[Soleil POV]

Velvet and I made our way to where the kobold king was while big sis was taking care of the others.  She had her mist cover the entire area except the middle in order to keep the weak ones from interfering.

“Now that I think about it, couldn’t big sis just freeze all of the other kobolds and come and help us?”

“If we weren’t trying to get you a lot of contribution, we would have had this whole thing over with on the first day.  Of course, she also has a good reason for doing it this way, so I’m not going to complain.”

“You’re really nice.”

“W-what do you mean by that?”

“Well, I feel like most people would just ask big sis to do all of the work when they learn how strong she is and just reap whatever reward comes from it.  You’re not like that, so that makes you nice.  Of course, that’s not all, but it’s one of the main things.  Another one is that you don’t mind me joining the party, even with how weak I am compared to the both of you.”

“I would never think to take advantage of Luna like that, for various reasons.  One she is my best friend; another is that I would probably be hit with divine punishment if I took advantage of her.”

“I guess that’s true, though I doubt big sis would have kept you around if you tried taking advantage of her in the first place.”


We were finally getting to the inner edge of the mist and heard a loud howl.  We stopped just before the edge and I could barely make out the shape of a giant angry kobold.

“Prepare some magic, I’ll distract it.” Velvet whispered to me.

I nodded in response and started to prepare some fire magic.  Velvet ran out of the mist and swung her sword which extended and slashed the kobold king’s back.  It let out a yelp of pain and turned its attention to Velvet.  She dashed around and got it to face its back to me.

I shot the fire magic at it, and it hit.  The spell caused the king to turn around again and it started to run towards me.  It was hit in the back again by Velvet’s sword which diverted its attention once more.  We continued this pattern until my mana started to run low.  The king was very weak and I decided to try and get the killing blow while Velvet had its attention.

I took out my dagger and started to sneak up on it.  It was going well until I was right behind it.  It must have heard or smelled me because it turned around very quickly and raised the ax it was holding.  It started to swing it down at me and time seemed to slow down.  I shut my eyes instinctively, but nothing happened.  I reopened my eyes to see Velvet’s sword wrapped around its arm and shadows binding it in place.

“Do it!”

I lunged forward with my dagger and managed to stab the kobold king in the eye.  When I pulled it out, blood gushed everywhere, but I somehow didn’t get covered in it.  It looked like it was covering a pane of glass.

“That was a close one.” (Luna)

“Not really, you had a spatial barrier around the both of us the entire time, didn’t you?” (Velvet)

“Naturally, I can’t have my little sister or best friend getting hurt, now can I.  Though I do like how you saved Soleil at the end there, you were like a knight saving a princess from a bandit.” (Luna)

“You’re wrong, big sis.  I’m no where near as pretty as a princess.” (Soleil)

“That’s not true.” (Velvet)

“Eh?” I was surprised that it was Velvet who said that.  I looked over to her and, seeing the seriousness in her face, I felt my face heating up.

“Fufu. I agree with Velvet, you are extremely cute Soleil, just like a princess.” (Luna)

“H-how would you know?” (Soleil)

“Because Nia is a princess and I also know another one.  If I had to say, you’re slightly more cute than them, right Velvet?” (Luna)

“Ye-wait, why are we talking about this?  We should be cleaning all of this up now.” Velvet was about to agree with big sis, but realizing what she was saying, changed the subject.

“Fufufufufufufu.  No reason to get all flustered, Velvet.” (Luna)

“I’m not flustered!” (Velvet)

“Oh, but you are, you always try and change the subject to whatever our objective is when you’re flustered.” (Luna)

“Help me out here, Soleil.” Velvet whined.

“But you’re so cute like this.” As soon as I said that; I covered my mouth with my hands, my face turning redder than the blood all around me.

“…” (Velvet)

“Fufufufufufufufufufu!  Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha!” (Luna)

We all stood there, me and Velvet with an awkward silence and big sis losing herself in laughter.

“*Sigh*  No need to clean all of this up, I’ll take care of it with my inventory.” (Luna)

Big sis snapped her fingers and all of the kobold corpses disappeared.

“Let’s head back, the two of you can think things over while getting cleaned up from today’s fun.” (Luna)

I just nodded my head and I assume Velvet did the same as she also didn’t respond.  Big sis put her hands on our shoulders and we were instantly back at the shrine.  We all went our separate ways to get cleaned up.

While I was washing off all of the dirt and sweat from today, I immersed myself in my thoughts.

‘Why have I been thinking all of this recently?  I mean, Velvet has always been beautiful, but why am I acting like this?  I’m usually so good at not speaking my thoughts out loud, but ever since they came back, I’ve been doing it frequently.’

I poured water over my head to get the shampoo stuff dad and big sis made out of my hair.

‘Do I like her?  I mean, I don’t dislike her.  She is nice and has a good personality.  She was fun when I was showing her around the village when she first came here with big sis.  She was also cute when she was buying those masks at the vanquishing festival.’

I started to wash my tail now.  It was full of dirt and had some small twigs in it, which I picked out with some effort.

‘If I do like her, how do I make sure she feels the same way?  I mean, we’re both girls, but that doesn’t matter.  But does Velvet prefer girls over men?  I’ll have to ask big sis later.’

I finished washing off my tail and went to sit in the bath for a bit.  I stayed in there for about two hours while sunk into my thoughts.  When I got out and dried off, I looked at myself in the mirror.

“I hope Velvet doesn’t mind people younger than her.”

I got dressed and left the bathroom to find big sis waiting for me in the hallway.

“You took a long time, is something wrong?”

“No, I was just thinking.  By the way, do you know if Velvet prefers men or women?”

“Women.” Big sis said with a grin that made me feel like this was a development she was waiting for.

“Have you been wanting me and Velvet to fall for each other?”

“I won’t deny it, but I’m happy to see I don’t have to try and make it happen.”

“But what about Velvet’s feelings on the matter?”

“She’s known I’ve been wanting you two to get together.  As for her feelings, I’m not completely sure, but I think you have nothing to worry about.  The two of you just need to get to know each other better.  Do that, and I’m sure that she will fall for you if she hasn’t already.”

“Then how do I go about doing that?”

“Well, I’ll help out with that.  I’ll send the two of you to the capital tomorrow and you can go around on a date.”

“What about the quest?”

“We still have to dismantle everything first, so I’ll handle that while the two of you go out.”

“Are you sure, won’t you need help?”

“If I do, I’ll just ask dad or some of the soldiers.  Not like dismantling is all that difficult anyway.”

“Thanks, big sis.”

“No problem.  If you ever need advice, just ask me and I’ll help to the best of my abilities.”

“Then be ready for then.”

Author's Note:

Does this development feel like it's happening too fast?

Luna: I don't think so.  It's clear that Soleil has felt something for Velvet for a while and it has started to come out before this.

Tamamo: Human hearts are strange like that.  They can get attached to another very quickly without any warning.

I guess that's true.  Now to figure out how to write their date.

Luna: If you can do it for me and Tamamo, then it'll be easy.

Tamamo: That's right.

Then what POV should I write?

Luna: Both?

Tamamo: Both.

Luna and Tamamo: Both is good.

Then it's decided.  By the way, I haven't heard from Atmos in a while.  What happened to her?

Tamamo: I was making sure that she didn't manipulate fate to get Soleil and Velvet together.

That is something she would do.  Thanks for that.

Tamamo: No problem.

Luna: Before we finish this, can I ask a favor?

What's up?

Luna: Can you write something good for my next date with Tamamo?

I'll try my best, so look forward to it.

Luna: Thank you.

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