We I'm going to lose.

The army of corruption, the real elites.

A head of a foreign species has abnormal muscle distortion, special muscle tissue is too strong, and finally the bones in the body are crushed.

It has no bones, just like a mollusk, but its strength is hard to estimate. Because of this characteristic, it was later called the roller.

The wise man appeared.

It's making sound waves in its mouth that humans can't understand.

Another alien nearby follows orders and comes to the roller.

It's a "round" alien, fat to the limit, the whole body fat up and down, is the infamous self exploder.

What are they doing??

The roller keeps twisting his body, pulling muscle fibers to the limit, and finally turning it into a huge catapult.

The self blaster puts it on the catapult and shoots it!!

What the hell is this, a catapult??

A huge ball of alien species flipped in the air, spanning several kilometers, and landed near the trench.


The self blasters burst into pieces, and the corrosive grease spilled into the trenches.

When heavy machine guns are corroded and melted into molten iron, it will be more miserable for human beings to be contaminated with grease. The skin will make a "zizizi" sound and begin to melt, followed by large pieces of flesh and blood peeling off, revealing the bones of Mori Bai miserable people.

Finally, the flesh and blood, together with the bones, turned into a pool of blood, bubbling.

The terrible pictures are shocking, and the hearts of the soldiers are shocked again.

They're coming!!

Those really strong monsters of different species, launched a more fierce battle.

A night demon is like a water spider, crawling in the shadow, with rotten particles and dark clouds in the sky. On the other hand, it can be protected from the sunshine, and completely break out its hunting nature.

The hunter bounced back and forth.

Their speed is extremely exaggerated, and they are flying out of the interweaving fire network, stepping on land mines one after another and being blown into blood fog.

But as long as one of the 100 hunters rushes into the trench, it's a disaster. The sound of arm knife cutting flesh and blood is so clear, and the scream and horror are continuous.

More and more monsters appear.

Among the crazy decaying corpses, there are all kinds of different species, which are hard to deal with even the hunters, let alone the soldiers.

Dada dada!!

The veteran took a machine gun and smashed a hunter to pieces.

But the alien fight back on his deathbed, cut the veteran's chest, cut off his heart.


The veteran ejected a mouthful of plasma.

His trembling hand covered with blood patted the recruit next to him again: "give me Light a cigarette... "

I don't know why.

The recruits only feel sore eyes.

Trembling, he took out a cigarette and rubbed the lighter with his fingers. The blood soaked the cigarette and made it difficult to light.

A faint plume of smoke rose.

The recruit smiles, lights the cigarette and hands it to the veteran.

But the old soldier is dead. He still keeps a smile at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes are looking at the wall of the base.

Behind the wall, there is his lover, his relatives, his home.

"It's not just a wall."

The old soldier's words reverberated in his mind. The new soldier felt that the sandstorm was too big and was fascinated. He wiped a tear and picked up the heavy machine gun on the ground.


"All die for me!"

"You monsters, die for me!"

He's roaring, growling, powerless, struggling.

But soon was inundated by the tide of monsters, can no longer return to the base, to see the beloved girl.

Similar scenes happen all the time.


The trench was lost.

Those soldiers, haoerlang, the hot-blooded soldiers, all died under the claws of the monster.


Those unable to move the chariot artillery, have also been submerged.

The sharp steel claws of different species cut the barrel and tore the armor.

The soldiers who controlled the tanks and artillery were also pulled out by the corpses, torn up and eaten.

Boom boom!!

The moat is burning. The layer of oil floating on the surface makes the ten meter wide river burning violently.

This seems to be the last line of defense under the city wall, but the corpse monster with no intelligence quotient jumps into the river under the urge of the alien "leader".

Poop, poop, poop.

Carrion monsters roll, struggle, roar, roar in the flames.

But they eventually became bones, drowned in the moat, and became stepping stones.The most important thing for carrion is quantity.



when 10000 monsters are thrown into the river, they have filled a path of flesh and blood.

Those strength type xenogenes, who are several meters tall, trample on the bridge composed of flesh and blood, come to the gate of the base and smash it down.


Bang, bang, bang!!

The steel gate of the city wall keeps shaking, and bursts of dust fall with it. Every heavy blow is so desperate.

Who's going to save us??

Someone is kneeling on the ground praying, who can save us??

In this era, people have lost faith.

But at this moment, people are willing to believe in Buddha, Bodhisattva, immortal and God As for the highest belief in money, it has already become a joke.


In this era, there is a lack of a hero.

In this era, there is a lack of a savior.

Who can save us? Who can save us poor people in hell??

However, the hero in the myth did not appear.

In fairy tales, the adventure story of saving the world is not staged in the dark end.

Hero, it didn't show up.

People can only wait for death.



On the other side.

Commander Wu Panshan called Xia Cunjian and Han Xue to his side.

"You, with the best troops in the base, evacuate quickly."


Commander Wu Panshan's final instruction is unacceptable to Xia Cunjian and Han Xue.

Is he going to give up the whole base? Are we really losing??


"We will never leave!"

"We've sacrificed so many people, we've wiped out nearly two million monsters, and hope is not out yet."

Han Xue has a hot heart under her cold appearance.

She suddenly thought of something, as if caught the last straw, shouting: "Gufan, we still have Gufan, he trained hundreds of hunters!"


Gufan is the dawn.

Gufan is that hope.

Commander Wu Panshan shook his head: "one person's strength is limited. What can 100 hunters do? There are more than 3 million corrupt troops left."

"Do you think that with a hundred people, three million monsters can be eliminated?"

"Moreover, there are countless powerful species among them."

Wu Panshan's words make people silent.

A person's strength is so weak in front of the endless tide of corpses.

No matter how strong Gu fan is, how many monsters can a person kill? One million??

"But how do you know if you don't try?"

"He's the strongest man in the world, the strongest man I've ever seen."

Han Xue still does not want to give up the last wisp of hope, but Wu Panshan's next words, but let her completely into despair.

"Gufan is no longer here."

"Three hours before the attack of the corrupt army, Gufan had left."


Gufan left the base!!

The corrupt army left before the attack.


Gu fan knew that the base could not be defended, so he ran away and became a deserter!!



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