
While controlling Gu fan's consciousness, nightmare beast is tasting those painful memories from deep memory.

It is a very special species. The mixture of consciousness and energy reaches a certain peak. After metamorphosis, it breaks away from the limitation of the body and feeds on the consciousness and spirit of human beings


Gufan is suffering from unimaginable pain.

The nightmare beast savors the delicious food and constantly modifies the contents of Gufan's Memory Palace to make it fall into greater suffering.

Memory in the cerebral cortex

Those painful memories, just like plucking silk and cocoon, are pulled out continuously.


A little deeper.

Nightmares continue to dig, gradually from the subconscious to deeper, where there are more ancient hidden memory.

Those betrayals.

The pain.

The darkness.

Those who used to be cowardly, self abased, unwilling, humiliated, muddle along

Gu fan once was just an ordinary person. He had just finished his university career, but he was still naive before he got into the deep world.

At that time, Gu fan was just a good man. When he saw other people suffering in the end of the world, he would lend a helping hand, but in the end, he got one betrayal after another.

"Dig to the deepest..."

Nightmare beast has dug the painful memories to the deepest level.

The Memory Palace has already collapsed and destroyed, but it is hard to open a door in front of it.

Deep consciousness, buried precious memory!!

Here is Gu fan's last position. As long as these memory fragments are swallowed up and modified, his consciousness will be completely erased!!

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

Nightmare beast pushed the door open, the most good at manipulating other people's consciousness and thinking of the beast, but at this moment felt a bit of crisis.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

The hidden things of deep consciousness are completely different from the superficial memory of cerebral cortex, which is full of death everywhere, and full of bloody darkness.

"You Finally... "

In Gu fan's deepest consciousness, behind the gate of thinking, a bloody man stood there waiting quietly.


Deep consciousness, in front of the human should have no power to fight back!

But this man, Gu fan, has realized the real form in his deep consciousness??

This shows that he has been able to control his own consciousness, even the deepest part. Why didn't he resist just now??

"If you want to see my past, I'll watch it for you!"

The nightmare beast feels that the space in all directions is constantly broken. If the human consciousness is compared to the sea, the shallow memory is just the sea, while the deep consciousness is the endless deep sea.


At this moment, the deep ocean becomes plasma.

Gollum, Gollum!

The surrounding space is constantly broken, permeated with endless hot blood, and there are dense bubbles from time to time.

Soon the whole space was filled with rich blood, and the deep part of the subconscious became a sea of blood, not only the rich and hot plasma, but also the corpses of countless monsters and human remains floating in the pus

"I've changed."

"For the sake of profit, I can sell my teammates and kill the people around me."

Kindness, cowardice, innocence, love, pity

All these useless wastes were thrown away and crushed by Gufan.

He has changed.

Gu fan became cunning, cruel and able to sell everything for profit.

Another picture appears in front of the nightmare beast. Gu fan has completely changed at this time. He becomes a mean person. At this time, he can abandon everything for the sake of benefit and the seed of the abyss.


Gu fan holding a sharp knife, stabbed into the chest of his companions.

He looked at the corpses on the ground, gouged out the most precious abyss crystal of the alien species, and said to himself, "don't blame me, this last time the law of the jungle, and I will be the strongest one!"

Cruel, violent, crazy, cunning, bloody, crazy Gu fan walked step by step towards the darkest and deepest part of human nature.

He gave up all his good side and embraced the evil and cruel evil. Everyone seemed to be his slaves and tools. He drained all the value of his use and discarded it when it was useless.

He is the devil.

People fear him, fear him, reprimand him.

"Why are you so cruel?"

"Are you still human? Do you have humanity?"

"You devil, if you want to die, you will go to hell!"Those people denounce Gu fan, but in the end, they are all sent to a fire rack by him and turned into ashes in the burning of the fire.

Go to hell?

Where Gufan is, it's hell!!

This dark end of humanity is hell.

But I will be the master in hell. If all the people in the world are so disgusting, then I am the most evil and terrible one!!

I was born in this hell!!

Scenes of bloody shock are constantly evolving, and countless people want to fight against Gu fan, but they are all killed by him cruelly.

Nightmares are shocked by it.

It has manipulated the consciousness of countless human beings who have collapsed in painful experiences.

But Gu fan in front of him was different. He became more and more powerful in pain. On the contrary, in the dark and bloody hell, he evolved into a more cruel and violent devil.

Pain makes people grow.

Sharpening makes people strong.

The horror of the unknown makes people crazy.

"You just abused me, right?"

Gu fan showed a ferocious smile and made a gesture: "now it's my turn. Let's feel the pain with me..."

Gulu Gulu!!

In the rich and hot plasma, countless severed limbs and arms begin to grasp the concrete body of nightmare in the spiritual world.


The highest consciousness of killing, the consciousness of killing even if being spurned by thousands of people.


All the sufferings Gu fan suffered, the purgatory place which was more painful than the 18th floor hell, was like a prison that trapped the nightmare beast.


At this time, the nightmare beast completely felt that something was wrong.

This is not only Gu fan's deep consciousness, but also a trap and a cage!!

Now it seems that it's too late to escape. The nightmare beast wants to break through the painful prison around him, but the hot sea of blood around him is like a swamp, and it's hard to move.

It's caught!!

Nightmares are caught by the arms of countless ghosts.

The idea of killing at the top of the mountain converges into a blade tearing nightmare beast.

The pain turns into a huge oil pan, throwing the nightmare beast into it and cooking it continuously.

The black consciousness group is repeatedly ravaged, the boiling blood sea is constantly surging, injecting compression double torture, constantly tearing it apart, wiping it from the source of consciousness.

Ten years.

Endless killing.

Endless torture.

They are not only Gu fan's painful memories, but also the driving force for him to move forward. Now they have become a rock solid consciousness, and they really compete with the nightmare beast



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