Le Zhiqi's face changed.

Intelligent brain itself is a kind of creature that is extremely afraid of death.

This kind of creature has a sense of independence, and even in the end, in order to survive, it defected from the master and became a "friend" of human beings

But Is it really defecting?

The bodyguard of the master has absolutely no possibility of defection. Ironically, human beings actually believe the lies of zhinao.

It's an unreasonable lie.

This is a lie that the brain itself does not want to believe.

But human beings are willing to believe that, because human beings themselves are so selfish, in line with their own logical way of thinking, so the intelligent brain can always carry out its own plan until now.

"It calculated all this!"

"From the moment the tide of corpses completely failed, it planned to pretend to surrender and enter the human base."

Wei Xianjian immediately understood what had happened, completely inconsistent with his iceberg beauty image, and recklessly roared: "destroy its core, it has been in contact with human beings for so long, and we need to transmit those consciousness data back!"


Transmit your consciousness??

Le Zhiqi is in a dilemma. She rushes out according to Wei Xianjian's words. She has no resistance. She must be smashed into meat powder by these torrent like tentacles.

But if we don't destroy the core of the brain at this moment, it will lead to even greater disaster. The brain now is very familiar with human behavior and consciousness, and it can even be said that human weaknesses have been mastered by him


"I have to protect you. You are more important to the human base."

After much hesitation, Le Zhiqi still didn't rush out. Dr. Wei Xianjian was too important. Both golden barley and black golden cow were made by Dr. Wei Xianjian. In addition, evolution liquid and "ladder of God" and other precious medicines were also developed by Dr. Wei Xianjian himself.

She's too important to the whole human race.

In the future, the development of human beings can not do without such a talented scientist as her.


Dr. Wei Xianjian, who has always been a cold man, is very angry.

The torrent of wisdom brain and flesh can't wait for others. These days, it secretly accumulates unimaginable energy in the nutrient solution, and in a few seconds, it breaks down the defense of several metal gates. The tortuous tentacles crush the whole elevator and rush towards the top of the base like fast-growing plants.

Boom boom!!!

With the sound of breaking, the experimental base was broken, and a large number of wriggling muscle fibers grew out like a huge plant, forming a huge cauliflower shape.

The strange thing is It did not attack the surrounding population.

In the center of this huge cauliflower, a very special tissue appeared, which seemed to be formed by part of the brain kernel, but it was surrounded by this layer of brain kernel like a stamen.

It gradually becomes more and more hot, a lot of steam pain rises, a layer of consciousness light wave visible to the naked eye, forming a hexagonal diamond matrix.


The brain's body is constantly melting.

The rolling flesh and blood under the base, all the nutrients and energy are converging in one direction, they are dying like withered roots, and all the life forces are integrated into the hexagonal diamond matrix stamens.

Other people from the adjudication office came one after another. Seeing the flower bud formed by the giant monster, they could not help but attack immediately.

The flames and frosts smashed towards the stamens in the center, but the matrix formed by the hexagonal diamond turned into a powerful force field, pulling the surrounding gravity and magnetic field, forming an absolute defense.

Those attacks hit on the absolute defense formed by the invisible consciousness and were completely blocked.

"That's What... "

People saw an incredible scene.

In the consciousness matrix defense of hexagonal diamond, there seems to be a huge energy cannon rising in the huge stamen, and the end of the energy cannon is the wisdom brain which has been reduced many times.

Its consciousness and memory are concentrated in the brain kernel which has been reduced many times. With the continuous convergence of energy, the huge energy cannon becomes brighter and brighter, and the surrounding flesh and blood withers at a more exaggerated speed, all of which are providing power for the energy cannon.

In the end The shrunken brain kernel seems to have been squeezed clean and turned into a withered walnut like thing. With the sound of a shocking gun tearing the soul of consciousness, the diamond matrix energy gun shoots a dazzling light straight into the sky.


The matrix is broken.

The attack of the hunters around smashed the energy matrix produced by the invisible consciousness and tore up a large area of withered flesh and blood.

But those flesh and blood are like withered firewood, tearing them is meaningless, and the core consciousness has been transmitted by another means.

"Consciousness Transmission... "

Under the protection of Le Zhiqi, Dr. Wei Xianjian crawled out from the depth of the destroyed base.

There is still a trail left by consciousness energy in the sky. They are as bright as stars and disappear in just a few seconds, just like fireworks.The energy matrix of consciousness formation.

The super energy gun compresses to the limit and transmits the memory.

It's over.

Dr. Wei Xianjian's heart was cold.

Up to now, the advantages of human beings are completely gone. The intelligent brain has understood the essence of human beings, and the importance of that memory is self-evident.

One wave is not flat, another wave is rising.

Within the city of justice, a large number of troops appeared and surrounded the base with tanks and armored vehicles. Artillery bombarded the damaged and dried flesh. Some hunters who were formally incorporated into the army were also around.

This matter is too big, it is obvious that the base officials also attach great importance to it, and this opportunity has been involved.

"Queen of blades."

"Noble grand magistrate, please explain the situation here."

An officer general's appearance person slowly walks, facing Le Zhiqi respectfully says, but the eyes are full of bad.

His name is Zhujiang. He belongs to the kind of high-level people who hold great power. His status is even a little higher than Xia Cunjian. He controls most of the city guarding forces of the just City fortress and is an absolute power faction.

For a long time, the ruling house is the only one, and with the support of the hunter guild, the military officials have been suppressed.

This ruling has caused so much trouble, killed and injured a large number of valuable scientific researchers, and they are secretly studying such "evil" monsters. It can be said that they are "making" something.

In addition, some human experiments are usually carried out in the experimental base of the adjudication Institute. Although we are tacitly approved at the critical moment of the end of the world, if we take it out to make an article now, it will be very disadvantageous in terms of speech.

"Report to general Zhujiang."

"This huge monster We've filled up the entire experimental base. "

One of his men reported that general Zhujiang nodded and ordered the nearby troops to stop attacking: "the queen of blade is here. Seeing her effortless attitude, we don't need much here."

"Next, leave it to the verdict."

Zhujiang came here just to take a form and gain the upper hand of his speech.

He said to the blade queen Le Zhiqi with a smile: "blade queen adjudicator, I hope you can give an account to the high level of the base for such a big thing."



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