[Luna POV]

A few days after our rank up exams, I was getting out of bed and stretching.  I took out my mirror and Tamamo’s face appeared.

“Good morning Tamamo.”

{Good morning, Luna.  How did you sleep?}

“Good, though I wish there was a beautiful goddess by my side when I wake up.”

{All in due time.}

I flopped back on my back and let out a sigh.

“It feels like I’m forgetting something.”

{Like what?}

“That’s the thing, I don’t know.  It could be something about the day, or it could be something I’m supposed to get.”

{Hmm.  Did you ever pick up the money from the Nemean Lion?}

“Yeah, got that a few days ago, it was a lot too.  We won’t have to worry about money for at least six months with that.”

{I get the feeling that you’ve never really had to worry about money.}

“Now that you mention it, you’re right.”

{Then if it’s not that, hmm.  Something about the day… Oh, today is your birthday!}

“Wait, already?  It’s already been a year?”

{Naturally long lifespan makes years feel shorter, remember?}

“Oh yeah, guess I still have a human mindset when it comes to that.”

{Anyway, is there anything you plan on doing now that you remember it’s your birthday?}

“Don’t know.  All I was really going to do today was laze around, maybe cook some things.”

As Tamamo and I were contemplating on what to do today, Soleil burst into the room followed by Velvet shortly after.

“Happy birthday, big sis.” (Soleil)

“Thank you, Soleil.” (Luna)

“Anything you want to do?” (Velvet)

“I can’t really think of anything.” (Luna)

“That’s no good.  There must be something.” (Soleil)

“Why not go and walk around the city, you haven’t done that very much.” (Nia)

“Hello Nia.” (Luna)

“Hello.” (Nia)

“Explore the city, huh?  Might as well.” (Luna)

“Sounds good, we might find something to do while out there.” (Velvet)

“Thanks for the suggestion, Nia.” (Luna)

“No problem.  Soleil, Velvet, will the two of you come with me for a bit?” (Nia)


Everyone left the room except for me, and I got up to get dressed for the day.

{Oh Luna.  Your tails look so fluffy that I just want to hug them all day.}

“And I would let you if I could.” I said as I brought one of my tails in front of me and hugged it.

{How alluring.}

“Oh.  Like what you see?”

{Very much so.}

“Fufufu.  And it’s all yours.”

{I’m a lucky goddess.}

“I’m the lucky one.”


“Big sis, hurry up, we don’t have all day.” (Soleil)


{Now, now, we can continue later.}


I finished getting dressed and left the room.  I went to the dining room and ate some breakfast then me, Soleil, and Velvet left the villa and went down to the city.  There weren’t that may people out since it was still early, but there were some here and there.

“It’s been getting cooler here.” (Luna)

“Yeah, guess it’s getting closer to winter.” (Velvet)

“I forgot that there are seasons in this kingdom.” (Luna)

“Oh yeah, it’s different than the constant spring and summer feeling of Savanna.” (Soleil)

“Will we need to get stuff for cold weather before we leave the country?” (Velvet)

“We can think about that later Velvet, today we need to think about what we can do with big sis.” (Soleil)

“It’s fine, Soleil.  Just walking around with the two of you is enough.” (Luna)

“You’re always like that, big sis.” (Soleil)

“It’s not a bad thing she’s like that, though.” (Velvet)

“That’s true.  It’s better than being demanding.” (Soleil)

We continued to walk around aimlessly when we came across a long line of people.

“I wonder what’s going on here?” (Luna)

“Why not ask someone?” (Velvet)

“Might as well.” (Luna)

I walked up to the nearest person and asked them why people were lining up.

“There is a travelling healer here today giving out free treatment to people.  He comes by here every so often and everyone is here for healing.”

“Thank you.” (Luna)

“No problem, Miss.”

I walked back over to Soleil and Velvet and told them what’s up.

“Interesting, I remember hearing about something like this in Savanna sometimes as well.  I wonder who this travelling healer is.” (Velvet)

“Want to stick around for a while and find out?” (Luna)

“Do you want to?” (Velvet)

“I don’t mind, I’m kind of curious about this person.” (Luna)

We stayed in the area for a while and after about two hours, the line of people was finally gone.  The only person left was an older gentleman dressed in modest clothes that looked like a typical fantasy healer.  We walked over and greeted him.

