
Crazy evolution.

One by one, the dead were injected with the "ladder of God" potion.

With the drastic changes and evolutions, the dead have acquired completely different abilities and completed hysterical madness.

The power of the bear.

The speed of the leopard.

The eagle's eyes.

The heat of the flame.

The coldness of the ice.

The power of lightning.

Wait, wait

You can't imagine what special powers a hundred hunters will have.

"The ladder of God."

"The chance of successful Hunter evolution is so high."

Gu fan looked at the successful evolution of those dead men one by one, and there were rare examples of evolution failing to turn into monsters.

This is incredible. In the last dark ages, those scientists also invented similar evolutionary potions, but the chance of successful evolution of hunters is only less than 50%.

However, Wei Xianjian's "ladder of God" has reached more than 90%.

One of the factors is the firm and tenacious consciousness of the dead.

After selection, they went through battle and death one after another in the nightmare space, and their consciousness had been tempered to the level of steel.

But even so, it's exaggerating to be able to achieve an evolution rate of more than 90 percent.

"Sure enough."

"Dr. Wei Xianjian, such a precious talent, can cause great changes in the last days."

Gu Fan said to himself that he had found the treasure again.

A few hours later.

The dead have evolved successfully.

In this process, only 5 people lost control and turned into monsters, while others turned into hunters.


"Dead men, congratulations on your success in standing out from 1000 people and becoming hunters."

Gu fan smiles lightly, but the corners of the dead people's mouths are only full of bitterness. Only they know how hard it is to kill from a thousand people.

How many people, out of control into a monster.

How many people, the spirit can not bear the pressure, become crazy.

"All right."

"Next, you will have a real mission."

"But before the task starts, I will give you the last special training, and it will be the most severe one."

Gu fan's expression became more and more serious.

The corridor of bitter fantasy, the space of nightmare, the last special training of hell.

This time, Gu fan will completely explode all the potential of nightmare beast, and compress the velocity of time in dream space to the extreme.

There is also the most important thing, Gu fan will put in the alien!!

Nightmare space, the dead are no longer faced with a simple boring carrion, but also with a head of terror powerful alien.

Night devil.

The hunter.

Self destructor.

Giant evil corpse.

Fast evil corpse.

Huge corpse with bone armor.

And those ugly monsters who can't name

A wide variety of different species will be their new goals, new challenges, new sufferings, new deaths.

"All right."

"This time, you'll be stuck in a nightmare for a month."

Gu fan raised a cruel smile on his mouth, and at the same time, he launched the ability of the bitter hallway to drag everyone into a nightmare like hell.

A month of suffering, began!!



Time goes by minute.

Gu fan, the wild hunting team and the dead men all fell into a state of dormancy.

But at this special moment, the real crisis of the base finally came.

Here they come.

Here they come.

After a long journey day and night, the corrupt army finally approached the human base.

Before the monsters arrived, the color of the sky had become dim, and a touch of gloomy darkness was moving forward.

The wind.

Bursts of breeze blowing, but no longer have the fragrance of grass.

A strong sour rot, mixed with a variety of disgusting smell, blowing to every corner of the base.



In the middle of the base, the red alarm was flashing.

All units, level one alert.

All soldiers, return to their combat positions.

The orders spread out, and the city in full operation is like a highly sophisticated machine.

Inside the trench, rows of heavy machine guns stood, their black barrels thicker than their fingers, and boxes of bullets were hidden in the trench, with little room to stay.A new soldier was shaking all over.

He smelled the smell of decay in the air and remembered the horror of facing monsters in the end.

"Do you need a cigarette?"

Next to the recruit, an old soldier patted him on the shoulder, which made him jump.

"No I can't... "

The new soldier shivered and refused the old soldier's offer.

But the old soldier has sprung up the lighter, lit a cigarette and handed it to him: "have a cigarette, ease your fear."

The recruit's teeth trembled, but he took a puff of the cigarette.

Maybe it's the function of cigarettes, maybe it's the hint in my heart, that deep fear seems to be really better.

"I don't understand."

"We have such a high wall. Why don't we go to the wall to shoot and dig a trench?"

The recruits looked back at the towering city wall, and some envied that the soldiers standing on the wall could be relatively safe.

The old soldier sneered: "how can we shoot down from the 20 meter city wall, which is comparable to our horizontal shooting with a heavy machine gun?"

The veteran stroked the heavy machine gun in front of him, compared the length of the bullets, and continued: "see, these bullets are thicker than fingers. One shot can break the carrion monster into pieces, and they will continue to penetrate!"

"If we're lucky, one bullet may break more than ten decaying corpses, which will save us a lot of ammunition."

The veterans explained why they left the base to dig trenches, and told the pictures of beating the carrion monster into meat mud, as if it was a very exciting thing.

The short chat and the cigarettes in hand relieved the recruits' panic.

"Aren't you afraid?" The recruits asked strangely.


"Of course I'm afraid. I'm scared to death."

The veteran shook his head and sighed, and answered honestly: "I have seen my teammates torn to pieces. In my dreams, I am afraid to face those monsters. Several times, I dream that I have been bitten to pieces, and then wake up from the nightmare."

How can people not be afraid of monsters?

"How can you..."

The recruits were a little surprised by the answer.

He didn't think that he would say the same thing as his predecessors.

Those calm, those calm, just pretend.

The old soldier pointed to the wall behind him.

"Look behind us."

"Behind this wall, there are hundreds of thousands of survivors."

"Our relatives are there, our friends are there, our home is there."

The veteran's eyes gradually became deep, and solemnly said: "if we are afraid, afraid and run away, then they behind the wall will be torn into pieces by those monsters and eaten one by one, just like the scene I dreamed of!"

The recruit looked back.

It's not only a wall, but also the last safeguard of mankind.

In order to protect him, he has to swallow even if he has broken his teeth. Even if he is afraid to tremble and his teeth are afraid to tremble, he has to stick to his combat post until his blood is exhausted.

He couldn't help but respect.

"I see."

Recruits seem to recall a beautiful girl, mouth can not help but spread a touch of sweet, she was also their own guard ah.

"If I can go back alive, I will Tell he

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