Chapter 327: Planning

[Luna POV]

After an interruption that gave me something important to think about, Tamamo and I decided to hold off from continuing our fun. After a somewhat long discussion, I decided on what to do and am now waiting for the opportunity to give my answer. When I came to my decision, it was nearly morning, so after I made me and Tamamo some breakfast, we decided it was about time to get mom here.

Hey Tamamo, should I just kidnap mom here, or should she come here the normal way?

{Let her come here the normal way. When it comes time to actually have our wedding, you can kidnap the people youre inviting.}

I was going to do that anyway. Fufufu. I cant wait to see their reactions.

{It will be quite funny. And I know for a fact Atmos is going to nearly pass out from laughing so much.}

It isnt that hard of a thing to imagine. Its literally something she would do if she could.

{Exactly. Now, let me tell Amagi to come here and we can get started.}

Tamamo closed her eyes and a few minutes later, a shining door appeared and mom walked out of it.

Interesting. That feels different than space magic. (Amagi)

I ran over and hug-tackled mom.

Fufufu. Hello Luna. (Amagi)

She started patting my head after returning the hug.

Luna, that night when you ascended and the stars appeared was a true spectacle. I doubt anyone alive will ever forget it. (Amagi)

Fufu. That was the point. If something is reality altering to that extent, it should be remembered for hundreds of thousands of years at least. (Luna)

Also, you look wonderful with 10 tails. It makes me a little jealous. (Amagi)

{Dont worry, although we arent 100% sure, give it time and youll most likely end up with more tails as well. Itll just take a very, very long time.}

Then Ill be patient. And before we go any further, what do I start calling you? Do I stick with Goddess Tamamo, just Tamamo, or daughter-in-law? (Amagi)

{The second or third one. Doesnt really matter to me.}

Then Ill just stick with Tamamo. Now, can I ask why I was called here? (Amagi)

We need your help with wedding planning. Weve spent enough time getting used to living together, so its time we start moving forward with things like that. Also, how are the others? (Luna)

They are fine. They just left the shrine to start heading towards the Celestia Kingdom. And Im so glad you called me here to help. Ive always wanted to help you plan your wedding, Luna. (Amagi)

Seeing as this would probably take a long time, I brought us to my floating island, set up some seats under my Lunar Sakura and poured us all some tea and coffee. We got comfortable before getting to business.

First things first, what are you two going to wear? Both dresses? Are one of you going to wear a suit? Something different that I dont know because of Divine Domain culture? (Amagi)

{Ive brought it up before and we agreed to both wearing dresses. I have some friends that we can go to, to get them made, we can move on to the next thing.}

Alright. Have you discussed location? (Amagi)

Not really. I kind of assumed it would be here at our place, but if there is somewhere else that Tamamo thinks would be better Im all for going there. (Luna)

{I have a few places in mind. Look here.}

Tamamo waved her hand in the air and several large bubbles with images inside them appeared.

Is this some god thing I dont know about or illusions? (Luna)


Inside the bubbles were several locations. One was a place full of waterfalls that would make Niagara look like a kiddie pool. Another one was a place that looked like a beach, but the water was in the sky and so clear that you could see everything inside it. There was a place full of mountains that seemed to be made of pure crystal. The last one, though immediately became my favorite one. It was a place that was full of flowering trees. There were nearly endless amounts of cherry trees with pink flowers falling in the gentle breeze, in other spots were groves of flowering wisteria trees, their purple flowers hanging down like beautiful purple curtains. All of these beautiful trees were surrounded by and even bigger forest of endless red maples.o, I like this one. We HAVE to get married here. (Luna)

{Ufufufu. I had a feeling that place would be your favorite.}

I have to agree with Luna. That place seems to be practically begging to be your wedding venue. It makes me wish there was a place like it in the mortal world. (Amagi)

{There is. Unfortunately, it on the other continent.}

The venom in Tamamos voice echoed the sentiment we all held for that continent. When we werent talking about important things last night, I decided that I should at least see what that other continent is like. Aside from some places, most were really bad. I dont know what they were like before, but a lot of big cities looked almost like ruins. Others with more people in them were starting to crumble and the people were almost like walking dead. Then I looked at the places where nobles lived and saw things that made me want to rain stars down on their heads. They were living it up like nothing was wrong. Obviously, they were in denial that, since magic was taken away from that continent, theyve regressed in development. It was at the point where regular people were about to go French Revolution levels of uprising. Deciding that it would ruin any kind of happy feelings for the rest of the night, I stopped looking at Himmels and havent looked at it again.

