Death spider king.

Absolutely powerful alien.

After Xia Cunjian came back, he kept describing how powerful the special species was.

However, few people believed that this was the reason for his failure.

A special alien, can use hair to cut armored vehicles, can easily tear the tank, who will believe this nonsense??


"I agree with instructor Han Xue."

Commander Xia said seriously: "this group of hunters are far more powerful than ordinary evolutors, and they have lived in a city full of monsters for a long time. They must know more about those monsters than we do."

"I suggest that we should cooperate with each other according to what the other side says, not as our enemies."

All of a sudden, the meeting room became more riotous.


"Lao Xia, what nonsense are you talking about? Have you drunk too much?"

Many people angrily patted the table and stood up: "this is the base. What qualifications does he have to talk about cooperation with us, and what qualifications do he have to do with us?"

"A joke. It's a joke."

"No matter how fierce he is, he has to live in the wall of the base. What cooperation does he say?"


What it stands for here, of course, is security.

All people live and work in peace and contentment, live in the wall, enjoy the last remaining sense of security, don't have to worry about being eaten by monsters every day, and enjoy the comfort to serve the base, isn't it right??

But what happened?

Does Gu fan need these comforts?

He came to this base not to find a safe home, but to quickly gather wealth and resources.

The crowd quarreled and expressed their opinions.

Some people are conservative and think that they may be able to cooperate with the powerful Gu fan, but more people think that he is not qualified at all and even should be eliminated as soon as possible.


All of a sudden, the man sitting in the center said two words in a deep voice, and everyone became quiet.

He is the commander of this base - Wu Panshan!!

Commander Wu's words were as thick as his name, and the people around him suddenly lost their voice.

If you look at it carefully, it's a gray old man over fifty.

He can't see any feeling of old and powerless. He is energetic and dignified. Even though he is just an ordinary person, he reveals a kind of prestige that can't be questioned.

"There are many difficulties in this base."

"Our soldiers, cleaning up the rotten corpses outside, have made countless sacrifices and suffered heavy losses."

"Our resources are running out, and our food and other food are not making ends meet. In addition, many cities are shrouded in the fog of disaster, and the resources we can collect are even less."

Commander Wu said something else, but the weight of it was too heavy for people to look up.

"Inside the base, we need powerful soldiers, as well as forces other than us..."

That is full of dignified old man, finish these words appear a little tired, words of dignified, more revealed a deep sense of powerlessness.


This most powerful old man can only feel deep despair in the end of life.

Where is the time to fight for power, where is the space to think about dignity and qualifications, and where is the ability to fight inside??

Commander Wu stood up, but his straight body looked a little bent, which made the wrinkles on his face seem deeper.

All the high-level officials bowed their heads.


What commander Wu saw was more distant, more profound and more realistic than them.

Do we have enough food?

Do we have enough soldiers?

In order to protect the base, how many hot-blooded soldiers are sacrificed every day?

In order to supply the base with hundreds of thousands of people, how much food is consumed every day?

The number of soldiers is decreasing.

Grain depots are shrinking.

Now these high-level officials are arguing about such things as "face" and "qualification", which is ridiculous.

The base seems to be beautiful, but in fact, it is even more difficult to survive. The end of the world is too dark and cruel. If human beings want to survive, they have to struggle like cockroaches.

"I heard that they brought the resources of five trucks."

"There are grain, medical equipment and various daily necessities, with a total of 300 tons."

Commander Wu didn't talk about how arrogant he was today. Instead, he focused on Gu fan's contribution. Those materials are what the base needs most.

300 tons!

The crowd exclaimed.

Even the top is shocked by this number.At the same time, many senior officials also understood what commander Wu meant.

What they should think about is not how to keep the face of the base, nor how to retaliate back and show their authority, but how to make the base survive and support hundreds of thousands of survivors.

"We get it."

"I agree to cooperate with Gufan."

"I agree."




On the other side.

Wang Dafu is driving his men to carry materials to the truck. According to the situation, it seems that they are running away

"It's over."

"Gufan, let's run first?"

"This is a complete break with the authorities. No matter how strong we are, we can't fight with 100000 soldiers in the base?"

Wang Dafu's face turned into a bitter gourd, anxious to turn around, like ants on a hot pot, which can poke a big basket.

Zhang Guyun did not dare to resist.

But he also felt that he was finished. This time, Zhang Yun's dream of dominating the underground forces instead of Gu fan was completely shattered.

Le Zhiqi is not very concerned, but some excited said: "afraid of what, I think the boss just very handsome, real people block killing Buddha block killing Buddha, fearless!"

"What base!"

"What official!"

"As long as you dare to offend me, boss Gufan, do it all!"

Le Zhi Qi raised his fist, quite some worship said.

Lin Yuxin did not care about more enemies, light said: "at most just leave the base, even if we go to the outside world, want to survive is not difficult."

That's true.

Although the base is the best place for Julian fortune, if it really can't get along, there's no need to force it to stay. Instead, it's free to roam outside, just to face some danger.

The general rotten corpse monster, even Lin Yuxin and Le Zhiqi several people can solve, those powerful special alien nature to Gu fan big brother.

"I think that if the officials are smart enough, they will choose to cooperate with us."

Another cool voice came. Wei Xianjian, full of intellectual charm, stopped the experiment and took part in the discussion.

All of them looked sideways. Wei Xianjian, the most intelligent man, thought that the base officials would be soft?

She held her gold rimmed glasses and explained, "the situation of the base is not good, and now the catastrophe is even worse. I don't think the leaders of the base are all stupid. They will definitely find out the wise choice."

The wisest choice.

Is that cooperation with Gu fan?

All of a sudden, outside the warehouse, the roar of the engine came again.

Han Xue appeared in front of the crowd again, but this time he was holding an invitation card.

"There is a banquet tonight. I'd like to invite Mr. Gu fan and all of you to discuss the cooperation."

"Mr. Gu fan and all of you are welcome to attend."

Han Xue's words, immediately let everyone's chin is about to fall down, in addition to Wei Xianjian a pair of such attitude, other people doubt that they heard wrong.

It's impossible, isn't it?

Gu fan has just been so arrogant and domineering in the military area!!

The high level of the base really compromised and wanted to maintain an equal relationship with Gu fan and cooperate with him?

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