"Zhang Yun, you have to die!"

Wang Dafu coughed up a mouthful of blood, stood under the truck and roared: "you'll pay the price. One day, boss Gu fan will put you to death in a hurry!"


To be put to death?

Zhang Yun laughed, pointed to his own eye and said: "don't be silly, I'll pay the price. Wang Dafu, you are not really so stupid. You have become a dog of Gu fan. You are all that guy."

"Unfortunately, Gufan is going to die."

"I've got secret information that the black box he's holding is a nuclear warhead..."

Zhang Yun's power expanded rapidly and got a lot of secret information.

At first, only he and the base commander knew what the secret weapon was in Gu fan's hands, but Zhang Yun stole the secret. One of the people who kept the nuclear bomb and transportation sold the key information.


When Zhang Yun got the news, he began to plot treason for a long time.

He predicted that Gu fan would surely die, and he would die with those poor "death squads", and he only needed to fish in troubled waters and plunder all those resources and talents.

The rainstorm helps.

Want money, want money, want people.

With a large number of resources, a large number of hunters and talents, he drove to the back door of the base.


Wang Dafu looked forward in despair.

Han Peng, the champion of the robot competition, master Feng, the car repairer, and Dr. Wei Xianjian, the iceberg beauty, were all escorted out in Zhang Yun's "protection", as well as other talents in the base.


Zhang Ziyun's ambition has never been revealed.

He took advantage of the opportunity that the base was destroyed, but greatly expanded his own power!!

On the other side.

A palm, but Wang Dafu helped up, impressively is always guarding the side of Xu Haihai.

"You I didn't follow Zhang Yun... "

Wang Dafu wants to talk and stops. Most of his subordinates follow Zhang Yun and embrace his strong thigh.

Xu Haihai shook his head, serious expression, cautious tone: "I am a soldier, the base will assign me to you, then I will protect you to death."

There seems to be something flashing in Wang Dafu's eyes.


"How many people do you have?"

Xu Haihai stretched out five fingers: "there are about 50 soldiers who have not defected."

"I'm wang Dafu. I've experienced many ups and downs in business. I've gambled hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Now is the time to make a choice. The most important thing for a businessman is not only the word of wealth, but also the word of faith. That's the root and the lowest line of my principle."

Wang Dafu seems to have made up his mind.

"We don't want resources, we don't want food, we don't want talent."

He clenched his fist and gave the final order: "we will protect the families of the dead, and pledge to finish Gu fan's final task, so that those who die will not die in vain!"

Wang Dafu's order shocked Xu Haihai.

He even chose to protect the families of those who died when the base was occupied and destroyed, those who were helpless and had no use value.

Is this a profit oriented businessman?

is this Wang Dafu, who is the one with the highest interests and can be humble in his pursuit of wealth?

It turned out that there was such a cavity of blood in his bones.

"Yes, sir!"

Xu Haihai made a military salute and solemnly said, "we will complete the task to the death!"


It's a great irony.

The rainstorm gang has always been known for its loyalty, and Zhang Yun, the one eyed owl, has even vowed to spare his life to protect the families of those who are determined to die.

But at the critical moment, Zhang Yun's selfishness broke out completely, and the families of the dead were thrown out like garbage. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the base was destroyed, they strengthened their own power.

On the other side.

Wang Dafu, a businessman who only wanted profit, became the last weak barrier for the families of the dead.

He didn't bring anything.

Wang Dafu finally left the occupied base with only Xu Haihai's soldiers and hundreds of families of the dead.

Their identities seem to have changed.



The scenes once made Gu fan a little silent.

Under the great terror of death threat, people's choices are different, some choose betrayal, others choose Guardian oath.

"You, too, were the family members of a dead man around Wang Dafu?"

Gu fan saw the identity of judge No. 17. It turned out that he was also a family member of the deceased, so he saw all this."You're lucky to get your life back."

Gu fan's figurative finger, facing the center of judge 17's memory fragment, gently.

All over the sky, light and rain and memory fragments gradually recombine, like a broken glass, re stick together.


Gu fan snapped his fingers.

The surrounding nightmare space was fragmented, and judge 17 was released.

Judge 17, got a life.

The pupils in his eyes are cloudy, and he can't distinguish between illusion and reality. His collapsed consciousness sticks again, and it will take a long time to return to normal.

"You Who is it? "

Judge 17's face was full of fear and loss, but subconsciously he felt that all this seemed to have something to do with Gu fan.

Gu fan squatted down and showed a funny smile: "I am the God of death in hunting, an old friend."

Death in hunting.

Gu fan seems to have accepted the new name of "death".

Crazy hunting?

This name is so familiar.

He seems to be It seems that Vaguely mentioned in the mouth of the three supreme magistrates.

Suddenly, judge 17's face suddenly changed. He seemed to think of something terrible. He looked at Gu fan's face in disbelief.

"Storm city!"

"All the people in the adjudication office went to rainstorm city."

Judge 17 seemed to feel that his consciousness was stretched to the limit and he was about to faint. He stretched out his hand and said in his last voice, "something's wrong in rainstorm city. We need people Attack... "

The confused judge tried his best to tell some secrets and finally fell into a deep coma.

Need people?

The decision to deploy troops here is actually to attack rainstorm city.

Gu fan shook his head. It's a pity that the judge's attitude is not good enough. Otherwise, he would not have suffered such a heavy damage.

No, it should be said that it is a small education. It seems that the three major adjudicators of the adjudication office are not enough to teach their subordinates.

"Lord death, what shall we do next?"

After watching all this, the leopard queen asked in a low voice, "do we need to send alien soldiers to storm city?"

Gu fan shook his head.

"No, it's enough for me to go by myself."

"In addition, it will take at least a week to take care of these little ones to regain consciousness."

One person is enough.

Queen leopard has no doubt of Gufan's words.

This man, known as "death", has already proved his strength.

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