I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 333: Bonding with Atmos

Chapter 333: Bonding with Atmos

[Luna POV]

Tamamo and I completely lost track of time after our celebration and before we knew it, two weeks had gone by. We would have probably gone on longer but Atmos sending us a message managed to bring us out of our reverie. To sum it up, Atmos wanted to take me on a day trip to a place she had visited with Tamamo before and where we promised to spend some time to bond.

So, Tamamo, anything I need to bring with me to this place?

{No, everything will be taken care of there. And if the goddesses of beauty there get a bit too handsy with your tails, feel free to shock them a little with lightning magic. Thatll get them to back off for a while.}

Speaking from experience?

{Yes, though in my case I used gravity magic.}

Got it.

I hugged Tamamo and gave her a kiss before heading out the door. I teleported over to Atmoss place and found her waiting for me.

Hey Luna, did my message interrupt anything? If it did, Im sorry. (Atmos)

It did, but its been two weeks, so we should have stopped at some point soon anyway. (Luna)

Ah to be young. (Atmos)

I have a feeling if Grey wasnt as busy as he is, you two would be in the same position. (Luna)

Without a doubt. Between you and me, I kind of want him to take a vacation so we can spend more time together, but hes too much of a workaholic to do that. Its honestly kind of frustrating. (Atmos)

I dont mind forcefully bringing him here and locking down space for the two of you. (Luna)

Ill think about the offer, but expect a positive response before the end of the week. (Atmos)

Alright, then lets go. (Luna)

Yep, yep. Ive set up a reservation for us, so lets get to it. (Atmos)

Atmos opened a shining portal in front of us and we walked through it. We came out in front of a fancy building in the same city that Tamamo brought me to before. Outside the building were two very pretty women who smiled brightly when they saw us.

Welcome, Lady Atmos, Lady Luna. Please come in and enjoy your day, we will be sure to take care of all of your needs.

Atmos and I nodded and we went inside. The ones that greeted us gave me a rundown on what to do here and once that was over Atmos and I went into a changing room. Since I picked up Tamamos habit of illusion clothes, I didnt really take much time, unlike Atmos who wore a lot of layers today.

Why did I think it was a good idea to dress up for the day when I knew we were coming here? (Atmos)

Cause you thought that is what is supposed to happen when you go out with your in-laws? (Luna)

Maybe. (Atmos)

After several minutes Atmos and I were equipped with towels and we left the dressing room. Standing in the hallway with several doors to many different spa accoutrements, I was wondering where we should go to first.

Any recommendations? (Luna)

We can go to the different baths later, so lets go do the massages first. That will also let you get the whole tail thing with the beauty goddesses over with. (Atmos)

So they ARE going to be a bit more touchy feely than I would like. (Luna)

Thats just how they are, they see anything beautiful and they just have to see if they can replicate it. If it means feeling up someone elses tails to see if its possible, then they will do it, though normally a lot of apologies and compensation follows. But only in the times when they dont first ask for consent, which is rare, but has happened before and will happen again. (Atmos)

Lets get it over with then. (Luna)

We walked over to one of the doors and went inside. The room was somewhat dimly lit and had two tables in the middle. The same people that welcomed us were standing beside a table with pleasant smiles on their faces.

A good first choice. Please lay on a table and we will begin.RêAd lateSt chapters at wuxiahere.com Only

And Lady Luna, I apologize in advance if I go too far. Your tails are absolutely stunning and I doubt Ill be able to keep myself from touching them too much. When that happens, please do something to stop me.

That was the plan, though I do thank you for saying that yourself as well. It would have been a lot worse if you didnt say anything while Tamamo and Atmos have. (Luna)

We all know that we are like this, so its better if we just get the troublesome things like this out of the way first. We dont want to ruin our relationship with people just because we get too excited when we find something beautiful.

I nodded and Atmos and I chose a table to lay on. Once there, our towels were removed and the goddesses of beauty immediately started rubbing warm oil on us. It was a weird feeling having someone that wasnt Tamamo touching me, but not uncomfortable since the person was a professional doing what she was supposed to do. Once they were done with the oil the massage actually started. The slow, methodical way that was used was quite relaxing and I almost fell asleep when I felt the sensation of my tails being messed with woke me up.

It wasnt very rough in the beginning, but was progressively becoming so. When it got to the point where I was over it, I sent a small bolt of lightning over to the goddess of beauty. When it hit her she was shocked out of her fluff fueled revelry.

My apologies, Lady Luna. Your tails just have this pull to them that makes my hands move on their own.

