30 percent.

This proportion is not bad. Only three of the 10 people in a group have become monsters.

Under normal circumstances, the proportion of abnormal out of control is very high, even more than 50% at the beginning of the last period.


Can't help but say, one side of Le Zhiqi immediately hand, that will soon change the monster directly beheaded.

The bloody picture is definitely better than any warning. Only in this way can people understand what situation they are in. Death is more than just talking about it.

Death is in front of us.

But no one can really face it calmly, even if they have the determination to die, but in the face of the threat of unknown death, the sense of tension and oppression can still make people nervous breakdown.




A group of dead men were injected with evolvable fluid.

Each time, 2-4 people were out of control, mutated into a terrible monster, and finally killed by several people of Le Zhiqi.


"There are 64 people left."

Wu Zeqing ordered it and made a serious report: "report to boss Gu fan. There are 100 dead attendants in total. There are 64 people now. Among them, 31 people are out of control and become monsters. Another 5 people are mentally broken."

31 out of control, 5 out of control.

The process of metamorphosis from disorder to monster is very cruel and bloody. The sound of friction of human bones, the sound of tearing flesh and blood, and the close observation with naked eyes finally led to the complete madness of five people.

"Good proportion."

"According to common sense, there is a great chance of out of control and abnormal changes, and the possibility of mental abnormality is greater when you see all kinds of horrible pictures."

Gu fan picked next eyebrow, extremely rare praise a few words.

After all, there are some deep fetters and beliefs in their hearts.

Five dead, insane.

This is completely within the acceptable range. If we were ordinary people, I'm afraid half of them would be scared into madness.


"You become evolutionists."

Gu fan's skin smiles, but his flesh doesn't. although he says congratulations, it makes people shudder.

But even so, the 64 who survived still have a sense of survival.

Almost half of the people were eliminated. The selection of the dead is very strict, but it seems that becoming an evolutor is just a threshold.

Everyone looked at each other.


Once upon a time, it was such an unattainable term.

But now, all the people who survived have reached this height, which makes people feel unreal as if they were dreaming.

A middle-aged man who is overworked and prone to gray hair has been squeezed dry by the end of the world and no longer has much vitality left.

But at this time, he completely recovered the strength of his body, his dry white hair became soft and black again, and his shriveled arm was full of muscles, even in his golden age of more than 20 years old, he was not as strong as he is now.

It's the same with other people.

After the evolution of the liquid, everyone's body has undergone earth shaking changes.

Strength, speed, endurance, explosive power, vitality All up more than one level!!

Beyond ordinary people.

Beyond mortals.

The change of power and identity, just in this short period of evolution, is so incredible.

"All right, survivors."

"Let's start the next round of postgraduate entrance examination."

Gu fan interrupted everyone's surprise, the next stage of the test is about to start, and will become more cruel.

"Go to sleep."

"You should be very tired. Go to sleep..."

Gu fan's voice became more and more psychedelic when he said something that didn't conform to the scene and identity.

People don't have time to think, but they just feel like they are wrapped in a fog. Sometimes they have some unintelligible gibberish in their ears, and sometimes they are lured by demons.

The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.

Every character in Gu fan's mouth turned into a lullaby. At last, all 64 people lost consciousness and went to sleep.

"You three, be instructors."

Gu Fan said to le Zhiqi that a very special training elimination match will start next.

Let go.

Put down your guard.

Welcome the infiltration of Gufan's consciousness.

Le Zhiqi, Lin Yuxin, Wu Ze With open arms, the three gradually let Gu fan's consciousness penetrate, and then opened the most special power of the nightmare beast.

Bitter fantasy corridor!!

This time, the corridor of bitter fantasy is totally different from what it used to be.

Gu fan once eroded the consciousness of 64 dead men, and together with Lin Yuxin and Le Zhiqi, they all pulled into the dreamland of this nightmare.Dream!

The world of consciousness.

The space of thinking.

It's completely guided by Gufan.

Everything here is controlled by Gu fan's consciousness.

The only thing he has to do now is to simulate a real battlefield and put all the dead who have just become evolutors into the battlefield for special training.

The corridor of bitter fantasy.

Nightmare space, not only can torture other people's consciousness, but also can be extended like Gufan, tap deeper potential, and make it a real training ground.


"The velocity of time in conscious thinking is totally different from reality."

"But the more real and the more profound the details are, the more time will be consumed for me, and the time can not be compressed too much. Otherwise, these dead men can be trained here for a few years before going out."

Gu fan constantly manipulates and transforms the dream.

High rise buildings stand up again.

In the city, countless cracks and canyons are all over the streets, and large areas of disaster fog are sprayed in the canyons, which makes the whole city shrouded in black fog.

Mycelial sarcomas, covering the whole earth, creep up to every building, gradually completing a state of high corruption.

A decaying corpse monster came out of the mycelial sarcoma on the ground, whining and climbing out of the ground, echoing in groups on the street.


"Otherwise, it's too desperate. Everyone will go crazy together. For the time being, we won't imitate the alien species."

Gu fan felt that the environment of nightmare space had been simulated almost, and then he was able to activate the ability to wake up the dead.

"Wake up."

"Wake up, all of you."

Gu fan's voice penetrates the whole dream, one by one the embodiment of consciousness appears on the edge of the city. It is the 64 dead men who have just become evolutors.

They open their eyes in confusion.

Several huge equipment boxes were placed in front of the public.

Submachine gun, shotgun, sniper rifle, pistol, grenade, saber, dagger, machete

All kinds of weapons are loaded in boxes. People can choose whatever they want, as long as they take advantage of them.

"What's the matter?"

"What's going on?"

"This is not a base. Where are we? Are we Corrupt city! "

People's consciousness gradually became clear. When they looked up, they found that they were not in the safe base, but came to the most dangerous end of the world.

The rotten City shrouded in disaster and evil fog!!

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