[Luna POV]

It’s been a few days since we came back to the capital of the Celestia Kingdom.  Soleil and Velvet are out on dates, I mean quests, and I’m locked up in the capital library looking through any book I can find that describes floating islands in the Demon Empire.  It was fine at first, but after reading through the fifth book, I got fed up with my abysmal progress, so I started to use my space magic that let me see everything around me to read a second book at the same time.

Doing this earned me strange looks, but I didn’t care.  This sped up my search a bit and now I just finished my 60th book.  I closed it and placed my head on the table that I was sitting at.

‘Ugh, I’m not getting anywhere.  All these books only describe is how the islands start floating and the people that discovered them.’

{I’ve been reading with you, and I must say, the people that wrote these books were very full of themselves.}

‘I know right, you can only gloat so much in roundabout ways before it gets annoying.  Why should I care about how you were able to somehow tie a rope to one and climb it?’

I picked up the last book that I planned to read through today and opened it.  I spent five minutes skimming through the walls of unnecessary self-flattery and dedications when something caught my eye.  It basically said that there was one island that was floating near the peak of a hollow mountain and was guarded by a large snake.  It also described how the snake never killed anyone that backed off before getting too close to the island.

‘This sounds promising.’

{Floating island guarded by a large snake, huh?  You think it’s the one you’re looking for?}

‘Maybe, I’ll run it by Velvet later and see if she knows anything.’

I read on to see if the book described the snake or island in more detail.  I found out that the snake seemed to be able to use space magic and was very tough.  A few passages described its scales to be close to wyvern levels of toughness, but smoother than silk.  The island on the other hand was described far less for obvious reasons.  There were only small details, but a few stood out.  The size of the island was quite large possibly the largest floating island in the empire.  There was also one passage that stated that there seemed to be some kind of structure on the island, but it is unconfirmed.

‘I think this is the one we’re looking for.’

{So now you know where to go after we’re done here.}

‘I can finally see the sky again.  I mean I like reading just as much as the next person, but almost a week of non-stop reading dusty books like this is nearly unbearable.’

{Well, your perseverance paid off and now you can rest.  I even have a good idea to help you relax tonight.}

‘Oh yeah, it’s the full moon tonight.  I can’t wait.’

I got up from my chair and started to put all of the books I read today back on their proper shelves.  When I was done with that, I left the library and found Soleil and Velvet walking towards me.  They were even closer than normal, so something good must have happened.

“What good thing happened?” (Luna)

“I get to take the C-rank test tomorrow.” (Soleil)

“Congratulations.” (Luna)

“What about you, Luna?  You have a good expression on you as well.” (Velvet)

“I found information on the island.  It seems to be floating over a volcano and is guarded by a large snake.  The location of this volcano is also close to the sea, so we will be able to go there as well.” (Luna)

“Sounds fun.” (Velvet)

“There is also some more good news, big sis.  I figured out how to transform into fox form.” (Soleil)

“Do you know what the trigger was?” (Luna)

“Well, on one of our last quests for today, I needed to fit through a small space, but couldn’t then I felt something click in my head and knew how to transform.” (Soleil)

“What needed you to fit into a small space?” (Luna)

“A weaselcrow that stole something from someone.” (Soleil)

“I hate those things.  They’re so hard to keep up with and they always mock you when you nearly catch them but manage to slip away.” (Luna)

“While I agree, it wasn’t that bad.  Velvet managed to snare it in some shadows and I was able to get into its nest.  It had a lot of stuff in there too.” (Soleil)

“Like what?” (Luna)

“About 69 gold coins, a nice pocket watch, a knife, a few rings and a necklace, and for some reason a seed of some kind.” (Soleil)

“Do you have the seed on you?” (Luna)

“I do, I wanted you to appraise it.” (Soleil)

I took the seed that she handed me.  It was perfectly round and for some reason, it felt like there was a connection between it and Tamamo.

{Oh, how rare.}

‘Do you know what this seed is Tamamo?’

{It’s a Lunar Sakura seed.  The same kind of tree that we always sit under together.  They are extremely rare in the mortal world except in places with many lunar spirits.  I wonder how a weaselcrow managed to get something like that.}

After hearing Tamamo’s explanation, I decided that I wanted to keep this seed.  I also appraised it to find out anything else about it, like how to grow and take care of it.

Lunar Sakura Seed: Seed of a rare Lunar Sakura tree.  It is said that anyone who sits beneath the adult tree’s branches on a full moon will be blessed with everlasting happiness and a satisfying love life.  In order for the tree to grow to maturity, it needs to be planted in a place with high atmospheric mana and must have spirits be present during planting.  Once the tree sprouts, it will take care of itself.

“Do you mind if I keep this, Soleil?” (Luna)

“I was going to give it to you anyway, so go ahead, just tell me what it is.” (Soleil)

“It’s a Lunar Sakura seed.” (Luna)

“Seriously!?” (Velvet)

“Yes.” (Luna)

“What was a weaselcrow doing with something so rare?  It is said that those trees only grow in extremely special places and that anyone who finds one will be blessed with happiness by the Moon Goddess.” (Velvet)

“That only works if you sit under a fully grown one on the night of a full moon.  I’m not sure about Tamamo blessing people that find one, but she does have one at her home and we sit under it often.” (Luna)

“How envious.” (Velvet)

“Don’t worry, when I find a suitable place to grow it, you and Soleil can sit under it all you want when it grows completely.” (Luna)

“I’ll hold you to that.” (Velvet)

Hearing Velvet’s words, Soleil smiled and moved closer to Velvet.