Just please be more careful, I take good care of my tails, so handling them like that can mess them up and make hours of care to go to waste. (Luna)

I understand, I will do my best to not touch them anymore. Though I must say, your tails are, for lack of a better word, perfect. I think the only person that can match them is Lady Tamamo, but that makes sense since she is your wife. Id love to talk to the two of you at some point about your care routine.

Ill talk with Tamamo later about it as see what we can do. (Luna)

Thank you very much. As for my apology for my transgression-

Leave it at that and Ill forgive it this time, but not a second time. (Luna)

Very well.

After that event, the massage continued for another hour. Once it was over I felt refreshed and Atmos, it seems, was asleep almost the entire time. The two that were the ones giving the massage left the room and told is that we can move to another one whenever we want. I got up from my table and wrapped the towel back around myself before walking over to Atmos. I promptly poked her in the ribs to wake her up.

Mhgah! (Atmos)

What king of noise even is that? (Luna)

Sorry and Im not sure. Anyway, how was it? (Atmos)

What can I say? Watching your wedding has reignited something inside me that makes me want to spend more time with him like in the beginning of our relationship. (Atmos)

How long do you want me to lock space around your place for you? (Luna)

A year or 30 if you can. (Atmos)

Easy. (Luna)

Any way you want me to pay you back for doing that? (Atmos)

Nah. Youre family, so I dont mind doing things for you for free. (Luna)

Im pretty sure in-laws arent supposed to be this nice to each other, but Im glad youre good to me. (Atmos)

Atmos, were not in some soap opera on midday television. (Luna)

I know, but even in our world more often that not, in-laws arent on very good terms with each other. Its almost like a conceptual rule it seems. (Atmos)

Were goddesses, so were not bound by such petty things. (Luna)

Pffft. Ahahahahahahaha! (Atmos)

In her fit of laughter, Atmos moved over and hugged me.


Sorry, couldnt help myself. (Atmos)

She let me go and we went back into silence while soaking in the bath. A little while later we decided to move to a different place. For the rest of the day after that we went around to I think half of the rooms in the spa and enjoyed it to the fullest. By the time I made it back home, Tamamo was sitting on a bench in a pagoda on the island. She patted the seat next to her then her lap.

{Come tell me how your day went.}

I smiled at Tamamo and sat down and laid my head in her lap.

It was a good day and I feel like me and Atmos have gotten closer. Oh, and at some point we should invite one or two of the goddesses of beauty here so we can tach them our tail care method.

{Im happy that you are getting along with Atmos and Im happy that youve already started to do things that will end up with favors you can cash in later. You never know when youll run into something that Im not qualified to help with.}

That wasnt my intention, but if it ends up like that I wont complain. Now, smell this.

I moved one of my tails just under Tamamos nose and she sniffed.

{My second favorite smell.}

Fufu. Yeah, I saw that they has some of the stuff that you always put in your tails, so I got me some so I could have at least a bit of your smell with me all the time. Not that I plan on being separated from you for a while, today notwithstanding.

{Oh Luna, what am I going to do with you? Your words have a way of making me want to eat you up.}

I sat up from Tamamos lap and moved over till I was sitting on it facing her. I looked straight into her eyes and spoke.

Are you sure you wont end up the one being eaten?

I then brought my lips and Tamamos together.

Chaos Realm:


Have fun Grey.

Order: Stop neglecting Atmos for your work, she's more important than the guild.

Grey: I don't neglect her, we go at it almost every day! And it's not like I stay that long at work either!

Doesn't matter, you need a vacation anyway, you haven't had one pretty much since you started the guild. Just let Tomoe take care of everything for a while.

Grey: Why are you two on Atmos's side when she isn't even here?

Order: Because we're suckers for romantic situations and you and Atmos are sorely lacking in that department.

Grey: So having Luna lock me and Atmos up for 30 years is romantic to the two of you?

I personally wouldn't be in to it, but Atmos seems pretty eager, so who are we to judge?

Order: Exactly. We don't judge who's into what.

Grey: *Sigh* Guess I'll go put my affairs in order and set Tomoe up for her short tenure as Grand Master.

Have fun.

Grey: You already said that. *Disappears from Chaos Realm*

Hey Order, how long until Astraea get's back from Crisis's place?

Order: I bribed In-chan with a 'get away with whatever you want for a year' ticket, so it's safe to say that we have about a week.

I hope you agreed to give her that after she brings Astraea back.

Order: I'm not stupid, of course I'd never give it to her before. If I did, she'd bring Astraea back early just so she could catch us in a less than decent state.

I know you're not stupid, but I was just making sure you didn't lose track of your thoughts and gave it to her early.

Order: Fair.

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