I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 44- Talking about Recent Events

[Luna POV]

While waiting for dad to get here Mom, Velvet, and I made some small talk while Soleil was acting like she obtained a sort of enlightenment.

“Big sis, I think I understand the true meaning of fluff.”

“I see you are enjoying yourself, Soleil.  I’m happy my new unique skill makes you feel good like this.”

Mom’s ears twitched a bit when I said this.

“You got a new unique skill?  That was possible?”

“I think it’s because of my special circumstances.”

“So, something to do with the Goddess?”

“Yep.  A unique skill born from the Brushing Technique skill reaching level 10 and access to brushing the tail of a Goddess.  It let’s me bring things close to my level of fluff.”

“Maybe I’ll ask you to brush my tail once before you set off again, then.”

“Ask me any time.”

It was then that Ana returned with Dad.

“Hello Luna, it’s good to see you again.”

“Hello Dad, the feelings mutual.”

“Lady Luna, what’s wrong with Soleil?”

“She has experienced the greatest tail brushing in the mortal world.  Mom is next in line, but I can add you to the list.”

“Oh, you haven’t offered that to me or your mother since you were little.”

“So, Luna, to what do we owe the pleasure of you and your friends visit?”

“Before I answer that, let me introduce my party member.  This is Velvet, I met her a few days after making it to the capital and we partied up due to a recommendation from Tamamo.”

“It’s nice to meet you all, I am Velvet, though Lord Deacon may know my family name of Belmont.”

“So you’re a vampire?”

“I am.”

“I guess I should thank the Goddess for introducing the two of you.  You seem less fanatic when it comes to the Goddess and Luna in turn.”

“Yes.  Out of all the vampires in this country, only my mother and I know about Luna’s relationship with the Goddess, and we plan on keeping it that way for as long as possible.”

“That’s good.”

“With that out of the way, we’re here on a quest to deliver some thing for the Vanquishing Festival.  I was thinking that we could stay here for the festival before going back to the capital.  After that we can head off to the Celestia Kingdom, preferably on an escort quest so that we can move up to C rank.”

“You’re already D rank?”

“We are.  It was thanks to having high participation in an emergency quest.”

Dad’s eyes turned serious after hearing my words.

“Did something happen in the capital; I was never informed?”

“It happened yesterday, so you probably wouldn’t have, which leads me to my next point.”  I stood up from my seat and walked to the center of the room.  I took off my newly enchanted necklace and the illusion on my body disappeared.  Upon seeing my second tail, everyone’s, with the exception of Velvet, eyes widened in shock.

“You got a second tail!”

“I did indeed, Soleil.”

“Congratulations Luna.  This means you’re one step closer to the Goddess.”

“Thanks Mom.”

“I must say it suits you, Luna.  Makes me wonder how beautiful you’ll look with nine, the Goddess is truly lucky.”

{I know I am.}

‘They can’t hear you, remember.’

{But you can.}

“Luna, you are still in the middle of talking with us, don’t start ignoring the world just yet.”


“Now, what exactly happened in the capital?”

“I’ll take over the explanation from here since Luna is clearly still distracted.”

“Thank you, Miss Velvet.  Sorry for the trouble my daughter is causing you.”

“It’s fine, Lord Deacon, I’m used to it by now.  I don’t know what she was like when she was here, but she often loses herself to her talks with the Goddess that I’ve gotten used to it.”

“I hope she learns to at least pay some attention to her surroundings.”

“Anyway, yesterday the capital was attacked by large hordes of undead led by the Cult of R’lyeh.”

“So, they made their move after 60 years.”

“Were you there when they last did something?”

“No, but my father was.  He used to tell me that what happened at the coastal city was horrible even if the cult ultimately failed at whatever they were trying to accomplish.”

“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about them again.  The leader was killed as well as the rest of its members.  Any stragglers are being hunted down by the guild and my mother’s subordinates.”

“Who killed the leader?”

“Luna.  The both of us were on the side of the capital he attacked.  Close to the end of the battle he showed up and started going after me since my family has apparently caused him a lot of trouble.  Me and Luna fought him, and she landed the final blow.”

“I see.”

Dad looked over to me just as I was finishing with my conversation with Tamamo.

“Luna, good job on ridding the world of that cult and its leader.”


“Now on to something different.  Luna, care to explain why you froze the arm off a person?  I know you explained it in your letter, but I want to hear the reason again from the source.”

I slumped my shoulders.

“That wasn’t one of my best days you know.  Velvet and I finished a request, got attacked by an undead bear, killed it, reported to the guild, then things happened.  My charm skill maxed out and turned into a curse which was nullified by my status effect immunity unique skill which caused my emotions to run wild.  That guy just so happened to grab my tail and try to court me I guess and, me being me, I overreacted big time.  The guy totally deserved what he got, but I reflected on my actions already.”

