I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 318: Heading to the Village of Dragons

[Luna POV]

Several days have passed.  Over this time, we all got to know our draconic hosts better, though in the Dusk department, I lost the bet with Tamamo.  Soleil and I failed to completely befriend her, though we did make progress.  I had also gained several levels, reaching level 96 just this morning.  At this current moment, we were all making our way to the village near the tree.  The reason for this is that a message was sent to the sisters to let the others meet the visitors.  We did have some apprehension about going due to a certain old dragon that wasn’t very happy, but in the end, we decided to go for it.

“Hey Luna, are you absolutely sure that your friends are going to be safe?” (Nian)

“Yes.  None of us are so weak that we’ll be killed by some old man dragon.  Though now that I really think about it, I hope I don’t have to actually kill him.  I mean, his anger and irritation is justified in a way.” (Luna)

“That’s weird.  Big sis not wanting to kill something that attacks her first.  Did you eat something weird?” (Soleil)

“Hey, if I’m given absolutely no choice but to kill him, I will and I won’t lose any sleep over it, but if it can be resolved by some light smacking around, then that works too.” (Luna)

“Either way it’s going to turn into a fight.” (Velvet)

“It’s highly likely.” (Skadi)

“Not highly, guaranteed.  Master most likely just wants to fight a dragon.” (Ophidia)

“That is a very Lunya thing to do nya.” (Mio)

“If a thirst for battle has taken hold of you, any of us three would gladly quinch it for you.  While all in our race are abundant in power, we sisters three hold more than most, yet there remains several to which we pale in comparison.” (Ling)

“In other words, if you wanted to fight a dragon, we would gladly oblige to spar.” (Dusk)

“Also, while we are considered very strong, even to dragon standards, there are others that are way more powerful than us, old Reverious being one of them.  Though if it’s just you, Luna, that fights him, then it probably won’t even be considered a fight.” (Nian)

“While that last point is true, I want to at least have one semi-serious fight with a dragon, just to say that I’ve done so.  And while I don’t mean to disparage you three or your strength, but it’s a different feeling when sparring and a real fight.” (Luna)

“Big sis, your slight battle mania is coming out again.” (Soleil)

“I though you were over that?” (Velvet)

“I did too.  Guess there’s still a little part of it left.  Anyway-” (Luna)

Just before I could get back on topic, I felt space distort near us.  Readying myself in case it was an attack I stopped moving and prepared to cast magic before the cause of the feeling appeared.

The tall, green haired, oni-like Space Spirit King, Hoshi, sleepily waked towards us.

“Who are you?” (Nian)

[Shh, little dragon, I don’t have business with you, but with my Goddess.] (Hoshi)

“It’s been a while, Hoshi.  Why are you here?  I haven’t been breaking space any more, or at least to my knowledge.” (Luna)

[I’m not here for that, oh Goddess mine, but to make a request of you.] (Hoshi)

“I’ll listen, but me actually doing it depends on what it is.” (Luna)

{Luna, we all know that you are most likely going to do it, so why even act like you aren’t?}

“Because that’s what you’re supposed to say when someone requests something of you?” (Luna)

“Why is that a question?” (Skadi)

[Goddess, please take this seriously, it affects you as well after all.] (Hoshi)

This information made me perk up and I stopped messing around.

“Go on then.” (Luna)

[There is an inhabitant of this island that has achieved the prerequisites to become a demispirit of space.  I would like to request your cooperation in making this being submit either peacefully or forcefully, seeing as we need all the help we can get.] (Hoshi)

“Let me guess, this being is the dragon known as Reverious?” (Luna)

[Yes.  He’s been applicable for this for ages now, but I couldn’t do anything about it since I need both the permission of the god or goddess of space to do this as well as your presence, or more importantly, your Authority, to be in proximity for this to work.] (Hoshi)

“Tell me what needs to be done.” (Luna)

{Oo.  I’m interested as well.  I don’t know how demispirits are made.}

[Essentially, when one that has the aptitude is found, the Spirit King of the specific Concept asks for permission, like I did just now, and then the we both need to bless the individual, after that and only if it applies to the being, their physical body needs to die.  After that the Spirit King does the rest.] (Hoshi)

“Interesting knowledge you bestow, oh King of Spirits.  Though I would humbly request to know why a being’s body must die when ascending to a demispirit.” (Ling)

[Oh Goddess mine, should I answer this dragon’s question?] (Hoshi)

“Yeah, since I’m curious as well.” (Luna)

[Very well.  It’s not that the being in question specifically needs to die, but that is the fastest and most efficient way to let their mind and soul fully adapt to the process of becoming a demispirit.  If you wanted the slow way, it could take multiple thousands of years to fully adapt, and that time only increases when the being that becomes a demispirit has lived for a long time.] (Hoshi)

