I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 58- Heading to Nia’s Home

[Luna POV]

I started waking up after crying my eyes out while hugging Tamamo and noticed that she was already gone.  Nia and Velvet were talking with Grey about something to do with Tomoe.

‘Have I been asleep for long?’

{No, only for about an hour.  Those three just got in there.  Sorry for not being there when you woke up.}

‘It’s fine, I know that you can’t stay down here for long and I’m happy that you were down here at all.’

{Just remember that you can talk with me about anything and everything.  If you need to vent, I’m all ears.}

‘Fufufu.  I’ll probably be doing a lot of that by the time I’m done here, especially with us going to the dungeon.  I’m afraid of how I’m going to be when we actually go there.’

{Remember that you’ll have Velvet and Nia with you there.  Even if I can only listen to you, they can help you as well.}

‘I’ll remember, but for now I should get up.  I don’t think it’s very polite to sleep on the couch of the grand guild master for this long.’

{He won’t care, but there are things that need to be taken care of after this.}

After finishing my talk with Tamamo, I sat up and apologized to everyone.

“Sorry I lost myself so much a little bit ago.” (Luna)

“It’s all good, Luna.” (Grey)

“Are you feeling any better?” (Nia)

“I am, at least for now.  I have no idea what will happen when we go to the dungeon, but at this moment, I’m fine.” (Luna)

“Are you sure you want to go to the dungeon at all?” (Velvet)

“In a perfect world, Velvet, I would rather never go there again, but this is something I need to do if I want to make progress to my goal.” (Luna)

“Just know I’ll be there to help you the entire time.” (Velvet)

“I’ll be coming with you for a while as well.” (Nia)

“Thanks.” (Luna)

After our small discussion we started to move towards the exit when Grey stopped me for a second.

“Luna before you go, take this.  It’s a list of stuff that popped out of the inventories of those two when they died.  Look it over later and tell me if you want anything from it.  After you make your choice, we’ll either sell the rest or find it’s previous owner if they’re still alive.”

I took out a message box and tossed it over to Grey.

“I’ll look it over in a bit and send a letter through that.”

He caught the box and looked it over a bit.

“Hoh.  This is an interesting thing you came up with.  Would you be interested in making some more for the guild to use?  I’ll pay you for it.”

“I don’t mind, just get me the materials.”

“Then I’ll make it a nominated quest for you.  Come to the guild tomorrow to accept it and I should have the materials by then.”

After that exchange we, left the office.  When we got to the top of the stairs, Tomoe was waiting for us.

“I hope everything went well.  The carriage that the grand master wanted me to call for you is waiting outside.” (Tomoe)

“Thank you, Miss Tomoe.” (Nia)

“It’s not a problem, and Miss Luna, I promise I won’t tell anyone about your secret, even under torture.” (Tomoe)

“Thank you, though if that last part ever happens, I don’t mind you spilling it if it means you get out of that situation.” (Luna)

“Huhuhuhu.  That last part was a joke, anyone who would try that on me would be burned to ash by then.” (Tomoe)

“I see.” (Luna)

We left Tomoe at the desk and left the guild.  The carriage that was waiting for us had the crest of the royal family on it.

“How did they manage to call my personal carriage here?” (Nia)

“Please get on Princess, Miss Luna, Miss Velvet.” Said the coachman while offering his hand to help us into the carriage.

Nia led the way and took his hand followed by me, then Velvet.  Once we were all in, he shut the door and we started moving.

“Are you going to look over that list Grand Master Grey gave you, Luna?” (Velvet)

“I guess so.  How long will it take to get to our destination, Nia?” (Luna)

“About 10 minutes give or take a few.” (Nia)

“That should be enough time then.” (Luna)

I looked over the list I was given.  Moat of the things on here were things I would probably never have a use for.  What would I even use seven different self portraits except for target practice, on second thought I might actually do that.  Aside from those, nothing else really caught my eye until I reached the bottom of the list.

“Fufufufufufufufu!  Hahahahahahahahahahaha!  Finally!” (Luna)

“What’s up Luna?” (Velvet)

“Is there something you on there that you want?” (Nia)

“Yes, there is.  I don’t know how those mongrels did it, but they actually had three large pieces of orichalcum in their inventories.  I can finally get those mirrors I’ve wanted for so long.  And I guess I could give the last piece to Blake if he agrees to help me out.”  (Luna)

“Does that mean you don’t plan on visiting the country of Dwarves anymore?” (Velvet)

“I still want to go there at least once, but it’s no longer a priority.  We’ll get there when we get there.” (Luna)

As we were talking about the orichalcum, we passed by a large construction site.

“What’s being built there, Nia?” (Luna)

“One of the best architects in the city started to build a shrine after he talked to a diviner friend of his.  His apprentice returned about two months ago from studying the structure of the Shrine of the Moon to base this one’s design off of it.  When he came to my brother to propose the idea, he told him that it will be important in the next few years.” (Nia)

“I thought that this kingdom didn’t have a patron god or goddess?” (Velvet)

“We don’t, but that architect was very insistent on it, saying that his diviner friend was hardly ever wrong.” (Nia)

“Oh, I remember now.  I met the apprentice while I was on the way to Savanna’s capital.  He called the diviner a crazy old bat and wasn’t very happy being sent to the Shrine of the Moon to study it.  I wonder what god will bless the place?” (Luna)

I was expecting an answer, but I didn’t get one.  When I turned my head from the window to look at the others, they were both staring at me.

“”It’ll probably be you, Luna.””

I was going to retort when I started to think about it.  If I was going to have a shrine dedicated to me, I would want it to be like Tamamo’s, and every country can only have one patron deity, plus the kingdom’s name is kind of connected to stars in an abstract way.

“Huh.  I can’t deny that I might actually do that.” (Luna)

“I wouldn’t mind if you did that, some of the more religious people that work in the castle worry about the country not having a patron deity and like to pester my brother about it.” (Nia)

“What would he be able to do about that?” (Velvet)

“They think that he has a connection to the gods for some reason, though now that I know about Sir Grey’s true identity and also what Luna will be in the future, I guess I can’t really deny that the royal family does have a connection to the divine now.”  (Nia)

“Speaking of your brother, does he know about me?” (Luna)

“No, though we’ll probably have to explain it to him soon.” (Nia)

“Did you know him in your previous life as well?” (Velvet)

“I did speak to him a few times, but not as much as I did with Nia.  By the way, how is your father, I haven’t heard much about him after he abdicated the throne?” (Luna)

“He’s fine, though he like to dote on my brother’s daughter a lot.” (Nia)

After a few more minutes, we arrived close to the castle island.

“My ladies, we have arrived at the gates, please exit the carriage and head inside.”

“Thank you, sir.” (Luna)

“No problem, Miss Luna.  Enjoy your stay in the capital.”

Once we exited the carriage, it left to go to the stables.

“Wait, how did he know my name, and didn’t he know Velvet’s too?” (Luna)

“Don’t question it, that was the butler of my villa, he knows pretty much everything.” (Nia)

{He’s blessed by the God of Service, that makes him basically the perfect butler.  You should take Nia’s advice and not question it.}

“I guess it’s true that maids and butlers are just incomprehensible.” (Luna)

Author's Note:

Well my sleep schedule is ruined again, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make.  Thanks for reading.

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