“Hello there, sir.” (Luna)

“Why hello there.  How can I help you?”  He said as he finished packing some things into a bag.

Once he stood back up and turned to face us, he got a shocked look on his face.

“Now this is a surprise.  To think I would meet someone like you here.”

“What do you mean?” (Luna)

“Hoho.  Nothing much, Miss Fated One.  I am Greed Ava-Rice, a humble follower of the Goddess of Charity.” (Greed)

“How do you know about that?” (Luna)

“Hoho.  No need to be on guard, my goddess is on good terms with the Goddess of the Moon and has told me to keep quiet about you if I ever met you.  Is there something you needed from me today?” (Greed)

“Hmm.  Not really, we were just curious about the person giving free healing to people and wanted to meet you.” (Luna)

“I see.  Then it is nice to meet you all.” (Greed)

We talked with Greed for a little while then he said he had to go.

“It has been nice talking with you all, but I must go.  There are many places I visit and I can only move around so fast.” (Greed)

“It was nice meeting you.” (Luna)

“Indeed.  May we meet again if fate allows.” (Greed)

“Knowing her, it’s very possible.” (Luna)

“Hahaha.  Truer words have never been spoken.” (Greed)

As he was walking away, someone passed by blocking him from our view for a second.  When the person moved out of the way, Greed was gone without a trace.

“Weird, it didn’t feel like he used teleportation magic, just how did he do that?” (Luna)

“No idea.” (Velvet)

“Now what do we do?” (Soleil)

“Hmm.  It’s close to lunch, so why don’t we find somewhere to eat?” (Luna)

“Sounds good to me.  Shall we follow your nose this time?” (Velvet)

“It hasn’t let us down before.” (Luna)

We walked to the part of the city that had many places to eat and I started to smell the air.

“So many places to choose from.” (Luna)

“You can tell what smell is coming from where?  I can only smell an amalgamation of everything.” (Soleil)

“You didn’t get trained to be able to do this?” (Luna)

“No.” (Soleil)

“Huh, I wonder why?” (Luna)

“Didn’t you tell me that Luna’s family had better senses than most beastkin?” (Velvet)

“Yeah, I guess that’s what’ going on then.” (Soleil)

“Wait really, I thought it was normal?” (Luna)

I was just about to say more when I caught a specific smell.  I stopped speaking completely and focused on trying to find out which way to go.  When I did, I started to walk in that direction.

“What did you find, big sis?” (Soleil)

“Kitsune Udon.” (Luna)

“We must find it at all costs.” (Soleil)

“You both really like the stuff, huh?” (Velvet)


{Gah.  If only I could be there as well.}

‘I’ll make some for you for the next time I’m there.’


It took a few minutes, but I finally tracked down the shop that we were looking for.  It was a small booth with a curtain hanging down in front of the seats.  We moved behind the curtain and sat down.

“Welcome, what can I get you?”

““Kitsune udon.”” (Luna and Soleil)

“I’ll take the same.” (Velvet)

“Haha.  Very well.”

The owner started to make our order and a few minutes later, three bowls were placed in front of us.  Soleil and I immediately started to eat, and we were not disappointed.

“You should slow down; you won’t enjoy it otherwise.” (Velvet)

“Haha.  I don’t think they hear you, Miss.”

“Seems like it.” (Velvet)

We spent a while at the little booth and Soleil and I ate two more bowls.

““Thank you very much.””

“No, I should thank you.  It’s been a while since I had people eat my food with this much enthusiasm.”

“Where did you learn to cook this?” (Soleil)

“The shrine village in Savanna.  I spent some time there in my younger days and picked up a few recipes.”

“Was there someone in the village who could cook kitsune udon the good?” (Luna)

“I don’t think so.  If there was, they would be the richest person in the village.” (Soleil)

“You two from there?”

“Yes.” (Luna)

“I see.  Hate to break it to you, but I heard the person that taught me how to cook this died several years ago.”

“How unfortunate, but at least their legacy lives in in you.  In fact, I would love to learn the recipe myself.” (Luna)

“I’ll give it to you since you ate so much.  Just give me a moment.”

The shopkeep started to write down the recipe and handed it to me once he was done.

