Night fell.

The true fear of the dark disaster will be fully revealed.

After that, there will soon be a consensus among survivors.

When the sun goes down and the night falls and the stars shine, the world will become a paradise for monsters.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The carrion became particularly active.

Through the crack of the window, we can see the decaying corpses head up in the sky, roaring and roaring.

They wandered around each other, like waves of carrion, wave after wave.

Look carefully.

The veins on the cheeks of these corpses were more obvious in the night.

The mysterious substance flowing under the blood vessels is sparkling with fluorescence, which makes the raised green tendons spread all over the body like dead wood roots. Every decaying corpse is shining in the night sky.

If you look at it from a high building, you will even feel that it is a gorgeous and beautiful picture, as if there are countless fireflies connected in the dark.

"The age of technology is down."

"All the electronic products in use are destroyed by the bell of disaster, and the whole city circuit is paralyzed. Only these rotten corpses bring light to the city."

"It's ironic."

Gu fan shook his head mockingly.

The whole city's electric circuits were destroyed, but the rotten corpses lit up the light.

If you look down from the starry sky, the stars in the city are just like the Milky way, which is composed of countless monsters.

If you can look at the future planet from the space far away from the earth, you will find that most of the planet's area is emitting the same kind of dazzling streamer.

The world is occupied. It's occupied by decaying corpses.

It's just part of the fear of the dark.

Then something more terrible happened.

In the cracks of the city, there seems to be something more terrible hidden.

In that deep and incomparable underground abyss, the flowing light is turning like rosy clouds, and the root of all disasters seems to start from this crack abyss.

Something's crawling out

Something crawled out of the crack in the abyss.

That's a human monster!

They have long and narrow limbs, just like spider's limbs, and can quickly climb on the cliff.

This limb presents a kind of scarlet, muscular incomparably developed, and even tore the surface of the skin, so that the muscle fiber exposed to the air is particularly ferocious.

They also have black blades at the ends.

The three sharp blades can easily pierce the rocks, make the body fixed on the cliff, and make use of them to quickly crawl on the buildings.

Take a closer look.

There are no eye like organs on the heads of these monsters.

They are sealed in the depths of the earth. They don't need any vision, only have a very developed sense of smell and hearing.

In the dark, we can find the general direction of the prey only by smell, and then the more accurate hearing will identify the real location of the prey.

It's not the scariest.

The most frightening thing is the huge mouth of their blood basin.

The huge mouth of the blood basin occupies almost half of the head. With a little opening of the big mouth, the corners of the mouth can be split to the root of the ear. The sharp fangs are like the saw teeth of a steel knife. If human beings are bitten by it I'm afraid I'll be torn down dozens of Jin of flesh and blood.

This kind of creature is a human hunter in the last world.

Then the people of the dark disaster gave it a name.

Night devil!!

They are hunters in the dark.

They are the fears that human beings face in the end.

These monsters from the rift abyss really make human beings have no escape.

Sha Sha!

Sha Sha!

The night devil moved quickly on the ground and made a slight noise.

They first use their olfactory senses to determine the likely location of the prey.

A moment later, there is the answer, shuttle in those wandering among the rotten corpses, jump directly on the cliff of the high-rise building.

The claws of the night devil's limbs pierce the wall, climbing up like a giant gecko, and then the huge ears close to the wall near the window to collect the sounds that may appear in the room.

Room after room.

Soon, the night devil found his prey.

There is a human quarrel in an apartment room. It is a couple blaming each other for their survival.

The night devils collected the sounds.

It judged the couple's position, smashed the glass at will, jumped in through the window, and then a massacre began.

The sharp claw moves forward.The man's chest was torn, claws pierced chest more than ten centimeters of wounds, viscera were easily cut.

The other limb of the night demon poked forward and pierced the girl's abdomen. Then it gathered its claws, opened the blood basin and bit down.

Blood splashed everywhere.

Brain burst.

The head of the human is like a fish ball, and the night devil will swallow it.

The dying man had been scared silly for a long time. After eating the woman in his hand, the night devil crawled towards the man again

Such scenes are not uncommon.

It is a real nightmare for human beings.

Fortunately, there are not many of them, and there are only less than ten in the nearby area.

If thousands of such monsters appear, the survivors of the whole city will be slaughtered in less than one night.

Gu fan has been through this for a long time.

He is deeply aware of the horror of the night devil. Even his experienced butcher can't fight against a night devil at this stage.

Adjust your breathing.

Gufan let heart rate and breathing reach the most stable state.

Such a subtle sound, which is close to nothing, can't be heard by the night devil across the wall.

And even if you hear that, there are several layers of hard steel plate to protect, which can temporarily stop the attack of the night devil.

That's why he completely sealed the inside and outside of the window with steel plates.

Night devil.

Wandering carrion.

All of these make human beings trapped in the night, and it is almost impossible to act when the night falls.



"Fear late at night, countless people will not be able to sleep."

"But I've been used to the darkness full of night demons for a long time. I'll sleep in peace."

"In the morning, the night devil will disperse, and I will start a new hunting journey."

Gufan seems to be whispering to himself.

After 10 years of dark disaster.

Those who are ruled by the night devil have been used to the darkness, and they will still live the next day.

Fortunately, these night demons have been trapped in the abyss for a long time, and they can't adapt to the light of the day. The special rays contained in the sun will cause severe damage to the body of night demons.

So, when the dawn tears the darkness, the night devils will disperse.

When the first ray of sunlight pierces the night, they will return to the cracks of the abyss, waiting for the night to come again.



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