It's late at night.

The moon is dim and the stars are dim.

Gu fanduan is sitting in his room, closing his eyes and exploring the deeper potential of nightmare space.

All of a sudden!!

He was awakened by an idea full of malice.

Gu fan suddenly opened his eyes and felt the extremely strong malice, just like the surging tide.

"There's something It's coming... "

Gu fan opened the window and left the three story villa.

When he reappeared, he came to the top of the highest watchtower in the base city. A scout was watching the environment around the base with spectacles, and several snipers were waiting.

"Who are you?"

When the mysterious man suddenly arrived, several soldiers almost sounded the alarm.


Gu fan made a gesture of silence.

Several soldiers in the understatement of the voice, but feel an inexplicable sleepiness swept across the brain, have fallen to the ground to sleep.

Look out.

Gu fan's eyes, looking to a distant direction.

There is a gathering of great evils, like a sea of rivers, constantly blending.

They will be around a little bit of evil, a little bit of desire, a little bit of terror, all gathered in a place, and eventually become endless

"An army of rotten corpses."

"They're coming."

Gu fan finally confirmed that the endless stream of malice converged like a sea was definitely not emanated from a special alien species, even the master in the abyss crack could not do it.

It's not individual power.

It's a chain reaction of hundreds of thousands, millions, endless corpse tides!!

The army of rotten corpses is coming

As the abyss Master said in the last nightmare space, it will submerge the whole city with its own army.

There's really no time.

Assemble immediately!!



In half an hour.

Under Gu fan's urgent order, his men came to the scene one after another.

Wu Ze, Le Zhiqi and Lin Yuxin are the core fighting members of Gu fan and the hunters of the "crazy hunting" team.

Mr. Feng, Dr. Wei Xianjian, Mr. Han Peng, a scientific and technological talent, Mr. Wang Dafu, an economic lifeline, and Mr. Zhang Yun, the leader of the rainstorm, all attended the meeting.

Finally, according to Gu fan's order, Han Xue and Xia Cunjian of the military were also called over.

Emergency assembly.

So careful, so anxious, what's the matter??

In the three-story villa, the atmosphere has become particularly tense. Le Zhiqi, who is usually careless, dare not say a word more.

Gu fan tried his best to restrain his killing intention.

But even so, the Yin cold of the frozen bone marrow still spread out involuntarily, making the temperature of the whole room drop continuously.

He pondered for a moment, as if thinking.

After a long time, Gu fan finally said: "the army of corruption is coming. We only have time Three days. "


What is the corrupt army??

Xia Cunjian seems to have thought of something, and there are fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Commander Wu Panshan, after having a secret talk with Gu fan, issued a series of unreasonable orders.

Increase the training of soldiers!!

The quantity required for the mass production of guns and ammunition, especially the spare barrel, is several times more than the normal specification.

The grain production base has been opened up. Instead of hoarding too much food, the base officials distribute them in the mode of task work, which is like charity.


Since the day before yesterday, the construction of a moat outside the city wall, which is more than 20 meters high, has begun.

All kinds of signs show that an unprecedented war is brewing, and the safety in front of the base is just the tranquility before the storm.

"Han Xue, Xia Cunjian."

"Go and tell commander Wu of the base that I will get what I want as soon as possible, especially That thing. "

Gu fan says that Xia Cunjian and Han Xue look at each other. Commander Wu has reached a special secret agreement with Gu fan, which is crucial and may even determine the success or failure of future wars.

"Wang Dafu."

"The enrollment will be expanded tomorrow, and the more people there are, the better."

Full recruitment.

More dead.

Wang Dafu seemed to understand what Gu fan wanted so many dead men to do.

They are absolutely going to do an earth shaking event, which is extremely dangerous. Everyone may die.

"Master Feng, has the steel chariot I want been transformed?"Gu fan turned his head and looked at master Feng fiercely. Every "little thing" was very important in his eyes.

"Mr. Gu fan, time is running short. Now all the workers are processing and upgrading."

"When I got back, I didn't rest any more. I tried my best to improve the car!"

Master Feng clenched his teeth and said that he also felt the full crisis.

He made up his mind that he would only sleep for three hours at most every day after he went back, leading the workers to complete the final modification of the steel chariot.

"Dr. Wei Xianjian What about your research? "

Gu fan turned to Wei Xianjian and asked. At this time, the doctor's face full of intellectual charm was surrounded by dark circles.

"The 1000 pieces of primary evolution fluid you asked for have been completed."

"There has also been a breakthrough in the extraction of carnivore traits."

Dr. Wei Xianjian stopped for a moment and continued: "but the last key point has not been fully grasped. At most, it can only produce semi-finished products."

Semi finished products?

Now it seems that I can't worry about that much.

Gu fan stood up straight, cold and cruel eyes, flashing crazy killing, but also some expectations.

"We have done everything we can."

"Wu Ze, Lin Yuxin and Le Zhiqi are ready to fight to the end!"

Fight to the end.

Simple words, but it is so touching.

This time, not only the dead, but also the core group of four of the "crazy hunting" team may face the danger of collapse.


Gu fan turned his eyes to those "precious talents" who had no combat effectiveness.

Wei Xianjian, master Feng, Wang Dafu, Han Peng

Although they have no fighting capacity, they play a much stronger role than ordinary hunters.

"Time is running out."

"If it really comes to the time of life and death, you are allowed to Evacuate. "

You are allowed to evacuate.

These words sound bitter.

People never thought that Gu fan, who is absolutely invincible, would be so pessimistic in the face of the arrival of the corpse tide, even a little helpless.

The army of corruption, the tide of corpses, the siege of monsters.

What do they mean, where is the fate of mankind, and why even Gu fan has made plans to retreat??

The coolness in my heart almost froze my soul.

Is the real disaster finally coming?

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