“Thank you.  If you ever think of going back to the shrine village to sell this, go to the shrine and ask for Anastasia.  Tell her that you will make a business with this and tell her Luna vouches for you and you’ll have all the help you want.” (Luna)

“I’ll remember that if I find myself over there again.”

We left the booth and started our aimless walking again.  After a while, we found ourselves in the entertainment district.

“Anything you want to do over here, Luna?” (Velvet)

“Not sure.  Let’s walk around and see if we can find something interesting.” (Luna)

We spent a little while enjoying the sights and sounds of the entertainment district when I heard something interesting.  I looked around and found a small crowd of people gathered in front of a booth.  It looked like someone was performing a puppet show.

“Want to go and check that out?” (Luna)

“Why not.” (Velvet)

“Sure.” (Soleil)

We moved closer to the show and began to watch.  The show was about the adventures of the first hero that slew the king of fiends.

‘A story about Grey, huh?’

{I’m surprised people still talk about that.}

‘Hero stories tend to last a long time.’

{I see.}

At this point in the story a tiny version of Grey was fighting off what I could only say was a tiny Cthulhu.  I was impressed by the way the person performing the show was manipulating the puppets, it was almost like they were alive.  After puppet Grey cut off puppet Cthulhu’s head, a puppet Atmos descended from the top of the stage and embraced puppet Grey.  The two puppets then started to lift up and disappeared and the show ended.

“While we only caught the end, it was very cute.” (Luna)

“Indeed it was.  I wonder if you’ll ever be the subject of something like this one day.” (Velvet)

“I doubt it, I haven’t done anything to stand out like that.” (Luna)

“For now.” (Soleil)

“I really hope I won’t end up being the subject of something like this.” (Luna)

“Why not?” (Velvet)

“I just don’t want to be.” (Luna)

“Hey Velvet, I think it’s about time.” (Soleil)

“You’re right.” (Velvet)

“Time for what?” (Luna)

“Don’t worry about it, let’s just head back to the villa.” (Velvet)

I just shrugged my shoulders, and we went back.  When we got there Nia was waiting for us.

“Follow me.” (Nia)

We followed her and she led us to the garden in the back.  There we found several familiar faces.  Drome, Mythra, Pneuma, and Zeke were there.  Shana and Louise as well.  Nia walked over to Uncle Rex.

“Happy birthday Luna.” They all said in unison.

“I know you weren’t expecting something like this since you’re not at the shrine village, but we’re still family so I thought I should throw you a little party.” (Nia)

“Thanks.” (Luna)

“Come on, have some fun.” (Nia)

We spent the rest of the day in the garden eating, talking, and just having a good time.  At one point some people present started drinking and after a while were stumbling around.  Zeke was the funniest of them.  He acted like a kid that had the sickness that left cringy memories that kept you up at night.  Watching her fiancé like that caused Shana to laugh uncontrollably.  The party continued on deep into the night, but it had to come to an end at one point.

When it did, I made my way back to my room and flopped onto the bed.

“Today was fun.”

{That’s good.  Days like this are meant to be enjoyed.} Tamamo said as my mirror floated in front of the bed.

“What about you, Tamamo?  When is your birthday?”

{I forgot about 400 years ago.}

“Well, that’s unfortunate.”

{It’s fine.}

“But don’t you want a day to feel special?”

{Any day that I can see you is special.}

“But that’s every day.”


“Are you sure you don’t have a charm skill?”


“Then how do you continue to charm me all the time?”

{It’s just a side effect of my affection for you.}

“Then do I have the same effect on you?”

{Of course.  I struggle to keep myself from descending just to kiss you all the time.}

“There you go again.”

We continued to flirt like this the rest of the night and before I knew it, it was the next morning.

Author's Note:

With my all-encompassing author powers I gift Luna the Divine Brush of Abyssal Fluff.  With this, you can increase someone's resistance to the Abyss of Fluff.

Luna: Thank you.

No problem, you must be tired of having to knock you family out every time they brush or pet your tails, so I though I should help out a bit.

Luna: This will really help out.

It will, but you still need to take it slow, moderation and all that.

Luna: I understand.  Just out of curiosity, what would happen if I used this on myself or Tamamo?

For the two of you, it's just a really good brush.  You can't really do much when you are already the peak, or in your case whatever the Abyss is.

Luna: Fair enough.

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