Getting back on topic, we now have dresses planned and location chosen. Next we need to know whos coming. (Amagi)

{To start with me. Atmos, Grey, Crate, Gear, Quetz, Java, Stadia, Norn, Fenrir, Crisis, Mordred, and their daughter, some of the goddesses of beauty, the goddess of culinary arts, she can also help with the food, Tonya, and three more.}

How is it that the sky here is even clearer than the one in the mortal world? (Amagi)

{Perks of being us. The night sky is ours, so we can make it as clear as we want. That power is amplified here in our home.}

Interesting. (Amagi)

Hey mom. (Luna)

Yes Luna? (Amagi)

Do you want me to make you into a constellation? (Luna)

Is there a purpose in doing so? (Amagi)

There doesnt have to be. In my old world, the constellations were things that were the highest honor one could be given, depending on the mythos. Not all of the ones I make will be used in stellar magic, and I figured that I should also bestow the honor of becoming a constellation to people who deserve it. Promising heroes, saints, legendary monsters, whatever. Make the night sky an ever-expanding tapestry of history. Of course, Ill have to make it so that the constellations used in stellar magic are different so people know which can and cant be used, but I have a plan for that. (Luna)

{Its a good idea, Luna.}

Then Id be happy to have a constellation of me in the sky. (Amagi)

Then Ill get to making it. Oh, do you want it to be a seasonal one, or constant like the ones depicting me and Tamamo? (Luna)

Make it seasonal so it only appears in autumn. Its my favorite season after all. (Amagi)

Got it. Ill make one of dad too. (Luna)

I lifted my hands above me and the stars in the sky stated to shift as I moved them into shape. I glanced over at mom to see her reaction. Her eyes were wide in awe at what was happening. Several minutes later the stars were in position and I snapped my fingers to finish it off. Shining lines connected the stars and when that was done, the sky had one more constellation.

What do you think? (Luna)


Stunning. (Amagi)

Fufufu. (Luna)

The constellation looked like mom as she sat under a tree. Her eyes were closed and she had a gentle smile on her face. It was an image that gave off a calm, caring feeling that I hoped would soothe people when they saw it. I also made one of dad. This one stood in a pose that gave off the feeling that one was protected. The two constellations stood next to each other to show that they were meant to be seen as a set.

Thank you Luna. (Amagi)

Mmm. (Luna)

The three of us looked up at the night sky for a little longer before mom decided she should go back. Just before she left, she turned to both of us.

We forgot something important. When is the ceremony? (Amagi)

{Let me find out how long it will take for our dresses to be finished and how long the food will take to be made. After that we can think of a concrete time.}

Alright. Luna, when the time comes, try to let those you are inviting know in advance. I know you think itll be funny to just kidnap them, but you need to at least give a small heads up so that the people around them dont panic. (Amagi)

Ill think about it. (Luna)

Good enough. (Amagi)

With that, mom left the Divine Domain.

Chaos Realm:

So, you have your answer?

Luna: Yep. I'd like it very much if you could allow me to see my old family one more time.


Luna: Also, can you do the same for Blake?

It wouldn't be that hard, though I'd need to know if he wants to meet them.

Luna: I'll ask him next time I see him. Also, I look forward to seeing you at our wedding.

Looking forward to being there. It's not every day I get to see Order and Astraea dressed up fancy for a special occasion after all.

Luna: I'm looking forward to seeing Tamamo in a wedding dress.

When you do, do your absolute best to hold back. She'll be doing the same.

Luna: I know!

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