
People are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden.

Shao Yaya was very kind.

She was not familiar with the world, and was later cajoled and threatened by Lai San.

Shao Yaya, who is weak in nature, doesn't know how to resist.

After so many years of hard work and being bullied by Lai San every day, it seems that good people should be.


Good people will be bullied for a long time.

Shao Ya Ya's face is shining with a ferocious smile. Lai San has been bullying her for so many years, and now she finally has a chance to revenge.

"To kill my family?"

"Every time I can't stand breaking up with you, I have to threaten to kill my family."

Shao Yaya is aggrieved. She grabs Lai San's arm, which is cut open, and drags him to the direction of the stairs.

"Lai San, you have today, too."

"I've tolerated you for too long, even if you beat me and scold me, why harass my parents?"

Shao Ya Ya's voice with a cry, she seems to think of a lot of unforgettable experience.

For so many years, she has not resisted, but every time she resisted, Lai San would use cruel means to threaten her.

On one occasion, Lai San went to her parents' work unit to make trouble with her friends. The two old men were expelled from the unit and their pension disappeared.

Shao Yaya forced to endure tears and grievances, dare not speak up.

Today, she was finally able to vent.

Lai San has no ability to yell at Shao Yaya, and he can finally get revenge back!!

Shao Yaya's smile is a little scary.

Good people have been bullied for a long time, and the outbreak of malice is really terrible.

Shao Ya Ya takes Lai San to the stairs and kicks him down.

Struggling, Lai San rolled on the stairs. Most of his wounds were torn, and a large amount of blood plasma burst out, screaming like a pig.

"Shao Yaya!"

"You're crazy, crazy woman!"

"If you dare to move me again, I have so many brothers outside, even if I don't kill you, they will kill you!"

Lai San's threat made Shao Ya's action pause a little, and then she became more hysterical.

Shao Yaya smiles.

She laughed more ferociously. She ran down and grabbed Lai San, dragging him to the next step.

"How many brothers do you have?"

"I still remember that day when you were drunk, your brother fell in love with me."

"You said it doesn't matter, there are women together, but you and your brothers insulted me."

"The next day, you seem to have nothing to do with me. Do you know that my self-esteem has been crushed by you for a long time!"

Shao Yaya almost roared out.

I never thought that she had such an experience.

Lai San's private life is very chaotic. There are a lot of hooligans and ruffians around him. Some even force his wife to be a "Miss" to make money for them.

The plot of the TV novel takes place in Shao Yaya.

Lai San and several brothers put Shao Yaya on the stage together!!

How close is their brother's relationship? His wife can share it??

"It's a pity that there are so many monsters out there. Your brothers may have died long ago."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Shao Ya Ya kicks again, and Lai San rolls down the stairs.

This time, however, it was different. The stairs on this floor were covered with steel nails fixed to the ground.

More than ten centimeters of steel nails pierced Lai San's body, his arms and thighs.

For a moment, the scream was even better, the blood and flesh of the legs and arms were blurred, and the blood hole in the eye of the needle was spewing out a large amount of plasma.

If Lai San didn't protect his body with his hands and feet I'm afraid these nails alone are enough to kill her directly.


When a bullied woman is cruel, it is more terrible than the devil.

I'm afraid.

Lai San is really scared.

He begged with his angry voice: "wife, I'm wrong. Please forgive me. Don't torture me any more."

"One night, one hundred days."

"I really want to marry you. I love you too."

Lai San finally gave in.

He begged, and his coarse words turned into love.

What a pity that "wife" screamed, but it's too late now.

Shao Ya is not soft at all.

Because she knew it. She knew it.



"You are idle, lazy, and fool around with those so-called brothers every day.""Married, I'm still your slave, and I'll give you money to spend, right?"

"After marriage, you have no money to spend. Do you want to force me to be a lady and sell my body to make money for you?"

Shao Yaya had always understood in her heart, but she had no choice but to endure.

She grabs Lai San's body and kicks down the stairs again, as if to burst out all the evil spirit she has suffered in recent years.

One layer at a time.

Shao Yaya finally pushed Lai San down the last staircase.

At this time, she has completely changed.

Shao Yaya's face was twisted, as if she were an ugly poisonous woman.

But tears have already infected the whole face, the tears can not say the bitter.

Gufan has been watching.

This is the darkness of human nature.

There are many hidden stories under the grass-roots, although we can't see them, they actually happen.

It was so shocking before the end of time.

After the end of the world, the darkness of human nature will only break out more thoroughly.

Just like Shao Ya Ya, no matter how cruel she is to Lai San, I'm afraid she should take it for granted.

"Push him down and throw him at the door of the apartment."

Gu fan came to the woman's side and gave the last order.

Her task has been completed, and finally it's time for waste utilization.


Lai San can be Gu fan's best bait.

His screams.

The blood from his wound.

These are the best bait. It turns out that Gu fan has decided Lai San's fate from the moment he goes upstairs.

Those who provoke me will die!!

He just looked at Shao Ya's expression and knew what had happened.

It's easy to deduce what kind of rotten man the so-called boyfriend is with his faltering expression, large bruises on his body, and the new scarlet fingerprints on his face.

What good can such a rotten man do?

Gu fan has decided to use Lai San as a bait from the moment he goes upstairs. It's just that the trap he sets is just one last step away, which is to lure a large number of rotten corpses

Shao Ya nodded.

She tried her best to kick Lai San to the first floor, as if to say goodbye to her former friend.

Lai San fell at the door of the apartment.

At this time, a sharp arrow came from high.

It accurately shot into the most vulnerable part of Lai San's body and pierced the lifeblood between his legs. The severe pain made Lai San scream the most bitterly.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Lai San's hysterical roar is far away.

On the streets.

The wandering corpses were looking for food everywhere, and they stopped at the same time, looking in the same direction with lustful eyes.

It's the direction of Lai San's scream!!


Gu fan light say this word, the side of Shao Ya Ya has not reaction.

"I'll let you run."

Gu Fan said again. At this time, the first rotten corpse had already rushed into the apartment. He fell down on Lai San. He opened his mouth full of sharp fangs and bit it down.

Shao Ya woke up from her dream.

She took the sedan chair and ran all the way to her room.

Gufan didn't move.

There was a little smile on his face.

Cruelty, violence, blood, excitement.

The killing will start again, and the killing will be more exciting.

"Next, it's my time."




thank you for the reward of "chocolate bling" and "people", and thank you for the reward these days!

Start accumulating burst more, burst out together when on the shelf!

At present, the number of explosive changes increased: 2 changes

at present

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