
After the prayer, there are still several faithful believers who want to further their faith and benefit all mankind.

When the missionary opened the door of the cellar, a dark path appeared in front of the public. The damp smell was sticky with a touch of corruption. The walls with a little moss were hung with a little candle fire, and the dim shadow swayed, guiding the way forward

"Missionary, we have a strong taste."

"If you want to join the Jesuits, do you have to be baptized in the cellar?"

A woman named "Min Meiyun" coughed twice. The dark and gloomy path could not see the end. She always felt worried.

The missionary said faintly, "if you want to dispel the darkness, you must first integrate into the darkness. If you want to really join the salvation society, come with me."

He lit a kerosene lamp and walked slowly into the darkness.

Around the candlelight and oil lamp, let people follow the shadow distorted, looks like a ghost.

"If you want to dispel the darkness, you must first integrate into the darkness..."

Ms. min Meiyun, who has a little habit of cleanliness, talks about it several times, and then follows her heartily. This is for the benefit of all mankind.

Under the guidance of missionaries, people soon reached the underground church.

It's much more spacious than you think, opening up a huge space.

Some grotesque stone statues are carved on the wall, most of them are human beings with twisted organs, which is very strange.

Some fresh oil paintings are full of the remaining positions on the wall, depicting scenes of war and killing, as well as scenes of human making weapons.

There are a lot of people.

There are many believers in the underground church, at least more than 100 people.

Most of these believers are not ordinary people, more than half of them have become evolutionists, and a few of them have reached the level of hunters.

"Boss Li, Captain Liao."

"Over there It seems that he is the leader of the collection team. Unexpectedly, he is also a believer of the Salvation Church. "

The new believer recognized the identity of many of his companions, and they were all famous figures in Chiyang city.

They may be the soldiers in the Chiyang city-state, or the officers of a certain team, or the small owners who control several shops. Almost all of them are the elites in the Chiyang city-state.

But at the moment, these elites have only one identity, that is, the fanatical believers of the Salvation Church!!

The missionary went to the steps of the underground church.

He began to talk about the true doctrine, the dark version of the salvation doctrine.

"We are true believers."

"We are hiding in the dark to save this dying world."

The voice of missionaries was gradually rising, as if they were carrying a huge task, shouldering the mission of saving the world.

"Open your eyes and see the world around us."

"Every year, hundreds of creatures will be completely extinct."

"Every year, the sewage and waste gas discharged by human beings are enough to consume the life of the earth at a rate of more than ten thousand times."

"The sky is no longer blue, the air is no longer fresh, the earth is no longer fertile, all the year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter Is man the master in this world? "

"In my opinion, human beings used to be pests!"

The missionaries of the Jesuits became more and more paranoid.

He even compared human beings to pests, and the manic believers around him were all restless and agreed with him very much.

Minmei Yun had an ominous premonition in her heart. Why did she feel that they were not a normal church, but a cult??

"I I have something else to do

Minmeiyun was a little scared. She covered her stomach and stood up. She said timidly, "suddenly, I feel sick. Can I go back first?"

For a moment, hundreds of fanatical eyes were staring at Min Meiyun.

Their eyes were like wild animals, and their frenzy was mixed with madness and cruelty. They seemed ready to tear themselves up at any time.


Minmeiyun felt that as long as he got up and left, it would trigger the anger of the people. Finally, he sat down timidly: "I'll stick to it for a while."

The missionary gave a smile and began to carry on the message.

"Our salvation society is just."

"We're going to save this world from decay."

"All living beings are equal, one plant, one flower, one tree. Whether it's cheetahs and antelopes running on the grassland, or cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks raised in captivity, they should all be equal creatures."

"Even those rotten corpses that seem ferocious and terrifying are all members of the living beings."

"They are not terrible, or even noble, because the so-called monsters are the scavengers who clean the world."

All beings are equal??Is it really appropriate to use it here.

The missionary's words attracted the recognition of believers, and min Meiyun felt that it was definitely a cult.

The idea that carrion monsters should be regarded as noble and the scavenger of purifying the world is too shocking.

"Justice comes at a price."

"As human beings, we should feel shame and shame for our identity."

"But we have a chance to make the world a better place, and get rid of human pests and drive them out of the world."

Finally, said the preacher.

He suddenly tore open his clothes, and the human chest and abdomen were covered with huge concave convex bulging eyes.

One, two, three There are dozens of eyes on the surface of the missionary's body. They are dense and look like people's scalp explodes.

"So, I'm not a man anymore!"

The missionaries cried out, and the crazy believers around them roared with them.


The clothes behind one of the believers burst and a huge scaly tail appeared, which was strong and strong.

A believer wriggled his ribs and tore through his clothes to find that there was a head, a strange head embedded in his abdomen and twisted features.


Most of the crazy people here are monsters.

Min Meiyun felt that something was wrong, and there was only one word "escape" in her mind.

But as soon as she got up, she was held down by other believers around her and looked up and down with her unkind eyes.

"Today, we have a new man."

The missionary, whose chest and abdomen were full of eyes, gave a very gentlemanly applause: "Ms. min Meiyun, we welcome her."

The fanatics around them are getting more and more excited.

The missionary pressed the palm of his hand on an organ on the stone wall.

Boom boom!!

A burst of roar came, a special chamber, placed a dozen "bathtub" like pool.

This pool is full of twisted maggots, wriggling up and down in the bathtub, and surrounded by seeds like small hearts, which are hundreds of abyss seeds

"Ms. min Meiyun, come to be baptized."



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