Ding Ding Ding.

The sound of metal impact was loud to the ears. The armor of the bone armor man was cracked, and the whole person was broken into rotten meat.

But before it died, it had already rushed into the nearest 10 meters of the trench. A night demon continued the narrow road opened up by the bone armor and jumped into the trench.

Then, it was a one-sided massacre!!

Rivers of blood The whole trench was filled with screams.

In only half an hour, the third trench had broken through, and the whole carrion army rushed towards the fourth line of defense at a very fast speed.

"Half an hour!"

"In just half an hour, the third defense has been broken through."

The generals are full of sweat, and the beads of cold sweat are all over their foreheads. If the tide of corpses rushes down with this momentum, it will surely be overwhelming.

"The battle structure has to be adjusted."

"We're going to send out powers, hunters with long-range lethality, and snipers who are specially responsible for hunting and killing foreign species to the fifth line of defense ahead of time."

A tactician's eyes were cold and he came up with the best plan.

"The fifth line of defense?"

Another general suddenly turned around and asked, "what about the fourth line of defense?"

Only Sacrifice

Now it's not realistic to give orders to support the fourth line of defense immediately.

They can only choose to sacrifice, to fight for enough time for future generations, although extremely cruel, but this is helpless.

There was an argument at the scene.

How can we let those Heroes sacrifice in vain just to fight for a moment??


Commander Wuli slapped his palm on the table, his eyes shining and said: "do you want to be shot?"

"Fourth line of defense, order them to defend!"

"In addition, bombers set out to fight for unfamiliar time."

"Fifth line of defense, add abilities hunter and sniper, execute now!"

Commander Wuli's orders are in good order, and at the critical moment, there must be characters who can hold the scene.


Even if the tide of corpses begins to increase in intensity, then the human side should form an effective counterattack.

In order to give the fifth line of defense sufficient deployment time, not only the fourth line of defense will be sacrificed, but also the bomber will be taken out in advance.

Buzz, buzz!!

Several lights flashed in the sky, and the bombers in the base set sail, rowing towards the endless corpse tide army.

Dozens of bombs fell from the air, covering the most densely populated area of the corpse tide, followed by extremely terrible things.

The bombs It's not an ordinary bomb.

They are the infamous tar burning bombs, which have great lethality to the living things.

This kind of bomb can produce a strong high temperature after explosion, and continuous burning, tar covered earth like a fierce fire spread, extremely inhumane.

Boom, boom

The bomb that fell in the sky exploded and burned into a sea of fire when it was hundreds of meters around. Tar covered the corpse monsters and could not be put out. One after another, the same kind of monsters came into contact with tar, and their bodies began to burn violently.

Fire helps wind, wind helps fire.

The tar flame spread among the corpses, and the carrion monsters screamed and howled forward, but they burned into coke, and they would pass the flame on.

It's just the effect of a bomb.

When dozens of tons of tar bombs were dropped, the night was suddenly ignited by poison fire.

The ground is evaporated, and a large area of air is burned into carbon monoxide. Even if the sole of the foot is on the ground, it will feel hot and burning, as if it has become a natural frying iron plate.

The rotting corpses rolled on the iron plate.

The carrion burned in the poisonous fire.

Decaying corpses burn to ashes in tar bombs, and even those alien species can't survive in the heat of thousands of degrees.

The pressure of the soldiers in the fourth line of defense decreased sharply, but the layers of fire waves also made it difficult for them to breathe. Although it was still more than one kilometer away from the burst fire, the carbon monoxide produced by the burning air was enough to suffocate and poison people.

"It's terrible."

"This is hell, the real hell."

"Whether it's the soldiers who died miserably or the carrion monsters, they're all part of hell."

Tar incendiary bomb is extremely inhumane, but it is undoubtedly the most suitable weapon for slaughtering corpses. A natural moat of flame is burning, and the pace of the corpse monsters is finally stopped.

No monster can survive in this tar purgatory.

The horror performance of human technology is incisive, and the killing effect is fantastic. After all, the monsters in the corpse group are all connected with each other, and the burning of a decaying corpse will soon ignite their companions.Thousand degree high temperature melts everything, the ground presents a state of "melting glass", flowing hot metal liquid.

The endless tide of corpses finally stopped for the first time.


"Tar incendiary bomb, stop them!"

For the first time, the army of corruption stopped. In just a few minutes, tar incendiary bombs caused tens of millions of casualties, and the number is still rising.

"Commander, tar incendiary bombs work."

"The tide of decaying corpses has stopped. There must be at least one million casualties."

This is exciting news. Looking at the gradually expanding fire, even if it goes out, it will take several hours to fight for enough time.

General Wu Zheng asked for his father, "how many of these bombs do we have?"

"Half of it."

"Enough for another big bombing."

Only half of the tar bombs have been used, which is another good news. Another bombing will definitely reduce the number of corpses.

"Order the brothers of the fourth line of defense to withdraw first."

"This fire has bought us a few hours, but the remaining tar bombs should not be used easily. Don't forget that the rotten corpses are just cannon fodder..."

After observing the situation, the command room sent out several orders.

The fourth line of defense is stable for the time being. The carrion monsters are blocked by the purgatory composed of tar flames. The fire will continue to burn, and human beings finally have time to breathe.


"The corpses have stopped. The tide of corpses has been controlled. They are no longer moving forward."

In the surveillance screen, the tide of decaying corpses is no longer charging forward, but silently waiting for the flame to burn out, watching those of the same kind burn to ashes in purgatory.

"Those are..."

The picture is constantly changing, and many changes have taken place in the structure of the tide of decaying corpses.

More and more foreign species are mixed into the corpse tide. The cannon fodder has "cheated" enough ammunition reserves, and forced human beings to use trump card means. The next time is the real decisive moment!!

The aliens, they're on the move.



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