“I see, the only reason I brought this up is because that same guy just arrived here a few days ago to join as a soldier.”

“Ana did tell me you were going extra hard on a newbie; I’m guessing that’s him?”

“Yeah, it’s difficult to train someone with only one arm, but he’s cooperating at least.  Do you know what else happened to him, though?  Aside from training, he’s kind of despondent.”

“I heard from the guild master that, after his encounter with me, he went on to harass the daughter of the duke and the second princess.  I witnessed the incident with the duke’s daughter but not the other one.”

I glanced at Soleil again, but she was still in post tail brushing bliss.

“He sure is an unlucky one.”

“He’s still alive after everything so I think it balances out.”

“Guess so, I’ll train him up to be a decent soldier and person.”

“Now, where do you need to deliver festival supplies?”

“Several places.  We should be able to deliver it all in about two hours.”

“I’m glad you took that request, Luna.  The people who asked me to send out the request have been coming by every day to see if the supplies have come in.”

“I forgot you are the one who sends those out, Mom.  I guess we should go and finish our job before we get too comfortable here.”

“Let’s head out then, Luna.  It was a pleasure meeting you all.”

“The same to you, Miss Velvet.  You are welcome here any time.”

[Amagi POV]

As soon as Luna and Velvet left the room, the rest of us except Soleil all sighed.

“It’s good to see that she is the same as ever.  Though I wish she would pay more attention to everything around her.”

“I think she has gotten a little better.  Not much, but a little.”

“Miss Velvet is going to have a hard time.”

“Speaking of her, what do you think?  Do we need to worry?”

“No, I’ve worked with their organization to rout out corruption in the capital before.  They’re good people if not a bit overzealous when it comes to the Goddess.  Though Miss Velvet is different, I didn’t feel the craziness from her that I did when working with vampires previously.”

“They did say that the Goddess was involved.  I’m guessing that means Miss Velvet might be an oracle.  How envious.”

{We might be able to do something about that, you know.}

I straightened up upon hearing those words in my head.

‘What do you mean by that, Goddess?’

{You fulfill most of the conditions to become an Apostle.  The only thing left to do is to agree to my terms.}

‘And what are your terms?’

{Simple, pledge yourself to me and agree to act as my voice in the mortal world.}

‘Didn’t I do something similar when I became the head priestess here?’

{You did, but that was only in name.  By agreeing to these terms, it will become official.  If you agree, you will earn the title Apostle of the Moon, gain immortality, and have access to come and go from my place in the divine domain freely.  The stipulation is that, when I ask you to do something, you need to carry it out without fail.}

‘Can I have some time to think about it?’

{Of course, take all the time you need, discuss it with your husband, just don’t tell Luna.  It’s too early for her to learn of Apostles, even if she already made one.}


“Is something wrong, Amagi?”

{I’ll leave it at that for today.  If you come up with an answer, go to the innermost part of the shrine and pray to me.}

I started to massage the bridge of my nose.

“So many things are happening today.”

“Would you like me to make some relaxing tea?”

“Please, we’re all going to need it.”

“What shocked you so much, Amagi?”

“It seems I have the qualification to become an Apostle of the Goddess.”

Ana dropped the kettle she was holding and ran over to me.

“Truly!?  That is a great honor.  Did you accept?  Do I need to start praying to you as well?  Does Lady Luna know about this?”

“Calm down Ana.  I haven’t accepted yet, I wanted to discuss it first.  I don’t know about the second thing, and the Goddess said to make sure Luna doesn’t find out yet.  She said it’s too early for her to learn about Apostles and that she already has one.”


Both Deacon and Ana yelled at the same time.

“Do you know who it is?”

“No, but I think it is likely Miss Velvet.  We’ll have to ask her about it when we can get her alone.”

“Thank goodness Soleil is still dazed, I don’t think she would take kindly to that.”

“Take kindly to what?”

“You’re back already, Soleil?”

“Yeah, I don’t really know what happened, but I do know big sis has improved her tail brushing.  I think she’s even better than you, mom.”

“Oh, we’ll see about that.  Did you forget that I’m the one who taught her?”

“No, but it just felt different.  It was similar to the feeling I get when I sneakily pet her tail.”

“You do what Soleil!?”

“You didn’t tell them, Mom?”

“I haven’t had the chance.  We’ve all been extremely busy you know.”

“We’re going to need to talk to Luna about this.”

“I agree.  When they get back, I’ll talk privately with Miss Velvet.  Deacon, you can take Luna and Soleil and have them figure out what to do.  Ana, I want you with me.”

“I understand.”

“Soleil, I’ll try to mediate for you as best I can.”

“Thank you.”

Author's Note:

Here is a chapter that isn't posted late at night.  Have fun and thanks for reading.

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