn’t inconvenience you or those you are closest to, then what does it matter how strange or out of common sense you are?” (Luna)

“Hahaha.  More good words from you.  You would make a wonderous dragon.” (Ling)

As the conversation ended, we looked out over the scenery in silence for a bit before Ling decided to speak again.

“I would like to give my sincerest apologies to you.  Though our meeting was one of fun and laughs, my sisters were quite rude.  While I do think they are their best selves when they do as they please, they should at least keep a modicum of decorum when guests are here.  Dusk is actually quite the nice girl, once she acquires the appropriate amount of trust in someone, though her words seem venomous and her gaze harsh.  As for Nian, she is boisterous and excitable, which leads to her becoming overfamiliar too hastily.  And with that comes its own troubles, but when the time call for it, she is reliable and stout.  You could not ask for a better friend, if my words hold any weight outside of familial biases.” (Ling)

“There’s no need to apologize for anything.  While I do think Dusk’s words and actions towards Soleil were harsh and a bit unwarranted, I believe that by the time we finish with our journey here, the two will be friends.  Especially since they share the same hobby.  And it helps that, with the two of us here, we may be able to give Dusk some hints to her own goal.  As for Nian, I feel she is similar to me and Mio, so there are no problems with her.” (Luna)

“Your words set my heart at ease.” (Ling)

After this short banter, I heard the sounds of movement coming from the pavilion.

“It seems the rest have awoken to this fine morning.  May I ask what you and yours plan to do?  I or any of my sisters will gladly assist if needed.  Be it a look around the island, a hunt, or a time of relaxing with drinks in hand.  Though I must warn you of one thing.  Avoid nearing the village at the base of the tree.  If you must go there, we three will need to accompany you.  Old Reverious lives there and by what you have said previously, he has figured out your identity and is in a foul mood.” (Ling)

“That might be hard to do, since one of the main reasons we came here was so I could procure a golden apple.” (Luna)

“An apple of shining gold.  A gift from divinity and a granter of experience.  Once consumed, you will have gained insight and grown in power by a numeral of one.  Such an item is your desire from this island?” (Ling)

“Yes, though only a small part of it.  The other part has already been accomplished since we met and befriended dragons.  Though I would like to go on a few hunts as well.  But we can discuss this later, for now we should probably go and see what everyone else wants to do today.” (Luna)

“I am honored to have been given the title of friend by you, oh eight-tailed fox.  Goddess Apparent of divinity three.  Ha!  As such, inspiration comes.” (Ling)

Ling turned to her bamboo planks and started to write down poetry in swirling characters.  Deciding that it would be rude to watch her work, I went back to the pavilion to greet the others.

{I’m glad you are so good at making friends, Luna.}

“I am too.  Though it helps that Ling is easy to talk to.  If I had to say, she gives the feeling of a reliable big sister, while Dusk and Nian feel more like wild friends that need someone to keep them in line, but are fun to be around.” (Luna)

{I agree, though I bet that Dusk girl will be a bit harder to befriend than the other two.}

“Not to worry about that, Tamamo.  Like I said earlier, me and Soleil have a way that is surefire to get her to like us.  Remember her goals, or path as Ling calls it, and what I am very good at.  Add to that Soleil’s talent in painting and I get the feeling that Dusk will want to leave the island with us when we go.” (Luna)

{I can picture it now, you’ll have her eating out of Soleil’s hands before the end of the week.}

“I bet it’ll be the end of the day.” (Luna)

{Alright.  Whoever wins this bet is the one that gets pampered the next time we see each other.}

“Deal.  Though it’s more a win-win for either one of us.” (Luna)

{Since when were bets only ever supposed to have negative consequences for one party?}

“…” (Luna)

{Ufufufufu.  Never thought about it that way, have you?}

“No, I have, I think.  I feel like we’ve had this conversation before.” (Luna)

{Well, if we did, then oh well.}

I smiled at Tamamo’s words and I walked into the pavilion.

Chaos Realm:

Aww.  I missed her fist meeting with dragons.

Atmos: Well, if you and Order weren't wherever you were, you wouldn't have.  Where is Order anyway?

Asleep.  Also, while I'm sad I didn't get to see her reaction live, I had other business to tend to.

Atmos: Oh, with Order's help, we were able to watch that world's first Fiend Season.  I hope that was allowed.

It's fine.  As long as you didn't try to physically go there, then I have no qualms about you showing up here and watching that place as well.  I have plans for there that will happen in due time.

Atmos: Oh, mind saying more?

No spoilers for you.

Atmos:...No...spoilers?  AH!  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Be happy, Atmos, you're the first God of Fate in all my Sea of Chaos I've given this opportunity to.

Atmos: To think I can actually enjoy watching something without actually knowing every possible way something will turn out.  I knew you were a good friend, but this is something else.

Well, out of all the visitors here, and Order excluded, you are the one here the most, so I consider you my best friend.  Why not give my best friend something like this from time to time?

Atmos:...I-I don't know what to say to that or how to react.  I mean, if we weren't both married and madly in love with our spouses, I'd kiss you, but since we are both married and madly in love with our spouses, I'll settle for a hug.

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