Mischa greeted the students and began her speech.

“As you’ve known, I was declared as SSS-Ranked Esper a month ago. My existence before that was kept as a top-secret by the Esper Association.”

Naomi was a bit curious about what Mischa’s said. Why did the Esper Association hide Mischa’s existence from the public until a month ago? What’s the reason Mischa was announced to the world as the new SSS-Ranked Esper?

More importantly, if Mischa was kept a secret, why did they allow Mischa to stay with Naomi in the hotel?

But, no matter what happened, Naomi smiled seeing Mischa on the stage, trying her best to make a speech.

From Naomi’s knowledge, this will be Mischa’s first speech in public. That’s why Naomi wanted to watch over her friend’s debut.

“I am truly happy to be able to attend a school like this. I had never attended any school because of my situation, so this would be my first time.”

Some of the students were surprised by Mischa’s statement while some of them just nodded in understanding. Most of the students that were nodding their heads probably experienced something similar, or they are being homeschooled because of their parents’ position.

“Not only that, I had arrived on this Island a month ago and I got a chance to walk around and see a new thing.”

Mischa started telling her story about her experience in Avos Island.

“I met my friend when I moved here, not only that I also met with new people. I had found someone to teach me controlling my power, I also do new things that I never did in my life.”

The students were interested in Mischa’s story and listened while looking at Mischa with eyes full of awe and expectation. They wanted to hear her story of defeating Mugetsu, they wanted to get the satisfaction from hearing about Mugetsu’s defeat directly from the one who defeated it.

Mugetsu was publicly recognized as the worst ever in the world. She even gets the highest criminal rank and was pursued by the Esper Association actively.

“The most unforgettable moment when I was in Avos Island for these 1 months happened around 3 weeks ago when the Moon of Akasha had attacked Avos Island.”

Some of the students were listening with focus as Mischa was about to tell them about what happened in the attack 3 weeks ago. They heard about the attack, and it was said that Mugetsu attacked Avos Island with her right hand and the mysterious female that appeared in the US a year ago.

“The first attack happened right in front of me. At that time I was with my friends and fortunately, my colleague was an Esper with Teleport ability. She managed to evacuate the civilians in a short amount of time as I am on guard in case the Moon of Akasha’s member attacked again.”

‘Did Mischa deliberately put me out of her story?’ Naomi looked around the students to see if someone found something odd in Mischa’s story, but they were just too focused on the story that they didn’t even think about a lie in Mischa’s story.

‘No one realize that Mischa had said she was with her friends but only mentioned her colleague, Hotaru, and didn’t even talk about what her friends did in that attack. And they called themselves a genius?’

Naomi looked around once again, but this time she enhanced her sight to see more clearly in the dark. And she did find some of the students were confused with Mischa’s story.

Naomi smiled and remembered the students that were confused by Mischa’s story and put them on her watch list. She planned to watch over them and be wary of them. Naomi didn’t want her identity as Mugetsu to be revealed because of her carelessness after all.

“Unfortunately though, I can’t tell you the detail about the attack, as I was unconscious after I chase after them to the sky. My colleague said that my friend was the one that saved me from my fall. What I wanted to say is, although I’m strong, I still need companions who fight with me. I hope some of you will become one of those companions.”

Now the students have separated into two sides. Those that were worried about Mischa when she said that she was unconscious and fell when she was chasing after the Moon of Akasha. And those that were having high tension and spirit because they heard Mischa say that she needs companions.

Amidst that, there was a small third group. The group was focused on Mischa’s friend. They were the ones that were on Naomi’s list earlier. Their ability to recognize an important thing is amazing. Although from what Naomi gathered, most of them were in Operator’s division.

‘Those guys in operator division, they truly fit their job, didn’t they? I wanted to get one of them to be my guy in the desk when we were attacking some place.’ Naomi smiled as she looked over at the guys in the third group.

So far, Naomi or Chi was the one that handle the communication when her organization organized a mission. As a result, Naomi or Chi can’t move freely. The result from that was proved 3 weeks ago when Naomi was handling the communication when Rekka and his group were on a mission.

Naomi had discarded the communication when she saw Mischa fall from the sky. If not for Melaine, Naomi would definitely fail to arrive in time to save Mischa and her plan would be for naught.

‘I bet there is someone in my organization that was able to take that role. But, for my satisfaction, I would find one for myself.’

“That’s all from me, I hope the best for all of you that attend this school. Also, please take care of me for the next 3 years.”

Mischa bowed her head in a polite bow and the students instantly burst into an uproar.

Naomi looked at Mischa as she raised her head again. She saw her smiling and looking straight in her direction. Naomi was a bit surprised, but she answered Mischa back with a smile, gaining a surprised look from Mischa for a second.

Mischa get off the stage and Lucilla took over the microphone again and announced that the Orientation was over.

“After this is over, all students will go to their respective class. There will be a map outside the hall, s the students could find their classroom easier. I hope all of you will give your best for the next 3 years, and 2 years for the second year students. That’s it!”

After closing the orientation, Lucilla exited the stage and all students stood from their seats, exiting the hall and wondering who will become their teacher.

Naomi also exited the hall, followed by Millie and Topaz that walked beside her. Topaz was walking on Naomi’s right while Mille was on Naomi’s left.

“Hey! That girl is so cool, isn’t she?!” Topaz exclaimed as she look at Naomi and Millie.

“Yes, she’s wonderful. But I wonder who is the friend that she was talking about? That friend saved her, so she must be strong right?” Asked Millie as she put her hands on her cheek.

“Yeah, I wonder who was that friend of her?” Naomi said while smiling a little.

“Millie, Topaz, I planned to meet a friend after this, do you want to go with me?” Asked Naomi.

“Sure! Maybe you can introduce us to that friend of yours?!” Topaz instantly agreed to Naomi while swinging her arms around.

“Yes, I will. How about you, Millie?”

“Maa, having more friends won’t hurt me, right? I hope you can introduce me too to that friend of yours, Naomi.”

Naomi nodded her head and said. “Then it’s settled!”


Author Here~

More than 54 Advanced chapters (For ALL my series)  Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

Most of the money from my Patreon will go to help me write better and Order an Illustration for both of my works. Lastly thank you to all the patrons!! 

Big Thanks to the New Executive!!

- Pancakes 4 Days

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