Boom, boom, boom.

There are unexpected clouds and mists in the sky. A thunder and lightning split through the wind and rain, and the sound of rolling thunder came.

The rain is washing the muddy land. The ashes and plasma left by the war are integrated with the soil in the rain.

It's been four days since I left Fort justice.

The caravan of Gufan's transportation left the active range of human beings and headed for the darker continent. According to the instructions, it headed for the great chasm of the abyss where the master was.

"Bishop Gufan, the front cars are occupied, and the tires are stuck in the mud and can't be pulled out for the time being."

The rain was pouring down, and Ming Hui came to Gu fan's carriage. The storm made his voice very small: "the road over there is too muddy and rugged. It's impossible to move on in rainy days, otherwise something big will happen."

Gu fan nodded: "camp in place, protect the refugees in the car, and don't forget to inject them with nutrient solution."

Gu fan's voice was cold, and he didn't treat those Untouchables as human beings at all, and he didn't look at Minghui from the beginning to the end.

There is anger in Minghui's eyes, but he doesn't dare to attack it.

He turned around and could only roar to his subordinates: "camp, rest here tonight, and continue to drive after the rain stops!"

The order is out.

The elite team has the best equipment. Even the tents are high-tech materials produced by Shen Yanjun's factory. The steel bracket is deeply embedded into the soil with a cone bit. With a clear sound, it splits several barbs, and its ability to resist wind and rain is greatly enhanced.

Nanoscale waterproof and fireproof technology makes the seemingly thin tent stand up in the wind and rain.

The soldiers were all wet through.

The heavy rain and thunder, the muddy soil and wet body filled the tent with moisture, and many soldiers set up bonfires and smoked their equipment on a fire rack.

The logistics force appeared.

Boxes of injectable nutrient solution were carried out, opened the carriages of the trucks, and it was found that the refugees were stacked up like goods inside.

They breathe slowly and evenly in their chest and fall into deep sleep. All of them have been injected with drugs before leaving fortress justice. They can go into a long dormant state. They only need to inject nutrient solution to live.

"It's really like an animal."

"These people are injected with hallucinogens, and when they wake up..." Several soldiers in the logistics force looked at each other, but they were used to the things in front of them. They took out the nutrient syringes and stabbed them into the blood vessels of the refugees.

Thousands of refugees, like animals, are put in containers. It's a huge project just to inject them with nutrient solution.

Gu fan also stepped out of the car.

Their exclusive tent has been set up, and there are special cooking soldiers to prepare food for Gufan.

Potatoes and radishes are cooked in a black pot, and the beef pieces of black Taurus are evenly distributed. The fresh and tender gravy makes the soup float with a layer of gravy. Finally, it is immersed in potatoes to make it more mellow. The refreshing taste of carrot regulates the taste and makes it feel fat but not greasy.

Archbishop Gufan is special.

His high status is to enjoy the best food and the best environment.

The subordinates of Captain Minghui showed their envious and envious expressions one after another. They were starving in the storm, eating dry compressed biscuits, eating some hard and cold beef jerky, and drooling at the thick soup in Gufan pot.

"Don't look."

"We eat our food. It's the archbishop."

Ming Hui drinks and sits down with the soldiers and eats the same food.

"Captain, you are the most popular person around Shen Yan."

"That's right. Let's eat some of this rubbish. How can you suffer with it? What's so great about the so-called Archbishop? We'll escort you all the way?"

Some of the hunter's subordinates didn't agree. Why should Gu fan be so popular and spicy, but they could only stare at him with envy?

What else?

Of course, it's because he's an archbishop, and he's also a high-level Jesuits.

"All shut up!"

Ming Hui waved his hand and said not to let his subordinates continue to discuss. However, his dissatisfaction has escalated again.


The storm became more and more fierce, and the tent poles that pierced into the ground for one meter all showed signs of loosening.

The deep pit left by the tire is full of rain, and the soldiers' tents are almost submerged by rain. With the passage of time, the surrounding area is dark, and the visibility of the vast land is no more than five meters.

Gu fan served Xu Manman a bowl of broth and wiped away a trace of stains on her round cheeks.

"Something's coming."

"07, you go to order those soldiers, let them immediately armed ready to fight."Gu fan light command way, 07 judge fog stood up, toward the direction of Ming Hui people, that indifferent as water in the eyes of only cold air, looks like delicate and weak body, but just send out the ferocity of hungry wolf.

"Lord Gufan ordered."

"All soldiers, armed and ready to fight."

07 fog said indifferently, this order immediately let a few subordinates in the Ming Hui tent hair, at this time, the outside storm, soldiers are physically and mentally tired, soaked in rain, want to bake a fire in the tent can't?

Ming Hui sneered: "please don't worry, bishop Gu fan. Although he is a powerful hunter, we elite teams are more experienced in team operations."

"This storm, not only we humans are difficult to move, even those carrion monsters will be limited."

After listening to 07 fog did not say, a cold face back to the ancient fan side.

Ming Hui didn't carry out this order. Those soldiers still barely set up bonfires in the rainstorm. The warm light dried the water stains on their armor. Some soldiers felt that their "eggs" were getting moldy and took off their clothes and smoked them in front of the fire.

However, at this time, a danger is unknowingly coming.

In the rainstorm with visibility less than 5 meters, there are some things crawling in the muddy puddles. They are special rotten corpses with light blue body. They are suitable for growing in the wet water, just like the water ghosts in Chinese legend.

They can actually drill through the muddy soil.

The soil puffed up a small bag, the ghosts had unconsciously slowly approached the motorcade, sneaking silently, and it seemed that something was secretly directing them.

A strange cry!

It was like the howl of a charge, the roar of some of the biggest ghosts.

The light blue monsters hidden in the earth bags rushed towards the motorcade like mad dogs, with unknown roars in their mouths.

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