Six months have passed since we learned about the King of Fiends death.  We started receiving messages from the United Army again.  Through those we learned that the army has just reached the border of Savanna.  We also learned that, with the exception o four, the heroes decided to return to their previous world.

“Well, I expected that some would want to go back but it’s surprising that only four stayed.” I said this to myself while I practiced my Illusion magic.

I’m trying to raise the proficiency of my illusions to be on par with my ice magic.  If I can get my illusions to the point where I can conjure them without a second thought, the possibilities would be endless.

“I wonder which heroes stayed here?” I thought, stopping my magic practice when I noticed Ana coming closer.

“Lady Luna! Where are you?” She asked while looking around.

Just before I called out to her, I got a brilliant idea.  I started to conjure up an illusion of myself and made it walk toward Ana.  While I did that, I activated my newly gained stealth skill and snuck up behind her.  When she noticed the illusory me, she started walking over to it.

“There you are, Lady Luna.  Your mother wishes to.  KYAAAAA!”  She started to say when I jumped up and grabbed onto her tail.

“Revenge!” I yelled, clinging on to her tail and burying my face into the fluffiness.

“Lady Luna, you shouldn’t surprise people like that!  I thought I was going to have a heart attack!”  She yelled as her face went red with embarrassment.

“This is what you get for always petting my tail.” I said with a wide grin.

“By the way, you should start brushing you tail more, or it will lose its softness.” I tried giving her some advice.

“How would you know how to care for someone’s tail, you’re only one, almost two?” She asked.

It was then that I noticed that I messed up, so I tried to change the subject.

“You said mother wants to see me?” I asked, tilting my head hoping the cuteness would distract her.

“Yes, Lady Amagi sent me to bring you to her.” She said.

“Then let’s go.” I said and started following Ana.

Once we reached the room where my mother took care of official shrine business, we knocked on the door and entered when she said to.  Once we entered the room, I noticed there were a lot of papers stacked everywhere.  When I looked at one of the papers on top of the closest pile, I found it was a request for a ceremony to welcome back the United Army.  It seems that when they return there will be a big celebration. 

“Luna, it seems like your father will be able to return in six months.  There are things he needs to handle in the capital of Savanna as well as travelling to the capital of the Celestia Kingdom.  While he is doing that, we will be taking care of one of the heroes who chose to stay in our world.” She said with a serious face.

“Why is one of the heroes going to stay here?” I asked while hiding my panic.  If it’s one of the people I knew well, I’m going to need to make sure to act my age.  I don’t want anyone knowing I reincarnated just yet.

“This hero asked your father to help him set up a home in the capital.  Since he will be busy taking care of post-war duties, the hero will probably be here for a while.  I’m letting you know this early so that you won’t be surprised.” She said with a knowing smile.

With the way she said this I think she knows I’m hiding something from her.  I mean I am, but I will keep quiet for a little longer.  There is no reason for me to hide this at this point, I just don’t want to reveal it because I don’t want them to treat me as some different person sure, I used to be a person named Jason, but now I’m Luna.

“I understand.” After saying this I left the room.

[Amagi POV]

“Ana, when do you think she will tell us what she thinks she is hiding?” I asked.

“I don’t know, my Lady.  I think she is worried that we will treat her differently once she tells us.” She said with a complicated expression.

“Well, no matter what, she is still a child.  She will tell us when she is ready.” I said letting out a small sigh.

“Do you know the reason Lord Deacon has to go to the capital of the Celestia Kingdom?” Ana asked, changing the subject.

“Apparently, he and Princess Nia have to deliver the Hero and Saint to the main office of the Adventurer’s Guild.” I said with a sour expression.

“I wonder what happened for them to need to do that?” She said.

“I’m not sure, but it must have been bad.” I said.

“Yes, but why the Adventurer’s Guild and not the Celestia Kingdom?” She asked still confused.

“It’s probably because the Guild is the only truly neutral power that can handle people as powerful as the Hero and Saint.  If they are being brought there to be detained for some reason, then the Guild is the only place where they can be kept away from any nobles who would use them to gain power.” I explained.

“That makes sense.” She said.

“Do you know when the hero that will be staying with us will arrive?”  She asked.

“The message said he should be here in two weeks.” I answered.

“I see, then I will start making the necessary preparations.” She said as she left the room.

Author's Note:

Here is another chapter.  I feel like this chapter could be better but I don't know what I could put to improve it.  Any critique would be appreciated.  Thank you for reading, I will see you all soon.

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