I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 34-Capital Exploring: West-Part 2

[Luna POV]

Walking with Velvet to the alchemist section of the western district we saw a group of people gathering.

“I wonder what’s going on over there?”

“Want to check it out?”

“Why not.”

We walked over and joined the crowd.

“You know what’s going on?” Velvet asked one of the other bystanders.

“Eh, oh, apparently some newbie adventurers were trying to get a smith to forge them some weapons with parts they got from some monsters, but the smith in question won’t help them because the materials are in too poor condition.  One thing led to another and now the smith is throwing them out of his shop.  Everyone here is just watching the aftermath.”

“Seems less interesting than I thought it would be.”

“I agree.”

We started walking away when a person was thrown and hit me in the back.

“Really!” I shouted.

I turned to see who hit me and saw a guy who looked about my age on the ground unconscious.  While I was trying to decide about what to do, a grumpy looking dwarf walked up to me.

“Sorry about that, lass, didn’t think anyone was there when I threw this idiot out me shop.”

“As long as you weren’t trying to pick a fight it’s fine, just watch where you throw people next time.”

“That I’ll do, lass.  Anything you want as an apology?”

I looked over to Velvet and she shrugged, not giving me any ideas.

“Then do you know any good alchemists and apothecaries?”

“Hmm.  Not sure about apothecaries, but there is a decent alchemist that is close to the noble district.  Shop’s name is Python, just be warned, the owner’s kind of strange.”


“Think nothing of it, lass.”

He said this and walked away, leaving the adventurer laying in the street.

“Velvet, should we move this guy out of the way, or leave him?”

“Just leave him, his friends will come and get him in a bit.”

“OK, then let’s go find this Python shop.”

We walked away headed to where the dwarf man told us about.  It took about two hours of searching but we found the place eventually.

“I guess this is the place, seems a bit run down for the area it’s in.”

“I agree, want to look for a different place?”

We were about to walk away when an owl-like man ran out of the shop.

“Are you two customers by any chance, please come in I need the business.”

Me and Velvet looked at each other and shrugged.


When Velvet said that the owl man looked up with an expression of joy on his face.

“Truly!  Thank you!”

We all entered the shop to find a surprisingly clean interior.

“If it’s all nice in here, why is the outside like it is?”

“I ran out of money to refurbish the outside when I bought the place a few years ago after I finished my training under my teacher.”

“Wouldn’t you normally fix the outside of a shop first, then focus on the inside?”

“Normally, but alchemy tools are expensive, so I had to make a choice between those or the looks of the shop.”

“Fair enough I guess.”

“So, what can I do for you ladies today?”

“I’m looking for some poisons and some ingredients to make some.”

“What kinds, I got a variety?”

“Paralysis, sleep, plain damage, whatever I can get.”

“Will these be used for nefarious deeds; I won’t sell anything if they are.”

“They won’t be, but I don’t think anyone would answer in affirmation even if they were.”

“I guess that’s true.  I’ll recommend the paralysis since it’s the most effective stuff I have.  Do you two need any potions or antidotes of any kind?”

“I don’t.  What about you Velvet?”

“I could use some blood potions.”

“Hoh, a vampire I see, I got a few of those but not many.”

“That’s surprising, I knew you had some, but there aren’t many alchemists that sell them.”

“You can blame my teacher for that, he had this obsession with vampires, told me to always make some blood potions incase I ever met one.”

Hearing him say this reminded me of someone.

“Your teacher’s name wouldn’t happen to be Damien Crowe, would it?”

“It is, how did you know?”

“So, it really was that pervert.”

“Is he someone you know, Luna?”

“In a sense, yeah.  He’s the kind of guy who would go after any person that walked on two legs and had a pair of breasts and had a big obsession with vampires and wanting to become one.”

“While I agree with everything you just said, miss, I can’t let you just badmouth my teacher.”

“Is it really badmouthing someone if everything I said is true?”

“I don’t really know.”

“Though now that I think about it, he never mentioned knowing a cute lady like you before, and he would’ve told me about meeting someone like you for days on end if not longer.”

“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask about a lady’s secrets.”

“Fine then, anyway here are the poisons, I’ll go and get the blood potions for you so wait right here.”

“Is this person related to your past life?” Velvet asked in a whisper.

“Yeah, he’s the other hero that stayed here.”

“Miss, I only have three blood potions, did you need more than this?”

“No, that many is fine, thanks.”

We paid for our things but before we left, I wanted to know more about this alchemist, so I started talking with him.

“Before we leave, you said that you finished training under your teacher.  Does that mean he’s in this country?”

“Nah, he liked moving around to different places, he only stopped to teach me because I was down on my luck in my old profession, and he told me I had a talent for alchemy.”

“What did you do previously?”

“I tried to be a traveling entertainer, but no one ever enjoyed my performances.”

“Did the name of your shop come from Damien?”

“Yeah, said I should name it this because of my name, never understood why though.”

“So, I’m guessing your name is Monte?”


I facepalmed.

“Ugh, I can’t believe I have the same sense of humor as that pervert.”

