I Was Blocked By The School Belle Goddess!

124 Su Qingcheng: Dad, Can You Restrain Your Handsomeness? [5 More Subscribe]

At this moment, Su Qingcheng really wanted to have a big broom in his hand, and then he could sweep away thousands of troops.

Because the location of their class's military training is much farther away from the gate than other classes, even if she ran all the way here.

When they ran to the gate, they had to join the torrent of freshmen, so they couldn't run anymore.

Not to mention the occasional beeping of bicycles.

I really want to run but I can't run. I can only walk towards the gate quickly like an ant on a hot pot.

Just now she has seen the message Su Yuxin sent her, Yinchen's car has arrived!

right outside the door.

In other words, outside this wall!

Just separated by a wall, she will be able to see him immediately!

And the gift he wants to give her~

I feel very excited and excited, like I have been slapped with blood all over my body.

The neck stretched from time to time, looking in the direction of the door.

But because I haven't reached the door yet, I can't see the situation outside the door yet.

"Hey, Su Qingcheng, are you running so fast?"

"Isn't your class quite far from the door?"

Su Qingcheng didn't have time, and didn't want to reply to the girl's words.

He walked quickly through the crowd, and rushed towards the gate with the wind on his feet.

Haven't seen the door yet.

But she saw that the students who came to the door, whether they were women or men, were all looking in one direction.

Even after the girls saw it, they quickly looked away, and then their little faces turned crimson.

Then discuss it there.

The sound of discussion gradually entered her ears as she moved towards the door.

"Wow, look, there's a super handsome guy over there!"

"so hot!"

"He's not smoking, he's eating a lollipop! So emotional!"

"I never thought that uncle could be so handsome and charming~ I'm so excited~"

"I've just watched "Dear, Love の", and I expressed that I really want to find an uncle boyfriend like the hero Han Shangyan, and then start a sweet love."

"But, what the hell, handsome uncles like Han Shangyan only exist in TV dramas. In reality, I have never seen a handsome uncle!! Either the uncle has gained weight, or the uncle is bald, or the uncle is full of scum. Scruffy."

"Just when I was about to despair of my uncle's love, I actually saw with my own eyes an uncle who is even more handsome than Han Shangyan!"~!"

"Ahhhhhhh, my girlish heart is about to explode!"

Hearing these words, Su Chen had an inexplicable intuition that the uncle these hot girls were talking about was her father, Su Chen!!

She wants to see Su Chen even more eagerly!

What the hell, how long will it take to get to the gate? Hey~

Can't wait~~~

"Student, let me go, let me go." Su Qingcheng kept moving forward.

Finally, finally, the front of Bao Blue appeared in front of her.

Looking at the smooth front of the car and the Accord logo, she was overjoyed.

Ollie shook his little pink fist!

Sure enough, the female students in front were all looking in the direction of this car.

This car must belong to her father

"Quick, I want to see him!"

Finally, finally, a tall and handsome figure appeared in her sight.

Su Chen!

Her heart is screaming~

Before the person arrives, the heart has already flown.

If the soul could come out of her body, she would definitely have flown in front of Su Chen right now.

Because Su Chen is so handsome!

He is even more handsome than the one he saw at the traffic light yesterday!

The whole person's spirit, spirit and appearance have once again been qualitatively improved!

This new hairstyle and beard hairstyle suits him perfectly! It's like it was tailor-made for him!

He is even more charming than the one I saw yesterday~

No wonder those female students who saw him in front were all in YY as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Seeing such a tall, mighty, handsome man who looks like a walking hormone-making machine, little girls will have weak legs~

She was a little weak.

However, I still have to run in front of Su Chen before my legs get weak~~


Finally out of the exit.

As soon as she walked out of the exit, she raised her little hand towards Su Chen, waved it, and even tiptoed.

Before that, the face of the high-cold goddess was full of excitement and joy.

Su Qingcheng and Su Yuxin were originally identical twins, but because of their different bodies and personalities, they were still very easy to distinguish.

But the face is the same.

In addition, at this time, among the crowd of girls peeping towards Su Chen, there was a small hand cheering towards him.

Although there was a lot of freshmen at this time, Su Chen looked over and saw his daughter Su Qingcheng in the crowd.

The first moment he saw Qingcheng's daughter, Su Chen gave her a big smile.

However, he didn't know how attractive his smile was at the moment?

A group of girls stood still in place for an instant, bouncing around and holding small pink fists and screaming.

"Ah, ah, when he was aloof before, he was very handsome."

"When I smile now, it's like the warm sun in winter, it's so sweet to my heart~"

"The smile is so charming~"


He's smiling at me~~I can't stand it~~~"

"I can't resist~ my legs are weak, I can't stand still, someone help me~~"

Many girls hooked their shoulders to avoid sitting on the ground with weak legs, and all their eyes were full of fascination with Su Chen.

But at this moment, the moment Su Qingcheng saw Su Chen smiling at her, there was a bang in her brain, as if a string of a piano had suddenly snapped.

so handsome!


So handsome~

so handsome~

So handsome that I have a heart attack!

She really wanted to be the lollipop that Su Chen was holding in his hand at the moment, to be held in his hand.

She waved her little hand vigorously, and shouted loudly: "Here! Here!"

Then he hurriedly said to the group of standing girls while squeezing them, "Excuse me, excuse me.

The girls finally came to their senses, their eyes turned back and forth between Su Qingcheng and Su Chen.

Then there was a gasp.

"My God, this handsome uncle is waiting for Su Qingcheng!"

"Although I admit that Su Qingcheng is indeed good-looking and beautiful, but I don't think the uncle is that kind of superficial person. He should like a young girl like me. Oh, woo, woo, I fell in love instantly~"

"I'm not broken in love. The handsome uncle's girlfriend is so great in our school! In this way, I will have the opportunity to see the handsome uncle in the future. Wow, wow, I'm so excited just thinking about it."

"Although I can't be a handsome man's girlfriend, I can use my eyes to whore~"

"Yes!! Use your eyes to prostitute~"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng almost staggered and fell down.

Isn't this group of perverts too bad? Ah!

Dare to prostitute my father with your eyes?

Very good, my sister remembered all of you one by one!

When the time comes for the upper body-dissection class, my sister will discuss with you which part of the human body is better to cut from, thick! (Okay) Huh~

Su Qingcheng finally ran out of the crowd, and strode towards Su Chen.

She originally wanted to run, but Su Chen is so handsome, especially now that she is still looking at her and smiling, her legs are so weak, I really can’t run anymore~

It is already pretty good to be able to persevere and walk to him without falling to the ground.

Seeing her daughter approaching, Su Chen changed from leaning against the car door to standing, and strode towards her daughter.

Su Qingcheng finally walked in front of him.

She grabbed his arm with one hand, then directly hugged his arm with two small hands, leaning her weight on him.

Really, it's amazing that she can get here~

Finally, he could lean on Su Chen softly.


Then she raised her small face and said with a helpless smile to Su Chen's handsome face: "Dad, can you restrain your handsomeness a little bit, I almost couldn't walk out just now."

Those women were so bad, after seeing Su Chen laughing, they couldn't move their feet at all, so they just stood there, stretched their necks to look at Su Chen, and refused to move.

She really walked through thousands of mountains and rivers to get to Su Chen's side. .

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