I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 49- Morning Conversations

[Luna POV]

I just stared at my left-hand ring finger for a while, smiling to myself while I remembered what had just happened.

“I think I understand when people say you won’t ever forget your first kiss now.  I never want to forget this.”

{I completely agree, this has been one of the best nights of my life, and one I will surely never forget.}

“It’s just a shame we couldn’t go on for longer.”

{Well, we were sitting there kissing for about two hours.}

“I know what I’m going to do next time after brushing your tails, Tamamo.  Two hours will be nothing.”

{Now that’s something to look forward to.}



We spent about an hour longer talking and laughing with each other when I decided to get up.

‘We should prepare something to eat next time.’

{It wouldn’t affect your body.}

‘I know, but it would make my mind think I’m not hungry.’

{Don’t forget to put on your necklace.}

‘Thanks for the reminder.’

I put the necklace on, and my second tail disappeared.

‘I look forward to the day I don’t need to hide my extra tails.’

{I understand what you mean, if it wouldn’t cause you problems, I would tell you to let the world see them.}

‘Well, it’ll happen one day.’

I left my room and went to the dining room and found mom and Ana drinking some tea.

“Oh, good morning, Luna.  You look particularly happy this morning.”

“Indeed, the way you’re smiling right now reminds me of the day after your fifth birthday.”

“Why would I not be happy?  I just had one of the best times of my life.”

“So then, how far did you go?”

“Not all the way, if you have to know, but there was about two hours on nonstop kissing.”

“Impressive.  Let me see your hand.”

“What’s wrong with her hand, Amagi?”

“Look for yourself.”

Ana took a look at my left hand and her eyes opened wide.

“So you decided to give her a ring?”

“I did.  Aside from just wanting to, I also wanted something to show people I was taken.  I want to avoid something happening like that one time at the guild again.”

It was then that dad walked through the door.

“Morning you three.  How did it go, Luna?”


“Looks like you didn’t get my bad luck with dates then.”

“What do you mean?”

“Exactly what it sounds like.  I have only had a few dates with your mother go well the entire time we’ve been together.”

His ears were drooping lower every time he spoke.

{How pitiable.}

‘I agree.’

“I don’t need your pity.”

“Are you sure you can’t hear Tamamo when she talks, Dad?”


“Well, at least they don’t all go wrong, right?”

“That’s true.  I’m going to go train now, I feel frustrated.”

“Just don’t cripple the newbies, we’re the ones who have to heal them after all.”

“Yeah yeah, I’ll only half cripple them.”

“That’s fine then.  They can walk that off.”

“I don’t think they can, Luna.  They’re not like you who can use healing magic on yourself the instant you get hurt.”

“Guess I can try to enchant the training grounds with healing magic.”

“Would that even work?”

“Not sure, I think it will, but I can try later.  I’m kind of hungry.”

“Then I’ll go get us all some breakfast, when I get back you can tell us all about your date.”

“Was what I said earlier not enough?”


Just as Ana was walking out, Velvet came into the room.

“Good morning.  How did it go, Luna?”


“Good.  The ring looks good by the way.”


“Lady Amagi, have you come to a decision yet?”

“I have.”


“What are you two talking about?”

“Nothing important, your mother and I had a discussion about letting some of my people move to this village is all.”

“OK.  How did things go with Soleil yesterday?”

“Good, I think.  The first thing she did was apologize for being so rude to me, not that I minded in the first place.”

“Well, I’m happy she’s willing to get along with you.”

Ana returned bringing with her several peoples worth of food on a cart.  We all grabbed some food and started eating.

“Luna, did you end up using that idea I gave you?”

“Yeah, that was at the end of the date, Tamamo even got her hands on some great quality coffee from the God of Coffee.”

“Will you be able to sleep?”

“It’s not like anything I eat or drink there will affect my physical body, not to mention I don’t think coffee affects me anyway.  Last time I drank some, I could feel my status effect immunity kicking in.”

“That counts as a status effect?”

“Apparently so, but that won’t stop me from enjoying the taste.”

“I wonder what coffee from the God of Coffee tastes like?”

{I wouldn’t let them try it; it’ll keep them awake for a few years.}

‘How do you know?’

{It was something Atmos said in passing.}

‘I see.’

“Ana, it feels like Luna is talking with the Goddess but also paying attention to us.”

“I agree.  To be honest, this whole time she has been here, I was expecting her to be spacing out more.”

“Who said I wasn’t.  The parallel processing skill is great, I can keep this conversation going while also remembering last night at the same time.”

“When did you get that skill, Luna?”

“When I tried using the highest-level space magic.  I’m going to use them at the same time next time I use it and see if that will reduce the headache.”

“Was it really that bad?”

“Yeah, I could see everything around me all at the same time.  It was way too much information at once.”

“Anyway, what places did you decide to show with your magic?”

“A city and a few natural wonders.  I have an idea about what I’m going to do next time as well, but I’ll keep that to myself.”

{I’m looking forward to it.}

‘Please do.  It’s something I’ve always wanted to show to anyone I fell in love with.’

{Have there been others?}

‘Nope, you’re my first love in both my lives, Tamamo, and I’d have it no other way.’

{Oh, Luna.  I really want to kiss you now.}

‘Couldn’t you make an illusory me?’

{I could, but I’d prefer the real one.}

‘I feel the same way, so just ignore what I said.’

“Would you tell us what it is, Luna?”

“I won’t, it’s something special that I want to keep to myself, though I have told Velvet a bit about it.”

“When did you do that?”

“Part of our conversation we had after I bought the rings.”

“Ooohhhh.  I remember now, but wasn’t that something you were going to save until you ascended?”

“At first it was, but I’m too happy to hold myself back right now.  By the way, where is Soleil?”

“She’s helping Blake today.”

“When did she pick up blacksmithing?”

“When I ran out of things to teach her.”

“Is she some sort of prodigy?”

“I think she was just super motivated; she’s trying to catch up to you after all, Luna.”

“Speaking of; how’s Blake?”

“Good, he’s been busy helping out repairing tools from festival preparations.”

“Good.  I need to talk to him about some things before I head out again.”

“I’ll let him know.”


“Now that I’m full, I think I’ll go try enchanting the training grounds.”

“If it works, I pity everyone there.”

“Before I forget, have you heard anything from Nia and Uncle Rex.  I haven’t talked with them in a while?”

“They’re doing good, your father recently got a letter from them saying that a few of the generals are going to meet in the Celestia Kingdom and was seeing if he would join.”

“Did he reply yet?”

“No, but he’s thinking of going, so you’ll probably see your father again soon after the festival.  Now that I think of it, you’ve been to the Celestia Kingdom in your previous life, right?  Can’t you teleport there?”

“I’ve tried before, and it failed not that I would have teleported there in the first place.”

“Why not?”

“How would you feel if a person no one knows just teleports into the royal castle unannounced and uninvited?”

“But Nia knows you.”

“She does, yes, but me doing that would still cause her trouble, and I want to avoid that.”

“I guess that’s fair.”

“If any of you need me, you know where I’ll be for a while.”

Author's Note:

Hello hello, here is a chapter.  I'm thinking of finally changing the status from error next chapter so look forward to how I'm going to handle it.  Thanks for reading.

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