“Hmm.  I suddenly feel bad for Lia.  She’ll have to go through this as well one day.  But aside from that, I think I see where you’re coming from with how this helps me, Hoshi.  I mean, I just need to slap him around a bit so he actually listens to what I have to say, then we bless him, how I do that, I’m not 100% sure since it works differently from Abyssal Blessing probably, and then kill his physical body, which will probably give me at least one level, and you do the rest and get what you want.” (Luna)

[Yes.  And honestly, I and all the others are very excited about this as well.  We’ll finally have a break soon.] (Hoshi)

“…” (Luna)

“Luna, you need to take better care of the spirits that serve under you.” (Skadi)

“Don’t you think I know that?  It’s not like I can do much as a demigod with limited control over my Authorities.  I would absolutely take some of the burden from the space spirits if I could now.” (Luna)

[Hmm.  That’s good to hear…Oh Goddess mine…please call me…when…you are ready……I’m going to take…a quick nap…while I’m here…] (Hoshi)

I then started to hear light snoring coming from Hoshi, signaling that she fell asleep while standing.  While all of us were impressed by the feat, we continued to move shortly after.

“Um.  Is it alright to just leave her there?” (Dusk)

“It’ll be fine, I set up a domain around her so that when the time comes, I can bring her to me.” (Luna)

“Isn’t that a bit redundant for a space spirit nya?  Especially the king one nya?” (Mio)

“By the looks of it, she needed sleep, so I doubt she’d hear the call for a bit before waking up.” (Ophidia)

“Come to think of it, I should have asked her why she only showed up to tell me this now, instead of when we first got here.  But at least now, I don’t have to feel bad about killing him, since technically I’m not.” (Luna)

“Do fortuitous things like this happen frequently, my eight-tailed friend?” (Ling)

“Yep, though I attribute it mostly to Atmos’s meddling.” (Luna)

“That is a fair assumption.  Even if she doesn’t meddle directly with you, she can and has most likely meddled with other people and creatures to get them to interact with you.” (Skadi)

{Actually, she hasn’t done that much meddling.  A few times, yes, but aside from those times, everything else that happened was pure chance or Luna and everyone else being in the right place at the right time.}

“Well, it’s good to know that we’ve been living our lives with the freedom of will and not being dictated by Fate, though now I’m curious about what parts she meddled with.  I can only remember one, and that was when Luna got her second tail.” (Velvet)

“…Fufu.  That feels so long ago now, but also like it was yesterday.” (Luna)

While I basked in my reminiscence we stepped off the path we were walking on.  In front of us rose buildings that looked like they were ripped from ancient China and Japan.  They looked majestic and gave off a feeling of walking back through time, even if it was a different world.

“This place looks amazing.” (Luna)

“Yeah.  Makes me want to paint it.” (Soleil)

“Really?  You could do much better than this never-changing place.” (Dusk)

“Dusk, you must remember that our friends from afar have not lived with scenery like what we have spent centuries seeing.” (Ling)

“Yeah, this place isn’t something I’ve seen around the mortal world, and the only place that can beat it is the Divine Domain, but that’s just my opinion as someone whose been to both.” (Skadi)

“I have to say that the Divine Domain has it beat nya.” (Mio)

“Isn’t it not fair to compare the two since one place is literally built by gods and goddesses?” (Ophidia)

“…” (Skadi)

“…” (Mio)

“Hey, are we going in or not?” (Nian)

“We’re coming.” (Luna)

We started to walk once more as I had feelings of anticipation in my heart for the encounters to come in this new place full of dragons, as well as a feeling that things were about to change.

Chaos Realm:

Tamamo: *Stares at the screen with anticipation*

Tamamo, calm down.

Tamamo: I am calm, just nervously excited since she's so close.  You don't realize how much I've wanted this to happen all these years.  Sometimes I even wanted to just forcefully keep Luna with me after the full moon.

Order: We all know.  You don't hide it very well when it comes to Luna.

Astraea: Miss Tama is like Evelyn.

Tamamo: How so?

Astraea: She gets the same pretty look when we're together.  Hehehe.  And it's all mine.  Hehehehehehehe.

Order, you better get Crisis here immediately.  She's teaching our daughter strange things, I just know it.

Order: Already on it.  I knew it wasn't a good idea to let her babysit them both while Mordred was away.

Tamamo: Then why did you still do it?

Order: I have things that I want to do with Payto without Astraea here.  It's just this time that desire won over my caution.

Tamamo: I see.

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