I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 54- Onward to the Next Adventure

[Luna POV]

We stayed for two more days to help in the cleanup from the festival, but now it was time for us to go again.

“You got everything you need, Velvet?”


“Guess I’ll go tell everyone were leaving, then we’ll be off.”

I walked around the shrine and said my goodbyes.  It wasn’t as hard as last time since we all knew I could just teleport back whenever.  Once that was done, we teleported back to the capital.  I chose to bring us to the edge of the forest in the east.

“Why’d you bring us here?”

“Didn’t want to teleport on top of a random person and the only other places I can teleport here are the room it the inn I was staying at, the guild master’s office, and basically right in front of the gate.”

“Why not my home?”


I grabbed Velvet’s arm and teleported to her home without answering.  Once we got there, I immediately started to walk out of the building to head to the guild, still not talking.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed; you know.” Velvet said as she followed me.

I just ignored her and continued walking.  About 10 minutes later we made it to the guild and walked in.

“Judging by the amount of people here, we made it just after the morning horde.  I’ll go turn in the completed quest papers, will you go see if there is an escort quest going to the Celestia Kingdom, Velvet?”


I walked up to the counter and found Shuten there.

“Long time, no see, Shuten.  How’ve you been?”

“Good.  How have you been?  I heard you and Miss Velvet made some big contributions on the emergency quest.”

“I guess you could say that.  Can you process this, please?”


She took the completed quest form from me and looked it over before placing it on a stack of other papers that I assumed were all completed quests.

“Is there anything else you needed help with?”

“Velvet is looking for an escort quest to the Celestia Kingdom for us and I was just about to go and help her look.”

“So, you two are leaving Savanna?”

“For a time.  I have things I need to do there.”

“Then when you two get there, look for a receptionist at the guild named Tomoe.  She’s me and Ibaraki’s cousin.  Tell her that you know me, and she’ll help you out with anything you need.”

“Are all of your family members guild receptionists?”

“No, but most of us work for the guild.  My mother, Ibuki, for example, is the guild master in the Demon Empire’s capital, Onigashima.”

“That’s good to know since I’ll be visiting there one of these days.”

“You also have some business there?”

“A certain person there has drawn my ire.”

“May their remaining days be peaceful.”

It was then that Velvet came up to us with a quest paper in her hand.

“I found one.” (Velvet)

“Great.” (Luna)

“Hello Miss Velvet, it’s good to see you again.” (Shuten)

“Hello Shuten, it’s good to see you too.  Where’s Ibaraki?” (Velvet)

“I have been wondering that as well.” (Luna)

“She’s had a hangover from the festival two days ago that she still hasn’t gotten over.  Honestly, she’s such a lightweight when it come to drinking.” (Shuten)

“What about you?” (Luna)

“I can drink every adventurer here under the table and still keep going.” (Shuten)

“I’d love to see that.” (Luna)

“Me as well.” (Velvet)

“Then the two of you can join me the next time you’re in the capital.” (Shuten)

“I’ll take you up on the offer, it’s not like I can get drunk anyway, but it’ll probably be a fun experience.” (Luna)

“You can’t get drunk?” (Shuten)

“Yep, though it’s not all fun since coffee doesn’t work on me either.” (Luna)

“Sure, it doesn’t work, but you still enjoy drinking it.” (Velvet)

“That’s true.” (Luna)

“You know, sometimes I wish I could join you two, you’re both so interesting.” (Shuten)

“Wouldn’t it be easy to become an adventurer yourself then?” (Luna)

“Unfortunately not, if I didn’t become a receptionist at the guild, I would only be able to become an alchemist.  I have no real combat ability and I’m only really good at making poisons that debuff things.” (Shuten)

“That’s really useful though.  I’m also someone who can make poisons, so I understand that they can be useful.” (Luna)

“Just out of curiosity, what can Ibaraki do?” (Velvet)

“She got all the combat power, she’s good with lances and swords, but her best trait is her fire magic.” (Shuten)

