The power of space.

Xu Manman baby tooted his mouth and touched the wooden wine box with his little hand.

Xiaoying winery limited edition luxury goods are swept clean, moved to the different dimensional space created by her, the old guns of music can't close their mouths.


Gu fan frowned, opened the luxurious wooden box covered with a layer of dust, and took out one of the bottles of wine.

The cork of the limited edition wine of Xiaoying Chateau smells a little mellow. Through the bottle, you can see the red and mellow liquid inside shaking and rotating, and a faint red light is reflected through the sunlight.

Of course

Gu fan is not interested in luxury goods, but this bottle of wine gradually reminds him of the memory of his last life.

"I've been to this place."

Gu Fan said to himself that although the memory of the last life has been blurred, some details of this place are still clear.

Less than three years after the end of the world, Gu fan experienced the dark struggle and pain, but also gained a strong strength, and broke into the abandoned old city to look for materials.

He found this place.

Gu fan clearly remembers that the limited edition luxury goods of Xiaoying winery brought him a lot of wealth. After obtaining these goods, he sold them on the black market for a lot of money.

More than that.

When he came to this shopping mall, many members of the team died desperately. Gu fan also experienced a life and death war, and finally he was born in Hukou. "I remember."

"Here is The fallen city. "

Gu fan put down the wine bottle, the memory of the environment and the surrounding gradually overlap, convinced that this is the place where he came in the last life.

"If I remember right."

"Deeper into the mall, there's a bigger den of night devils."

Gu fan turned around and walked straight towards the inside of the shopping mall. A more putrid smell came to his face.

There are monsters lurking on the edge of half of the collapsed shops and in the shadow of the broken stone pillars. However, the former children's paradise is full of sarcomas, all of which are evil eggs of poor quality.

On the ceiling, there are many eggshells hanging.

Those evil eggs are full of viscous substances around them. It seems that there are still living creatures wriggling inside them. They want to break the shell and come out. They are just the unborn young night demons.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Not far away, drops of mucus dropped from the beams.

Many lurking night demons feel the invasion of the enemy, issue a warning roar, long tongue like snake letter, large brown yellow saliva mucus dripping down the corner of the mouth.

A special variant crawled out.

It was a dark brown horny body covered with flesh, limbs covered with sharp long thorn of the night devil.

It is the leader of this ethnic group, and also a variant of refined steel grade. It exudes a dangerous smell all over. It is even more "hissing" in the face of the arrival of ancient people.


"I remember."

"When I came to this shopping mall, I was attacked by the mutant night demon tribe."

"This mutated leader killed many of my subordinates. At that time, I fought with him and was seriously injured."

Gu fan thought about it in his heart. As expected, it reflected his own idea. Whether it was the luxury of Xiaoying winery or the nest of the mutant night devil, it appeared again.

The mutants are like Wildcats with hair on their heads.

But it did not dare to attack rashly. Even if all the ancient people violated their own territory, how terrible was the pressure of blood marrow??

"Ha ha."

"It's not that friends don't get together."

Gufan finger forward a little bit, buckle on the index finger blood pulp immediately received the order.

The scarlet chicken blood gem like ring let go of the finger, a few bounce between draw out the perfect track that the naked eye can't see, in a twinkling of an eye has reached the mutant night devil's body, sharp mouthpiece gently tear its skin, followed by the heart rot turbid bone poison spread rapidly.

It's too fast.

The poison of blood marrow is spreading too fast.

The mutant night devil melts at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Its blood drops fall on the ground, making a "grunt" sound, melting the floor, which is more terrifying than strong sulfuric acid and aqua regia, and the skeletal muscles and viscera melt into soup in a few seconds.

It's very easy to lose one of these species.

The leader is dead.

The other monsters in the night devil's nest were shocked. In addition to the dignity of the "high-ranking people" from the blood marrow, the trees fell down and the monkeys scattered. They ran frantically out of the mall, and even the non hatched offspring in the nest didn't care.

If you look at it from a different perspective.

They have been expelled by the more powerful superior!!

The old Musketeers were stunned. They couldn't understand how a high-level alien melted?

Look at the blood marrow three or two bangs back to Gufan's index finger, and the joints form a bright ring. I can't help but swallow some saliva."The ring is alive!"

Lucky star almost screamed out.

At the beginning, he wanted to touch it to see what material it was made of, but he didn't expect that it was a living creature, and still possessed such a terrible and poisonous living creature.

If you touch it so gently and make the poisonous thing unhappy, won't you be dead if you bite back??

"So I said."

Gu fan sneered: "you'd better not touch my ring."

Ignored the night devils who fled.

Gu fan along the mall not completely damaged stairs, came to the top floor.

The view on the top floor is more clear, with a slightly cool breeze blowing on the cheek, and the hair on the temples is also swaying.

Under the setting sun, there are many ruins, showing a sense of dilapidation. Countless carrion monsters roar and roam on the ground, spreading on every street corner. But all of these give Gu fan a very familiar sense of sight.

That's right.

This is the fallen city.

The most important growth period of the last generation was to venture into this no man's land, and gain a lot of wealth and ability.

"I I'm back. "

Gu fan muttered to himself.

As time goes by, he returns to the most familiar place in his last life. The city of depravity has changed little, but he has become an invincible strongman.


It's really interesting.

I don't know if I can meet the players, best friends or enemies of the last life.

This kind of feeling is really very subtle. Gu fan in the previous life was just like a garbage dog who was trampled on at will and had to struggle to survive When he returned to this place again in this life, he had already stood on the peak that human beings had never reached.

All of a sudden.

Gu fan has an impulse. Maybe he should look at the people in his memory.

In this world, those people have never had any contact with Gu fan, and what will they look like now??

"Today we're going through this ruined city."



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