“I look forward to it.” (Soleil)

Velvet moved her hand and started to pat Soleil’s head in an affectionate manner.

“Wait, did I miss something, or has Velvet finally fallen?” (Luna)

“Eh?” (Velvet)

“Tch.  Why did you have to point it out, big sis?  I almost had her.” (Soleil)

“Sorry.” (Luna)

Like this, we went back to Nia’s villa and got ready to go to bed.  Well, everyone else did, I was sitting in the room I stayed in and waited for the night to fully arrive.  Once it did, the familiar feeling of drowsiness took over me and I fell asleep.  When I woke up, my head was in Tamamo’s lap and we were under her Lunar Sakura.

“Hello Tamamo.”

{Hello Luna.}

I sat up and kissed Tamamo and we spent several minutes like that.  When we broke apart, Tamamo got a somewhat mischievous smile on her face.

{Luna, what do you think about hot springs?}

“I like them.”

{Wonderful.  I just so happen to have one and I thought we should go and relax there for tonight.}

“While I will happily oblige, I must know why you are testing my reasoning.”

{Because it’s been a while since I’ve seen the flustered Luna.}

“If that’s the reason, then I’ll just have to try my best not to be flustered.”

{Oh, but your face is already red.}

I brought my hands up to my face and felt how hot it was.

“I’ll get you back for this one day Tamamo.”

{Ufufufufu.  I look forward to it.}

She led me over to a very large hot spring that had a very nice view of the sky and the tree, it looked straight out of a painting.  All it was missing were stars.

“Mind if I use some of your mana tonight?” I asked as I undressed to get into the spring.

{Take as much as you want.}

I moved one of my tails over to Tamamo and wrapped it around one of hers.  I then casted the illusion magic I did before, and the sky was filled with stars.

{I can’t wait for this to become reality.}

“I’m trying my best.” I said as I slipped into the water.

The heat was heavenly, and I could feel all the tension leaving me.  Tamamo joined me after a couple of seconds, and it took all my willpower not to stare at her.

{Ufufu.  You know you can stare all you want, right?}

“If I did, I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back.”

{Fair enough.  Honestly, I feel the same way, I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea.}

“Well, it’s too late to do anything about it now, so we might as well try to relax.”

{That’s true.  By the way, did they get bigger again?}

“Yes.  I’m going to have to buy more clothes again soon, but at least I’m almost the same size as you.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I saw Tamamo move out of the corner of my eye.  She pulled out a small bottle and two small cups.

{Want some?}

“Will it get me drunk again?”

{Not this time.  It’s just normal alcohol.  It won’t even get me tipsy.}

“Then I’ll take some.”

She poured some into one of the small glasses and handed it to me.

“Thank you.”

We both took a sip and let out long, relaxed sighs.  We watched the moon and illusory stars move in the sky while a cool breeze blew making everything perfect.

“We need to do this again one day.”

{I agree.  Preferably when we can do more.}

“I second the notion.”

{By the way, when you start heading to the island, what will you do with the guardian?}

“Not sure.  If it’s intelligent enough to speak to, I would like to not have to fight it.  Though if it’s just a mindless snake that just so happened to make that area it’s territory and only attacks people that invade, I might have no choice but to kill it.”

{What if you tamed it?}

“I never considered that.  I just might, though I probably need to get the skill for that.”

{Not necessarily.  There have been many cases over the years where people tamed animals or monsters without the taming skill or class.  Of course, that means the thing being tamed has high enough intelligence to make a mutual agreement with said person.}

“I’ll try it if I can, then.”

We spent a few hours sitting there and having relaxing conversations when it came time to get out.

“Shall I get out first, or do you want to?”

{I’ll go first, you can enjoy the show if you want.}


{Ufufufu.  Flustered Luna makes her reappearance.}

“Geez, just you wait until we can spend all of our time together.”

{I said it before, I’m looking forward to it.}


It felt like my face exploded in a burst of heat.  That mixed with the heat of the hot springs started to make me feel dizzy.

“No offence, but can you hurry before I pass out.”


She finished getting dressed and walked away.  I then got out, dried off, and got dressed.  I walked to where Tamamo went, and she handed me a bottle of cold milk.

“We’re hitting all of the clichés tonight, huh.”

{And you love it.}

“That I do, though I’m curious at where you learned about stuff like this.”

{Through Grey, from Atmos.}

“I should have figured as much.”

We finished our drinks and went back to sitting under the tree.

“This would be the perfect time for a song, but I’m not ready to sing just yet.”

{How close until you’re comfortable?}

“One level.”

{So close, but I know you’re a perfectionist, so I won’t tell you to just sing.}

“I will probably sing for you next time.”

{I’ll be waiting.}

I then snuggled up closer to Tamamo and we spent the rest of the night sitting there enjoying each other’s warmth and fluff.

Author's Note:

It feels good to write a Luna-Tamamo fluff chapter.

Atmos: Honestly, I didn't expect Tamamo to go this far.  It must be hard for the both of them to hold back this much.

True, but it will be worth it in the end.  Patience will be rewarded.

Atmos: Something tell me that the reward will be given sooner than expected.

I'll use my right to remain silent.  Just understand that we won't see anything, I won't invade their privacy that much, and you won't either.

Atmos: I'm a prankster, not a pervert.  Even I wouldn't go as far as peeking.


Atmos: Don't make me cake you.

Try it, I could go for some cake right now.  Especially a cheesecake.

Atmos: Damn it, now I'm hungry.


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