“I don’t really get it, Luna, but it’s alright.”

“Thanks Velvet.”

“You OK there, miss?”

“I’m fine, anyway I wouldn’t think he would accept a guy as an apprentice.”

“I think the only reason he did was because he pitied me, always said something about how this world didn’t understand good humor or something.  He also asked me a few times if I’ve ever dueled a black knight.”

“Have you?”

“No, though I did find a sword in a lake once, but I left it alone, felt like I would be stuck with some misadventures if I did.”

“You never know, you could have become a king.”

“Swords distributed by lakes are no basis for a system of government, miss.”


“Luna are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine, I guess we should leave, I still have some things to find elsewhere.”

“Please come again, you’re always welcome.”

“Sure, and look out for rabbits in caves.”

“Heh, teacher said the same thing last time I saw him.”

We left the shop and I asked Velvet if she had anywhere she wanted to go.

“I was going to go to an alchemist to get some blood potions but now that I got some, not really.”

“Well, I got the ingredients that I was going to look for back there, so I don’t have anything I need here anymore either.  Though I can think of one thing I want to buy, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford it?”

“What is it?”

“Something for Tamamo.  She hasn’t said anything since we left Old Man Reve’s shop, so I think she went off to do something.”

“What do you want to buy for her?”

“A ring.”

“Hehehe, something like that, eh.  I don’t think you’ll have to worry about price, rings for married couples are priced so that even poorer commoners can afford them.”

“You want to go to a specialty shop?”

“I was thinking about going to that place recommended the other day.”

“Dragon’s Hoard?”

“Yeah, that place, do you know where it’s at?”

“I do, let’s hurry then if you want to give the Goddess a surprise.”

[Tamamo POV]

{I really want to go back to watching over Luna but there are some preparations I need to make for her next visit.}

While making my way over to a certain place in the divine domain, I ran into Atmos.

“Well, if it isn’t Tamamo, not watching your wifey for once?”

{I’d love to be, but I need to get some stuff so I can prepare for our date on the next full moon.}

“Whatcha getting and from who?”

{If you must know, I’m getting some coffee from Java the god of coffee.}

“Oooooh, going for the good stuff then, though I hope Luna can handle it, that stuff will keep her awake for years.”

{Unfortunately, the effects of coffee are treated as a status effect so it won’t work on her, though she will be able to enjoy the taste.}

“You would think it would count as a buff, but oh well.  Does she know about that?”

{I don’t think so, but when she does learn about it, she might feel a little down.}

We made it to the God of Coffee’s domain while chatting and met him tending to his coffee plants.  When we got closer, he stood up and greeted us.

“Well, this is rare, to what do I owe the pleasure of you visit today, Lady Tamamo?”

{Hello there, Java, I’m here today to ask for some of your specialty blend.}

“Oh hoh, what’s the special occasion, you hardly ever ask for something like this?”

{I’m having a date with my future wife on the next full moon, and we thought to enjoy some coffee together.  She’ll be conjuring an illusion of a nice place, so I thought I should be the one to prepare the beverages.}

“I see, then I’ll give you some of my freshest batch for this special occasion.  What about you Atmos, is there anything you need, or are you just following Lady Tamamo again?”

“Mostly just following Tamamo, but if it’s not too much trouble can I get some coffee as well, my husband has been asking for some for a while.”

“OK, I’ll treat this as a favor to your husband this time, but would you hold off on your pranks for a while, some of my subordinates have been complaining that you’ve been getting out of hand a bit.”

“I’ll try but I make no promises.”

“I guess that’s the best I can do, I’ll be right back.”

{You really do need to settle down a bit, Atmos, you don’t want the God of Time to punish you again, do you?}

“Yeah, I would like to avoid that.  Oh, good on you, Luna, way to take charge.”

{What is Luna doing and why are you watching her?}

“Don’t worry Tamamo, she’s doing something in order to surprise you and I’m not going to ruin it.  As for watching her, it’s enjoyable, for example, she just met the student of the other hero that stayed in this world.”

{He didn’t try anything did he?}

“Nope, though I found Luna’s reaction to his name kind of funny.”

{If I remember right, he’s the person you set up to find a sword in a lake for the sake of some obscure joke, right?}

“Yep, though if he picked it up, he would actually have become a king.”

{What am I ever going to do with you, Atmos?}

“Nothing, by the way, you’re going to really enjoy this date, just don’t fumble your words at the wrong moment.”

{What do you mean by that?}

“Oh look, Java is back.”

{What do you mean, Atmos!?}

“Thanks, Java, bye!”

“What was that about?”

{Her being her usual cryptic self.}

“It really is hard for you sometimes, isn’t it?”

{It can be, but she makes life enjoyable so it’s fine.  Thanks for this, Java, anything you want from me in return?}

“Not really, you hardly ever ask for favors like this so I’m fine doing this for you.”

{Just a heads up for the future, my wife will probably come here often so please treat her well.}

“Of course, I will.  I look forward to meeting her.”

{Till next time then.}

Author's Note:

BAM! NEW CHAPTER!  Please enjoy.  Thanks for reading.

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