“Sounds like the two of you could make a decent party if you had one more person to be a main vanguard.” (Velvet)

“We had that dream once when we were younger.  Me, Ibaraki, and that golden boy wanted to become adventurers, but his mother didn’t like us for some reason.  Said I would lead him down a bad path, so she moved to a different country with him, and I haven’t seen him since.” (Shuten)

“That’s kind of a sad story.” (Luna)

“It’s fine, that happened 100 years ago now, so I’ve gotten over it.” (Shuten)

“I haven’t met many demons, but do you all look this young after that long?” (Luna)

“No, me and Ibaraki are just special, our growth stopped when we reached the human equivalent of someone in their 20s and we’ve looked like this ever sense.  Our mother said that it has something to do with our ancestors.  I’ll process that quest for you two.” (Shuten)

“Thanks.” (Velvet)

After Shuten processed the quest, we started to head out to make preparations for the long journey.

“Good luck you two, come see me again next time you’re here.” (Shuten)

“Thanks, and I’ll see you again.” (Luna)

“See you again, tell Ibaraki that we said hi.” (Velvet)

With our goodbyes, we left the guild and headed to the eastern shopping district.  We stocked up on things that we didn’t pick up back home and some extra food ingredients for anything I decided to make on the trip.

“I wonder if we will be the only ones taking this quest?”

“I think we’ll be with at least one other party.  I don’t think two people is enough to guard two carriages.  Normally.”

“Why are you looking at me like that Velvet?”

“Wouldn’t you be able to store everything and blink us all the way there?”

“I could store everything, but the space magic inventory spell can only hold so much, not that that means anything to me since I don’t use that spell for normal storage.  Plus, blinking is a single person spell, I can teleport multiple people when it comes to long distances if I’ve been there before, but short-range teleports not so much.  Unless, of course, you want me to force myself to use all of my mana blinking ahead and back to teleport everyone with me.”

“On second thought, we’ll just do this the normal way.”

“Not to mention that it would cut into everyone else’s contribution to the quest.  I’m all about making things easier, but there is a limit to how far I will go.  I don’t want people becoming too dependent on only my abilities.”

“Fair enough.  If we’re done here, shall we go to the meetup point?”

“Let’s go then.”

We headed to the northern part of the city to find the people we were escorting.  On the way there, Tamamo asked me something.

{Hey Luna, I forgot to ask this a while ago, but is it ok if Atmos visits us for a bit the next time you’re here?  She promised she won’t stay long; she just wants to try brushing one of your tails.}

‘I’m fine with it if you are and she keeps that promise of not staying too long, kissing you with an audience is not something I want to try.’

{Then I’ll let her know, especially that she needs to keep that promise.}

After finishing my conversation with Tamamo, we found who we were looking for and I was surprised by who else was there.

“Well, this is a surprise, who would have thought that the lass we guarded on our her way here would join us as a guard the next time we met.” (Jarl)

“It’s been a while, Jarl, everyone.” (Luna)

“It’s nice to see you again, girlie.  I see you even have a friend with you.” (Apollo)

“This is Velvet, she’s a member of my party.” (Luna)

“Nice to meet ya, Velvet.” (Jarl)

The two of them shook hands while I greeted Zan and Gief.  All they did was nod their heads in acknowledgment.

“I don’t think I’ve heard the two of them talk before, what’s with that?” (Luna)

“They’ve always been like that, I asked them once and they wrote down that they were born that way.” (Apollo)

It was then that the merchant we were guarding came over and told us to get ready to leave.

“Pleasure working with you for the next three weeks, girlie.” (Apollo)

“Same to you, Apollo.” (Luna)

Author's Note:

Here is a quick chapter before I need to head out today.  I hope everyone will enjoy the next one or two chapters of traveling with the party that Luna met before.  Who knows, maybe they'll show up every time there is an escort quest taken after this as well.  Thanks for reading.

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